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Metroid 'efsisos featuring Samus Aran'

Nice and spooky. Starts out without percussion and it gives you a smooth and well laid out melody. The percussion comes in at just the right time and really adds to the mix. I can only imagine a GameCube version of Metroid with this theme in there. We'll see how the GC version sounds but if it is as good as this then it will be a hit. Highly recommended!

  • 1 month later...

This song is perfect! I can't say enough good things about it! I've listened to ever Metroid/MetroidII/Super Metroid song on this site and would have to say this is tied for first place for the absolute best. While EFSISIOS keeps the original melody from the Metroid theme, he builds up original chords beneath it, and the result is a very smooth sounding tune. The solo piano in the foreground and swelling strings in the background evoke a haunting and mellow mood, but there is an underlying feeling of power that you can sense when you hear the occasional echo of an electric guitar. I can't get over how clever the chord sequences are. Well done, to say the least!

I agree with Joe; the timing on the percussion is excellent and well-executed. It helps add to the mood, it's pleasant not to hear overbearing percussion in a remix for once. ;)

Overall: very melodic, by all means true to the general mood of Metroid, brilliantly done remix.

Personal Rating: 10/10! I can't find a single fault with it! Highly recommended... the cream of the crop when it comes to Metroid music remixes! :)

  • 1 month later...

Almost a too optimistic interpretation of a very dark theme, but still a good solid nice sounding mix. Progresses nicely, and ends in a nice fashion, too. Overall, a very well arranged, quality remix that covers the Metroid title theme well...(how many times must I re-iterate myself to get the point across! Dowload it...nnnn...whenever you feel like...but get ready to hear some quality mix-age when you do.)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
The tune is a tiny bit off, but other than that, it's GREAT!

its called creativity. thats what makes it a good mix. anyone can rip midi.

there are a lot ofthings i like about this mix. the mood is good, the chord interpretation is fantastic. howver i think that with a little work this mix could be twice as good as it is. the patches leave something to be desired, especially the harmony guitar. also, i think it doesnt build up enough. in my mind, i hear this song going into a heavy rockin' crunchy guitar driven refrain. (i'm sure many of you noticed that everything i hear in my mind tends to go into a guitar-related something.) i think this mix is very good, but i think it has potential that was not tapped.

  • 7 months later...

Starts out great, well orchestrated and moving.

Good piano and strings sounds.

I liked the interplay that efsisos created between the title screen theme and the Brinstar theme, but it didn't really go much farther than a hint, which was disappointing.

  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...
Why does this thread only have 8 replies anyway? This is one of the best Metroid mixes on the site by far, and it's quite old to boot.

I completely agree. When I heard this, I thought it was one of the newer OCRs I hadn't quite gotten around to adding to my playlist until now. Then I saw it was from 02. After listening to many orchestral versions of Metroid themes, the instruments sound a tad fake, but it isn't a huge distraction. Overall very good.

  • 1 year later...

A lot of the samples are dated-sounding, but the arrangement is really nice. The expansion on the original track progresses very naturally and the changes in textures affect the mood very well.

I always seem to be saying how surprised I am that a Metroid mix sounds good, since I'm not much of a fan of the source, but it seems that the mixers who tackle the soundtrack almost always do a good job. Maybe there is more to the Metroid soundtracks than I originally thought.

I think this one is good enough and has been around long enough to be called a classic OCR track. Check it out guys,

  • 1 year later...

Thirded that this is definitely an OCR Classic. :razz:

Everything here feels especially deliberate, well paced, and well placed. Carefully constructed like some lost ruin.

This conveys a lot of the dire purposeful mood found in Metroid games without a sense of cavernous loneliness. I really like this piece, and its a good find.

  • 4 months later...

This was one of my first Remixes I ever downloaded, and it still holds up so well it's not even funny. It's one of my absolute favorites on the site, I will never ever skip it when it comes though my shuffle. The mood and execution is perfect, and if anything is fake it doesn't detract from the experience. I can't believe its so old...

  • 7 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Slightly dated in some of the sound samples, but damn that arrangement is marvelous! Sets the mood and tone to a tee and I can totally feel where this was going the whole time. Really, only a few minor issues, but as everyone has already said, this is still a classic ReMix.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00054 - Metroid "efsisos featuring Samus Aran"

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