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OCR00770 - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon "Technomancy"

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This is ace! I love it a lot.

I'm a big fan of crunchy SID style synthness. This really floats my boat - there are some lovely harmonies in there, and the percussion work's top notch. It's really inventive - a lot of changing segments.

Nice work, feller!


w007! Thank you very much! All the percussion- with the exception of the "ghostly" metal hit, which really functions melodically anyway- is sampled from a Casio Sk1. I got the idea to do the chip/not chip thing from the DDR MAX2 Remix of Burning Heat. (Very, very awesome.)

I suggest that anyone who enjoys this song, in any of it's incarnations, head over to VGmix and check out Nukkus's Kiss the Abyss, which is a really great counterpart to my piece as it's more in the original style of Awake and really rocks fairly hard.


hmm not bad.. but I was hoping there'd exist more orchestral mixes of that particular song and many others from circle of the moon like the outer wall and the machine tower.. I really like all the themes but sadly it doesn't have an OST cause it's a GB advance game :/

This mix isn't bad but lacks the orchestral awe of the original.. could have been even better if over tthose synthetic instruments there was a chorus rise.. some church organ.. some piano here and there.. a Samba beat, and maybe some guitar too :P (maybe I'm goign too far lol) .. but it would be even cooler if so ^_^

Not bad though.. wish to hear more COTM Mixes :)


About time someone remixed a song from Circle of the Moon! And it just happens to be my favorite song from the game too!

Really good remix, although personally I always thought it should be more of an Orchestral remix, but I like this a lot. Great job!

hmm not bad.. but I was hoping there'd exist more orchestral mixes of that particular song and many others from circle of the moon like the outer wall and the machine tower.. I really like all the themes but sadly it doesn't have an OST cause it's a GB advance game :/

This mix isn't bad but lacks the orchestral awe of the original.. could have been even better if over tthose synthetic instruments there was a chorus rise.. some church organ.. some piano here and there.. a Samba beat, and maybe some guitar too :P (maybe I'm goign too far lol) .. but it would be even cooler if so ^_^

Not bad though.. wish to hear more COTM Mixes :)

I originally had a chorus pad swell up at the crescendo of each motiff- not that my stripped-down, electronica version has anything resembling that sort of dynamics ;)- but I thought it conflicted with the retro, hollow, cold and mechanical sound I wanted so I ran it through some heavy duty aliasing and it became that "watery" effect you hear in the background.

As for the piano, church organ, guitar and samba beat, it sounds like a fucking awesome mix. Why don't you do it? :-P


Nice to see some Circle of the Moon Remixes. I've been playing this game a lot lately (That damn thief isn't strong enough!). Anyway, Quite an interesting take on it here. I didn't really hear a percussion backup, except for the snare drum quarter note repitition... And I can't help but feel this was made on the Game Boy Camera Dj Mode. Not bad overall, but I would suggest doing a more orchestral take, and improving your sound slightly.


I haven't played CotM, but I really want to. I know, I'm a heathen.

Anyways, I like this mix and some of the retro style within it. It jumps around, but I like that. What about that ending note though, was it supposed to be like that?

No! Good ear, to hear that it sounds a bit "off" during the last chord. I believe it's called a Pickedilly 3rd- resolving the last chord as major when the rest of the song isn't in a major key signature.

I wanted to capture the pure, innocent joy of the FM music that came out of the old NES, especially as heard by us when we were kids and to contrast it against the hollow electronica feel of the non-chip sections of the song. So, I raised the last interval a half-step to end on a major- rather than a minor- 3rd for a sort of beat-the-game feel. ;)

... You were talking about that, right?


Well, I wasn't talking about the last major chord (at 3:12) ...I was basically talking about the last note which sounds like a square-wave that was off-key and didn't belong. (at 3:21) But if that was your intention, then so be it.

That's a minor problem anyways. The rest of it was good.


Just because it's one of the first, does not automatically make it good. This song lacks substance above all else, it sounds like something my old Commodore 64 pulled out of its ass. I have no idea what you were trying to achieve with this song. I hated it on vgmix.com, and I hate it here to. I sincerely hope that you, nor anybody else ever uses this style of music again.

