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I'm watching it this saturday, got my tickets reserved for it at the local theater(Which is brand new, has a nice bigass screen, a good sound system and great seating apparently)

The movie toys are pretty awesome so far.


The vocalist sounds like crap just give me a robot-synth voice please, the synth at 0:12 is GOD AWFUL, otherwise it's alright stuff

The movie looks like other than the effects it's going to be lame and not have enough action/fight scenes. Seriously, this is Michael Bay, director of The Island, Bady Boys II, Pearl Harbor. Boo. The writers last writing credits are The Island and the latest Zorro film. Boo. I've heard it has little to nothing to do with the original story and now it's just "SHIT THESE ROBOTS WANT TO KILL EVERYONE, BUT THESE WANT TO HELP US"

And Shia LaBeouf as the main human

I'll be watching Live Free or Die Hard, at least it has Bruce Willis along with it's great effects

The movie looks like other than the effects it's going to be lame and not have enough action/fight scenes. Seriously, this is Michael Bay, director of The Island, Bady Boys II, Pearl Harbor. Boo. The writers last writing credits are The Island and the latest Zorro film. Boo. I've heard it has little to nothing to do with the original story and now it's just "SHIT THESE ROBOTS WANT TO KILL EVERYONE, BUT THESE WANT TO HELP US"

That's pretty much the same plot the original series had(Although the reason there was a lack of energon, now it's the search for the Allspark), and the original movie didn't have that much of a plot either. If you think G1 had some brilliant plot going on you either remember it wrong or just read the comics. Also, the movie is intended as yet another new universe, just like RiD and the Unicron trilogy.

Word so far is that the effects and fights are great, there's not as much human interference as feared, and overall it's a good movie.

It's not like you need much besides giant robots, explosions, and giant robots who explode.

I'm pretty sure this movie will be awesome simply because it has lots of Starscream.


And yes, the toys are pretty sweet.

The creative genius who came up with transformers and GIJoes over at Hasbro will be an icon to us all.


Ahhh what have they done to the beautiful main theme!!! Couldn't listen to the whole thing. What a travesty. Anyway I'm pumped up for the movie. I'm not expecting much out of it (storywise) but seeing huge robots fighting will be worth it.


They premiered the movie here in Westwood yesterday and they had a 20 foot Bumblebee as a display. It was pretty awesome having all that hubbub down here. I'd upload pics, but all I had was my disposable.

People could get in if they bought some kind of overpriced pass for the film festival going on here though.

Who else is gonna go see it?

I am, but I'm pretty much expecting it'll be shit. I want it to be good, I really do, but the odds of it being so are low. I'm all for a good action movie, but I'm already assuming this is going to be another Michael Bay shakey-cam fest so that kinda takes that fun out of that. The film is sure to have good visuals and whatnot, and that's all well and good but it's going to have to give me more than just good CG to satisfy me (especially considering all the fight scenes are probably going to be full of shakey-cam, so it reduces them down to brightly-colored blurs and not much else). I'll see it next weekend most likely, and then I'll pass judgement on it; who knows, I might be pleasantly suprised.


I watched it yesterday in a special presentation, and I tell ya its THE best movie I've seen this year so far.


And I would definitely watch it again, and again.


I am, but I'm pretty much expecting it'll be shit. I want it to be good, I really do, but the odds of it being so are low. I'm all for a good action movie, but I'm already assuming this is going to be another Michael Bay shakey-cam fest so that kinda takes that fun out of that. The film is sure to have good visuals and whatnot, and that's all well and good but it's going to have to give me more than just good CG to satisfy me (especially considering all the fight scenes are probably going to be full of shakey-cam, so it reduces them down to brightly-colored blurs and not much else). I'll see it next weekend most likely, and then I'll pass judgement on it; who knows, I might be pleasantly suprised.

You will be "pleasantly suprised" :P. Excellent CG and action, excellent car chasing scenes, simply put... Amazing

I just found out my friend (a giant Transformers fan) scored tickets to a special advance screening.

Fucking fucking-fuck-fucker, fucking, fucker-fucker.

Oh yeah, and since my mother works on TV, she gets me tickets for special screenings every week or so :-P

I had tickets for FantasticFour2, Shrek3, Evan Almighty and so on :D


And yes, the toys are pretty sweet.

The creative genius who came up with transformers and GIJoes over at Hasbro will be an icon to us all.

Speaking of...anyone want to take bets on how long before we get a live action GI Joe movie?

Speaking of...anyone want to take bets on how long before we get a live action GI Joe movie?

Actually, from what I've heard, they're checking out various scripts for that very idea.


I'm pretty sure this movie will be awesome simply because it has lots of Starscream.

Yeah the Starscream parts are sweet, and a lil spoiler here for whoever wants to read it(only a line in the movie tho, not much of a thing, but very memorable):

"Megatron: "You fail me yet again Starscream!""


I just saw it on a pre screening. All I'll say is that it was quite awesome. And I'm not a Transformers fan. You all should really go see it as soon as you can.

For everybody that has seen it: How was Hugo Weaving's voice for Megatron?

Pretty awesome. He's giving the character a whole new voice and style, not recycling old Megatrons. And you don't really notice it's Weaving. Cullen on the other hand shows that he is still Optimus Prime, and really makes the character come alive.

Sidenote: Saw the movie today, and I can safely say it's awesome. Michael Bay's actually the right director for this stuff, and the action scenes are simply beautiful(Especially the final battle, when there's parts flying all over and lots of explosions, it's also quite long)

A few highlights: Starscream's aerial assault on a bunch of F22s, the highway battle between Prime and Bonecrusher, Barricade attacking Sam and being stopped by Bumblebee, the first attack from Blackout that's also seen in the trailers.

It's also got quite a bit of humor. Frenzy serves as great comic relief due to the way he moves and acts, the garden scene where the Autobots attempt to hide themselves from Sam's parents, and a few funny moments in between the action or just small details(Bumblebee lubricating a human, some masturbation comments about Sam, the Nokiabot, Bumblebee's air freshener)

The little nods towards G1(Visual and textual, even some you might miss unless you know them, and yes, The Sound is there twice) and other Hasbro products are also quite nice.


Our local tv-guide gave it an 1 out of 5, because it was simply a movie with a lot of explosions.

It didn't tell anything about the movie other then that, and kept on going about how sucky the director is. Michael Bay should be the perfect director for movies like this.

Needles to say, i didn't believe it for one second. I'm planning on watching it in a week or two.

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