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Plugging my sig, and the sig shoppe. For all those here who want a free sig, this is it. Click on the image in my sig, and click on a speciffic artist. Then the tag info is already there for you, just copy it and paste it into your sig in your profile. Simple as pie! Some sigs are really good, some are not so much. There are currently 102 pictures in the shoppe, be sure to check it out.


Hey HEY! I'm RaikenEdge, real name *****(HAH), I've been listenin to remixes for almost a yea, but have been much too lazy to join the forums ^^. I like lots of food, and yes folks, SNES still rules to this day (I dare anybody oppose the greatness that is Chrono Trigger><...jk...but seriously) and as u can see, I should rarely be taken seriously,...except this part as my dream is to become a professional trumpet player for some kinda orchestra (Philharmonic Nobuo/Square-Enix PLEASE)

and am sorta workin on a remix of my own. Hopin to a good run in this forum ^^.


Hello there.

I registered a fair while ago, but never really bothered to do anything until now.

I've been listening to some of the remixes here for the past half-year, and it's inspired me to do my own sometime. I'm sure that when and if I do get to, I won't disappoint.

Anyway, hi. :)


Goodness, there certainly are a lot of members here...I hope you don't mind one more.

So, yep, I'm new here, although I've been regularly coming to OCR to download for...um...a while.

Like just about everyone that comes to this site, I'm into both music and video games, and I'm also fond of anime, manga, and fantasy novels. Oh, and linguistics. I'm only fluent in one language, but I'm striving to learn lojban and Japanese.

I'm also a computer nerd. I use a Mac, and I play around with Linux.

And just for the record, my favorite band is Phish.

I look forward to being an active member of the OCR community!

Hope you all enjoy your stay here. One thing I noticed though, is that most of these guys say hello and never post again.

Ah, lurking. How I'm glad I never really did that.

Not that you new kids shouldn't try lurking as well. It can be a very educational experience and give you a feel of how the forums work, thus resulting in less chance of attracting flames. Postwhoring will only lead to trouble. Trust me.

Anyway, welcome and have fun newblets. Hopefully you won't run into too much trouble in out there, especially the big, bad, scary UnMod.

Solo, stop eating the new guys! >: |

Sorry, I get hungry sometimes.

I'm not afraid of the UnMod! I can take it and its unmoderatedness!

...unless it has spiders...

I dunno. I've seen a few spider threads pop up every couple of months or so down there.

As long as you've got a sense of humor, and keep in mind that ever so important mindset of "Internet = Serious Business" you'll be fine.


I guess I'll introduce myself.

Name: Anna

Known as: Swishy

Location: S.C

Interests: Cosplay, Japan, anime, video games, stuff like that.

I guess that's it :]

I guess I'll introduce myself.

Name: Anna

Known as: Swishy

Location: S.C

Interests: Cosplay, Japan, anime, video games, stuff like that.

I guess that's it :]

Just one tip: Should you ever head into Unmod, don't use the color or size tags for all your posts. It's a way to make yourself stand out, but some members are annoyed by it.

Anyways, welcome to all the new people! If you post anywhere, make sure you behave or you'll have to face me and the other mods :P.

I guess I'll introduce myself.

Name: Anna

Known as: Swishy

Location: S.C

Interests: Cosplay, Japan, anime, video games, stuff like that.

I guess that's it :]

Hello to you madam! Before you continue your stay here, I wish to point out two things to you that will make everyone a bit happier with you and make you happy too!

One: Japan. A sort of subject that is wishy washy in the unmoderated portion of the forums. Don't speak too much about it unless it is spoken about first. At least there anyhow.

Two: Your font size is a bit small. The color is fine, but change your font size to normal. People will love you this way.

There you go, now have fun!

look, post, ENJOY!

Two: Your font size is a bit small. The color is fine, but change your font size to normal. People will love you this way.

Actually, the color tends to attract some unwanted attention. Not so much in General (I haven't seen it, but then again, It's not my main hangout at OCR), but definately in UnMod.

Anyway, seeing as the Adopt-a-Noob thread is pretty much dead as far as attention goes, I'd be more than happy to extend my services to this thread. If you have any questions regarding the forum, feel free to contact me via PM or any of the chat devices listed below and I'll try my best to clear up any confusion there may be. Remember, there's nothing wrong with being a newb, or even a noob for that matter. There's plenty of time to learn and grow out of your young, newb shell. That said, have fun exploring the forum and enjoy your stay.


Heh, thanks for reminding me =P I thought I'd just do that since I do in the other forums, then I was warned about such things, and it takes less time, so I won't.

Thanks for the welcomes, either way :]


After a year-and-a-half-or-so of lurking, I finally registered in November, and I'm still only remotely active... :roll:

Anyway, I am most impressed by PPR; the discussions there are riveting. My interests are bistromathematics and God. Well, there are a few other things too. I am fascinated by storms, particularly of the thunder variety. I like to read. I don't read much, I'm just saying that when I do, I enjoy it. As far as music goes, I am a sucker for sweeping orchestras and big choral chant power! I'm actually tired at the moment as it's kinda late. I am fond of The West Wing and House, MD. I play the trumpet (sort of--my chops are waning). I'm studying to become a chemical engineer (because I like playing with chemicals).

My favorite posters from the Top Ten Poster list are probably Stan Tuna and The Coop. My favorite judges are ALL OF THEM. My favorite djp is djpretzel, the best djp ever invested with divine banning power (though I kinda miss Firedrake...).

I gotta say, this site is a glistening marlin in a polluted internet sea of decrepit mudfish. Seriously. It's icy-chill like penguins.

As you can see, I am very tired, and it is time for me to recover some brain cells.


Welcome! I couldn't get to the 2nd remix, but the first one wasn't bad. I'm not a big fan of techno/electronica/whateveryouwanttocallit though.

And don't worry about your English, I can understand you, and it's all that I can speak.

I suppose that would make we Unmoddians the pushers and pimps hanging out on the street corner trying to turn the newbies to the dark side? Is that what you are implying???

Well, you'd be mostly right.

That was not the implication, but the analogy still stands as bizarrely accurate. :lol:

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