Just because it's one of the first, does not automatically make it good. This song lacks substance above all else, it sounds like something my old Commodore 64 pulled out of its ass. I have no idea what you were trying to achieve with this song. I hated it on vgmix.com, and I hate it here to. I sincerely hope that you, nor anybody else ever uses this style of music again.

Ouch! And from someone who uses my favorite Pink-Gi'd champion as their alias too. Well, everyone's entitled.

Well, I wasn't talking about the last major chord (at 3:12) ...I was basically talking about the last note which sounds like a square-wave that was off-key and didn't belong. (at 3:21) But if that was your intention, then so be it.

That's a minor problem anyways. The rest of it was good.

Ah. Yes. There is a very subtle squire wave which is chromatic and brings it back to minor just at the very end, since it is a castlevania song after all.


I would say this is not my prefered style of mix. It reminds me of genisis quality music, not a compliment. I think the older, almost 8 bit progression near the end was far more effective and enjoyable: If your going to regress a peice, you might as well do it all the way right? Not recommended


W00t. Way to go Shael! :D

I heard this song in bits and peaces when you were makeing it, and i'm glad the finished version came out so well.

Anyway, maybe i'll remix something...even though the programs confuse me and i lack creative insight, oh well.

Best of luck in collage. Dont forget your friends.

I'm so glad i know you in real life :(

~~Ken 8)

W00t. Way to go Shael! :D

I heard this song in bits and peaces when you were makeing it, and i'm glad the finished version came out so well.

Anyway, maybe i'll remix something...even though the programs confuse me and i lack creative insight, oh well.

Best of luck in collage. Dont forget your friends.

I'm so glad i know you in real life :(

~~Ken 8)

Aaah! Ken! You have the best Alis on Overclocked. LOL! How's it going, man? Thanks for leaving comments. I never see you on Trillian anymore!

Just because it's one of the first, does not automatically make it good. This song lacks substance above all else, it sounds like something my old Commodore 64 pulled out of its ass. I have no idea what you were trying to achieve with this song. I hated it on vgmix.com, and I hate it here to. I sincerely hope that you, nor anybody else ever uses this style of music again.

I wouldn't have put it *QUITE* like that, but at least somone saved me the trouble of trying to be uncharactaristically polite heh. It's not as abominable as THAT, but I must admit, while I was playing the game I was salivating at the idea of what OCRemix could come up with from the awesome music I was being treated to.... but yeah, the commodore 64 thing sticks.


I've gotta hand it to ya Shael, this Remix really touched me. It brought me back to the old days of watching my brother and his friends play NES as I lay on the couch and watched. I especially love the chipy "commodore 64" feel, and how the watery sounds under the mechanical percussion emulates the feel of a flooded basement :D .

Even though it's not a song that would get me to stand up and shake my groove thang, I would definitely recommend it to anybody who would plugging in their old NES just to listen to the title screen music. :P

Two cheers fo Shael! Hurrah, Hurrah!


If you like Electronica: This Kicks Ass. If you don't like Electronica: This Still Kicks Ass, and you need more respect for where video game music roots began. The synths chosen for each track are either the work of someone who knows their sh... stuff, or is the best random selection i've ever heard.

Love this!! :mrgreen:

  • 2 weeks later...


I don't know what all you nasty, nasty people were taking hits of,

but I don't give a monkey's _ _ _(fill in as you please) about your nasty opinions. :evil:

I love this mix. Maybe It's because I haven't heard the original, but this is quality stuff!!!

even if it may be simple, this is an absolutly awsome techno-ish mix, and yet still audably a Castlevania piece. I LOVE the high piched sections, and the whole ambiance of the piece in general.

I've got this thing playing once for every three pieces in my 4-hour playlist! (entirely of OC remixs)

A hearty cheer to Shael Riley!!! :P:wink:

:o HOOO-HAH! :o

:o HOOO-HAH! :o


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