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Changing the title name to "Please Delete" or anything similar to that will not result in a deletion. Most of the time that will only prevent a mod from doing so, as they are heartless bastards whose sole intent is to make you cry. If such an incident occurs in Unmod, not only will the thread not get deleted, but various unmod regulars will taunt you nonstop and keep your thread bumped to the front of the page.

I got around this. I was very happy :D. I was testing something, I forget what, and in the process of deleting it when I was done I had my thread posted to so I couldn't finish. Of course, if I'd been smart I would've tested it in some forum that never gets visitors, but I wasn't and didn't. Having noted that both titles of "let this thread die" and "please post here!" last forever, I decided to go with something nobody wants to see. My thread asked for people to send me their playstation cd rips. It got a couple n00bs asking whether that was even possible, and then died.

many of the people that pretty much frequent only that forum section are like dogs, in that they tend to be territorial.



That's actually quite cute.

I got it from the cute thread, a couple of months ago, I think.


Greetings to all newbies who read this. I'm draculalucard, Drac for short. I don't really have any advice that hasn't already been said, but I will add something here.

I'm a sig maker therefore I frequent the sig makers thread in UnMod, but unfourtunatly I'm not mainstream anymore. Basically I don't make sigs unless I'm specifically asked to do it, or if inspiration strikes. I no longer make sigs for anyone who asks since they usually come out half-assed. However, we do have a few who are still mainstream so you still have a good chance of getting a sig if you ask nicely. Just try to remember that the more information and/or source images you provide, the better your chances.

Also if you ever need to know anything about CastleVania, PM me and I'll answer your question as best I can.


Perhaps someone should explain(is it even possible) to the newcomers who will venture forth into UnMod about one of the most (in)famous person poster there.

His name is Little Johnny Urine(lju for short).

Someone else take it from here.

EDIT: Spelling

Perhaps someone should explain(is it even possible) to the newcomers who will venture forth into UnMod about one of the most (in)famous person poster there.

His name is Little Johnny Urine(ljp for short).

Someone else take it from here.

Ummm, first of it's LJU :wink:. Don't confuse him with DJP. He is a frequenter of Unmod with extremely Not Work Safe pictures in his sig (tubgirl/watermelons/naked women/etc) He writes as if he is drunk and his words always seemed garbled...a little too garbled. He begins threads that insult a certain group/culture/person/movie/etc and most of the time his threads get quite popular. He is also extremely witty and funny at times, which leads me to believe it is all an act. And once, once, in the old Post Your Picture thread, he claimed to be a girl, a claim that has yet to be proven.

Perhaps someone should explain(is it even possible) to the newcomers who will venture forth into UnMod about one of the most (in)famous person poster there.

His name is Little Johnny Urine(ljp for short).

Someone else take it from here.

Ummm, first of it's LJU :wink:. Don't confuse him with DJP. He is a frequenter of Unmod with extremely Not Work Safe pictures in his sig (tubgirl/watermelons/naked women/etc) He writes as if he is drunk and his words always seemed garbled...a little too garbled. He begins threads that insult a certain group/culture/person/movie/etc and most of the time his threads get quite popular. He is also extremely witty and funny at times, which leads me to believe it is all an act. And once, once, in the old Post Your Picture thread, he claimed to be a girl, a claim that has yet to be proven.

Little Janet Urine.

Anyway, don't be afraid of UnMod. It's weird, stupid, funny, disgusting, controversial, lovable and personal all in one multi colored ball. We're not all lunatics running around with hatchets looking to behead anything. We'll, not before 7pm anyway. After that, all bets are off.

Besides... you can only have so much fun in Gen Dis before posts/threads get deleted. UnMod give a bit more room to be... yourself. The choice is yours of course. But when you want to become a man... or a dribbling vegetable that's been traumatized once too often with images of the obscene and twisted... UnMod'll be waiting.




Here goes nothing.

Well, seeing how as this is a newbie thread, an I'm a newbie, maybe I ought to give you guys a little intro. That is, unless I completely missed the concept of this thread, which may be the case since I haven't seen many newbies in here at all. Anywho, here we go.

