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I really get a kick out of this tune, I enjoyed the new melodies incorporated. There is much tunage here that I don't recognize as being from the original Chocobo tune.

And is that 'Wipeout' I hear starting at 2:49? That's nifty.

All in all I must say that this is a fun tune, would probably be good for dancing if you were into that sort of thing. I don't do dancing though.

But my sprite does!

I give it 4 dancing Robs.



This mix rocks in multiple ways, and multiple directions. Definately need more from Draggor!

It's fast, it's peppy, it's fun... makes me smile. :¬)

The transitions to and from Wipeout(ish) is really great. I love this piiece. Definately going in my playlist.

If I had dancing Cappies, I'd give it a five out of dancing five.



My lord. Whatever posessed anyone to combine these tunes?! It has damaged me, wormed its parasite-like way into my brain just like the original Macarena did.

I'm gonna go play it again now. :)


hahah, what a great mix! One way to define creativity is to look at things that are diffrent and find ways to combine them into totally new configurations. This mix reminds me in places of sonic the hedgehog bgm, (thats a huge compliment) in others it was very simple, but the use of electronic noise and constant musical quality and variation made this one danm fun. Highly recommended


anyone have that old midi of this that dj pretzel was talking about???

not to take anything away from the guy that did this remix... just saying.. it would be nice to have the original midi ...

anyone have a url for it? . .it was printed in EGM a long time ago.. i was looking for the mag, but i cant find it....


:evil::cry: hmmm.......

I at first nearly had a Coniption 8O when i first saw the title BC I have (had)

a midi by that exact name posted on :oops: aol's :oops:

hints pics & sounds since 97 :idea:

but listening to the first half second of this wonderful mix QWashed all thoughts of rage :mrgreen: it bears no resemblance whatsoever to my sorry attempt at a funny song :roll:

in any case if U like Square ...AT ALL!??! download it

if U liked the Macarena but refuse to admit it.....download it



Awesome mix... I don't see how it applies to Macarena other than maybe the drums... but anyway. The intro is great... and Draggor does a good job of not trying to get too repetitive with the main theme (by mixing up drums, etc.) -- that is until he starts with the snowboard theme. (My favorite part!!)

I got crazy nostaglia when the snowboard theme came in... I really liked how it became progressively more insane before going back to the Chocobo theme...

As if my OC remix playlist wasn't already large enough -- *adds to playlist* -- Thanks Draggor! :)


"Hey, my name is Chacarena........" okay, thats about as much I'll try to sing!

The remix is AMAZING! :D I enjoyed the remix so much, that the night I found it I played it about 5 times, told a freind, and then...I got up out of my chair...and...started to dance the Macarena to it!!! :oops:

Keep 'em comin' Draggor!

~~~~~Yuffie Mae~~~~~

8O Well, I've downloaded many many songs here, and this s my first review. I always loved the great chocobo songs in the final fantasy series, and this is a great remix. Just go download it, I listened to it for an hour! Enjoy the great work. Peace!

Okay this is like my first time posting here and all..and I gotta say..I was having a bad day until I heard this remix. As soon as I heard it, a smile flashed up onto my face. As soon as the Snowboard music kicked in, I couldnt help but clap my hands along with it. Great remix..I just wish there were more Chocobo theme remixes.



Draggor is, as proven in this song, completely stupid and a complete genius at the same time. Completely stupid for thinking the thing up in the first place, and a complete genius for pulling it off masterfully. The transitions are flawless and fun at the same time, and the choice of instruments is perfect for the song.

This song made me smile a bit. The first smile comes at the very beginning with that schnazzy guitar that repeats, the second at :15 when the Chocobo theme starts, the third when the hand claps come in with what can only be called the chorus of the chocobo song at around :30 or so. #4 comes at 2:12 just cuz its cool how that harmony comes together with this song, five at 2:49 when the wipeout starts, perfectly blended from the theme. Six and seven are at 3:12 when the chocobos come back to us, and 3:30 as that tune 'slides' up the keys and the main theme. 3:58 brings 8 as the tune is slightly modified, and when the song ends, we get a resounding "smile wiped off of face while being replaced by a look of dejection as we say 'NO!!' as 'in it can't end' as we scramble back to our mouse to click repeat".

So, for a rating this gets 8 nostalgic smiles and an addictive factor of "starts running through your head while playing Beethoven at your piano recital." Download at your own risk and the risk of those around you, but if you don't you may never forgive yourself as you die of curiousity.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds good. Not really what I was looking for in this mood, but I'm sure I'll love it tomorrow morning! *claps his hands with it and gets down with the Latin beat, yo* 8 out of 10.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Draggor, your so awesome! Your original Dragon Trek soundtrack has already made you worthy enough, but now remixing?! I'm speachless. This is an awesome remix! The instruments are great, and I love how you encorporated different themes together such as Racing Chocobos, Electric de Chocobo, and even Mods de Chocobo from FF8. Keep it up, Rob!

  • 3 months later...

Many arrangements of the chocobo theme become overwhelmed by the melody, but Draggor skillfully avoids this pitfall. He begins this track with an energetic guitar line reminiscent of "Mods de Chocobo", adding bass, drums, and a generous allotment of hand claps to form an accompaniment strong enough to support the first 2'30". Another danger in a chocobo arrangement is repetition, but Draggor provides variety by interspersing "The Man with the Machine Gun", "Racing Chocobos ~ Place Your Bets", and of course The Surfaris' "Wipeout" via "Electric de Chocobo". After the increasingly frantic "Electric", he returns to the chocobo melody and brings the track to a satisfying conclusion.

All in all, an very fun and well-executed remix. It set my toes tapping from the first bar and sustained that vitality for the better part of five minutes and over several plays; DJP's description of it as "an instant classic" is well-deserved. I look forward to hearing more from Draggor.

  • 5 months later...

Draggor, I know you've heard this before, but you are a musical genious. (No offense if you're good at other things too:D ) First of all, the chocobo music is already one of my favorite reacurring melodies from Final Fantasy, its very energetic and...uplifting. But you took that song to "the next level" with Chocorena. Its now my favorite song and I have to listen to it every day. You overcame noticeable repitition and had a great opening- that definitely earns you some "points". The variety keeps me listening and awaiting your next songs.

By the way, I first heard this song on Flashplayer.com from 8-Bit Theater and instantly loved it. Because of your song, I got introduced to OCR!

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