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I came up with my Internet alias all on my own about eight or nine years ago when I made a fanfiction.net account, and I've used it as my Internet username on all forums and login sites I've frequented ever since. It's an expansion of a nickname I got from my last name (Pesner). My dad had it when he was a kid before me. But a while ago I ran a google search on it (though why, I can't remember) and, well:


I've never heard of Gamegossip.


nor I do I play Halo, Half-Life or any other FPS competitively.


I don't think this is me.




Okay, what the hell?


I wouldn't invite competition to come own me. I'd practice but still get whooped in public.


I kinda wish I could say this was me.


Not an auto mechanic, sorry. Nor am I Canadian, as far as I know.


The Skill Club?


To freedom, men! To freeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!


...I'm having a hard time believing that that would actually be his last name.



Okay, I think you get the idea. So, how did you come up with your user handles, and are they as original as you imagined? In particular, I'm curious as to how a certain popular New York snack food got into Disk Jockeying.


This has happened to me before too, which shouldn't be a surprise considering the handle I use here. I've known people who've used very similar if not the same exact name (albeit in a different language or even in Korean texting slang). It happens, dude. Too many people online to have every single handle be original. It's a shame really, but you just have to stick to your guns and demand that the handle is yours and that while you may share it, you deserve to have it too.


I get a lot of non-username results when I stick my current in Google, seeing as it's really generic Latin that got stuck into a bunch of technical applications - biochem, CS, etc.

Older user name - mostly just me, but I don't play PSO or FFXI, as far as I know. (Especially not as one of those ugly things.)


I don't mind so much. It's of course annoying when someone else has the name elsewhere. Nonetheless, I'm the seventh and eight Google hit for "Liontamer", so I'd like to think that I've done a good job co-opting it.

For your dad to have been using "The Pezner" as a username since he was a kid and then passing it to you.....how long has your dad been using the Internet?

Indeed, the internet predates nicknames.


Wasn't there a way to change your name's appearance? I haven't attempted since the big forum switch...but I seriously want to change it to a simple eZ since I'm getting annoyed with seeing a full "eternal zero".


Yeah, even I thought my name was unique on the web, but as eternal zero said, you can never really have a nick that is 100% yours. You can always do what I do and put 'the' before your nick, ie 'themalcos'. It is funny when there is another user with your name on some weird forum.


Got mine mainly due to some German friends. With my hair practically absorbing all light from being pitch black and thick along with the pallor of my skin considering I'm of hispanic/spanish descent, I was dubbed Schwarzwald. I decided to put a small quirk into the name for the forums and stuck with Schwaltzvald. :<:)!!

I also get called for the name from the anime Big O also from my German friends as I never really got into the whole baggy shirt/pants hiphop/rap schtick that came over the years. I pretty much dress in a formal/casual style, with token silk-lined wool trench coat...


Holy shit I'm the first hit on google along with a couple of links consecutively :<


I too thought mine was original when I came up with it.

But one day reading some book I found out that some J.R.R. Tolkien dude had already used it to name a river (WTF?)

And when I googled it it turned out to be some kind of dog breed aswell.


Oh wow. I just realized that I'm the first hit on Google? That's pretty funny. Anyway, seriously now, did they remove the ability to change your name at will w/o going through a mod/admin? That's so lame.


Yeah, they wanted everyone to do all the name changing before the switch. If I had a brain, I would've done it, but I'm pretty much stuck with this one now.

I don't want to turn this thread into a MODS, GET RID OF TEN CHARACTER LIMIT AND NAME CHANGE RESTRICTIONS, KTHX kind of thing.


Me and a friend made up a cavalcade of random names back about five or six years ago. We each took one, and I ended up with Dopple Boppler. I haven't had any trouble with someone stealing Dopple Boppler, but a few years back a friend of mine asked why I was such a meany poo on AIM, even though I had never talked to them online. Well, it turned out there's some random guy from Texas with the screen name Dopple Bopple, and whenever someone accidently IMs him trying to reach me he apparently threatens to kill them or something similar. One time I tried talking to him but all he really said was that he was going to kill my friends, then any pets I have, then forcibly insert his no-no stick into my mother. I've come to the conclusion that it's the Texan in him, not the Dopple.


If you have a two part name, you should try searching without the space/comma/hyphen/whatever. I've found that you'll find even more people who're using your name and other places where you used to reside. I've also had cases of people stealing my sig work and using it for themselves...under their own names but can't be bothered to change the name in the sig itself...bastards. >.>

I know mine isn't original, and I don't care. I find it kinda crappy that my name isn't even the first name to show up in google, but it does dominate the list (it is the first when you put quotation marks though).

Unless you are an IRC daemon, I don't see you anywhere on the first page of results for "Bahamut."

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