My name is Joel, but you people will better know me as millman. I'm seventeen, but will be eighteen in les than two weeks. I've been coming to OC for years now, but sadly haven't done crap to support it. :cry: Well, this year after graduation, I got plenty of cash and a new laptop, so when d-loading all of my favorite remixes again, I felt a bit guilty and decided to take part in this kick-ass community. Hehe, I guess you could say I've been with you in spirit for years, but finally took the initiative. Anywho, I'll do what I can with funds, and review as much as I can. Being an audiophile and a remixer myself, I'll do what I can to review and help with upcoming submissions on the site.

About myself? I love games (The entire Legend of Zelda series, in particular, and if anyone wants to discuss the storyline, I'm the guy to talk to) and I love music. Music of all kinds too, from classical to punk to swing to reggae to you name it. And I love the net. I'm not new to forums, by any means, and so you don't have to worry about the newbie-attitude. Other than that, I'm a pretty good guy, so I'm told. I won't judge you, so no need to judge me.

That's about it for now, I guess I'll see you guys around. Hehe, you can all sleep easier knowing one lurcher has decided to give his hand to OC. Well, see ya.

EDIT: Hehe, I forgot to thank you guys for the directions around the site. Knowing your way around is always nice, lol. So...thanks. See ya.


welcome all of the new people... when i think up something interesting to say I will :P well take care and if you have any questions send me a PM, I'll try to help. Hmm this thread is pretty comfortable....

*throws down a blanket and takes a nap*


Methinks OCR has more regulars than n00bs, seeing as how most n00bs have 0 posts, and 0*infinity=0. Therefore, the regs will always have more posts than the n00bs. ;)

I have come to the conclusion that most people skip over the posts that I make, (except for when I was one of two primary posters in a thread that has long since been deleted)

Aww... Don't worry, I still love you Sigma. <3

Methinks OCR has more regulars than n00bs, seeing as how most n00bs have 0 posts, and 0*infinity=0. Therefore, the regs will always have more posts than the n00bs. ;)

Actually, 0*infinity is an indeterminate: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Indeterminate.html

Heh, you're such a dork, Nem.

You're the type of guy, that laughs at jokes like "Pie = 3.24"

Which, is why I love you.

Also, to the newbies (all four of you, that seem to have come here) an interesting fact. Despite the claims that unmod is filled with rabid wolves, ready to rip you appart. The interesting thing is, all the regulars that've posted in here, are regulars of unmod, not gen desc.

Food for thought. We can be really friendly, as long as you're friendly, and intelligent.

Methinks OCR has more regulars than n00bs, seeing as how most n00bs have 0 posts, and 0*infinity=0. Therefore, the regs will always have more posts than the n00bs. ;)

Actually, 0*infinity is an indeterminate: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Indeterminate.html

How can it be an indeterminate? There's no infinity to indetermine with, since anything*0=0.

Nice... two of my loves in one sentence, math and linguistics :D. First of all, I don't think I've ever seen "indetermine" as a verb before, and I'm not even quite sure what would be meant by it. Secondly, any finite number times 0 is 0. Infinity does weird things like that.

And yes, Gum, I am fully aware of my dorkness, and I'm glad you approve. Though I'm not sure what's funny about misdefining a constant... ;-)


Well this is a nice thread I think. However, I think that many newbies don't even come to this section of the forum, unless they have technical problems or something. I know that the first time I came here was not long before I had 1000 posts. I think most newbs go directly into Gendisc or Unmod once they sign up there accounts.

Anyways, I'll just throw my two cents in about Unmod. It really isn't a bad place as long as you think before you post. Learn to recognize and deal with sarcasm and realize that, regardless of what someone says, the posters will rarely make personal attacks against you. Come in with a normal sense of humor... and leave with a warped sense of humor. :wink:

And don't click his sig.


Just a warning.

Why, what is it? I've never clicked anyone's sig that wasn't specifically related to something I was interested in...

And don't click his sig.


Just a warning.

Why, what is it? I've never clicked anyone's sig that wasn't specifically related to something I was interested in...

Hold the mouse over it, and look at the URL. Then think "eel"

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