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Yo. I'm new-ish here. I <3 the FF series, and Castlevania

I swear to god I'm stealing that name someday and using it for something. The movie Hackers would have been SO much better if this was a name in it.

No, you sohuld steal Emo Cookie. Tha'ts better.

Oh my god the fanbase is already starting. That was quicker than that other muffin alt.

Females are everywhere....jesus guys go outside!

I wish you guys were this friendly to everybody :(

i don't know what you're talkign about.

i don't know what you're talkign about.

He's being silly and pointing out that one of the reasons that people are being friendly to you so quickly might be because you're one of the few ladies on the forums.

That, and as I stated before, your name is excellent.


Oh my god, I love Brazil! Are you from there? That'd be so cool, I love Brazil. Oh let's be friends, let's do!


You scare me.

Oh I know. Just spreading the love like you requested through implication.


So yeah. I'm from Finland. And no, there are no polar bears here and no, it's not -60 C cold here. I'm a girl. At least I believe so. I listen music 24/7. I like some anime series, such as Bleach, Yakitate!! Japan, Serial Experiments Lain, Samurai Champloo and AIR.

What else... My IQ is 135. I love rain. I have 6 piercings. I play Warcraft, Final Fantasys, Zelda + 1000 other games (and YES, I still am a girl). I hate Hugh Grant. I love autumn. I own a cat. Blah, that's enough about me...

Don't get me wrong: I might be "newbie" to these forums but I've been around OverCloked Remix for... gosh, I cannot even remember how many years. I was just too lazy to register. Then suddenly I got this urge to write reviews to my fav remixes so here I am.

Off to write some reviews...

//p.s. some people might remember me from AHS

What kind of schools do they have up in Finland, anyway?

Actually pretty good, at least compared to the education level around Europe. Well, NOKIA comes from here, so...

But do you love Rainman?

If you mean that thing in your siggy... I gotta confess I don't even know what it is. If you mean yourself... ummm, sure?

If you mean yourself... ummm, sure?

:o Someone loves me! :o

The thing in my "siggy" is a picture of the game art for Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, remade for the GB*C* and titled Link's Awakening DX (hence the reference), and a picture of Ansem from Kingdom Hearts in honor of June As End Boss Month, respectively. The other crap is fan badges.

I was referring to me.


I'm Kanthos, a programmer and soon-to-be remixer/arranger. I'm from Canada, and am just finishing off my masters in artificial intelligence. I play piano and sax, as well as dabbling in a few other instruments like various percussion (including drum kit and mallet percussion), bass, and clarinet. I've never done any remixing before, but have a lot of good ideas for a few songs, so I'll hopefully be submitting remixes here soon. I listen to about 45% jazz, 20% classical, 25% game music, 5% musicals (Rent and Wicked especially) and 5% rock/other (mainly U2 and Great Big Sea). I play World of Warcraft (Kanthos is a level 45 mage at the moment on Steamwheedle Cartel), Oblivion, most Final Fantasy games, and various other RPGs.


well hi all...been awhile since I last visited...must say that my previous account was inactive...and cut off I believe....but I am MaverickHunter....formally known as Silenced Wisdom and I'm here to stay...

well hi all...been awhile since I last visited...must say that my previous account was inactive...and cut off I believe....but I am MaverickHunter....formally known as Silenced Wisdom and I'm here to stay...

Hey, I remember you

Welcome back


It's time to give a big welcome to all those who are new, and a much larger welcome to those who are returning to the site ;) If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask me. I'm always willing to help. take care and have some fun, because there is more than enough to go around here.

well hi all...been awhile since I last visited...must say that my previous account was inactive...and cut off I believe....but I am MaverickHunter....formally known as Silenced Wisdom and I'm here to stay...

Hey, I remember you

Welcome back

oh hey...remember my original name...oldschoolGmer...good times good times...anyway..you done any remixes


Hi, all.

I have been getting remixes and lurking the forums for some time and I finally decided to join today.

I play video games, write random things and listen to music when I have nothing else to do.


Welcome. Pleas be sure to read the stickies so you won't make a mistake of posting a wrong type of thread like "What is your favorite ______" thread. You'll get much hate :P lol

Unmod is a special place as well ;p

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