Rellik Posted May 10, 2003 Posted May 10, 2003 From what I see, it seems to be some kind of innovative modular plug-in organization solution. I have no idea what I just said. But the thing is, I'm probably nearly right. FL4, from what I have used of it (used not little, but not all that much) is... well, very similar to FL3.5 or whatever the latest one is. It's got new stuff, which is cool, and I like the new mixer, especially with the built in EQing controlls. It really isn't anything revolutionary, though. You can easily get the same results in FL3 as in FL4, but if you're looking at one or the other, I would say go with FL4; not that big a difference, but I think the "wouldn't you rather have the newer one" factor tips the scales contrary to the stability issue. I thought I had a question, but now I realize I'm pretty much all set. Thanks though! I'll probably have another question before too long, knowing me.
Epsilon Hyperion Posted May 10, 2003 Posted May 10, 2003 Darr... okay, where do I drop VSTi plugins, and how do I get them to operate? I've got a zip open, I'm looking at a .dll file... where should I go from here? (FLStudio 4, BTW)
Xelebes Posted May 10, 2003 Posted May 10, 2003 okay... Open Fruity (I have done this about 50 times and thus 70 or 90 VSTis are on my compy...) Now you see the Channels menu? You should see it... the says insert track... go to the new menu popup and click on more... then click on Refresh and do a Fast Scan... and new plugins are there... Make sure the new ones (they are always in red unless you click out of the window) have the F marked in the little boxes beside them and then close the window. Do you need any further help?
progressive Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 Fruity Loops question here: Is there a "pedal effect" in FL? I'm using the GrandPiano.wav sample, and the lower notes resonate beautifully, but higher notes seem more staccato. I'd like to lengthen these notes, preferably individually, since a global effect would make the lower tones last far too long. Can anyone help? Thanks --->progressive19
Xelebes Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 You might find a VST that does parallel filtering... that is the only one that would do the trick... Pentagon is probably the best (by rgc)... I would like to know of other synths that have parallel filters if anyone knows any other...
risingson77 Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 OK, first I must apologize. This question may have been asked already but I'm too lazy to read the whole thread ~ I can't get FL4 to make any noise when I import a MIDI file. The little VU meters light up, but I don't get any sound. I've fiddled with the various MIDI and output settings, but to no avail. MIDI works fine in WinAmp. I'm using the demo version of FL4, if that makes any difference.
Xelebes Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 Sounds like you gotta midi keyboard... before I get flamed... I'm goin' to avoid this question...
Xelebes Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 If that's the case... you have to copy and paste to new generators... MIDIout channels only work with a keyboard... me thinks. But this opens to new options, and thus dling VSTis from KvR-VsT would be a solution.... Okay so open as much generator channels (generators include 3xOsc and VSTis and the handy-dandy sampler) now... copy and paste which ever you wanna play.... this can be fun cuz you can expected sounds going on... does this help. Why does it make no sound without a keyboard? Because the keyboard takes all the duty in making and processing MIDI out... since MIDI out goes straight out... not through the Sound card wavetables or anything along that line.
risingson77 Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 OK. But I installed VSTi plugins with the original installation.
Xelebes Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 There's always more... plenty more... I have friends who make VSTis
shadow Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 Fruity Loops question here:Is there a "pedal effect" in FL? I'm using the GrandPiano.wav sample, and the lower notes resonate beautifully, but higher notes seem more staccato. I'd like to lengthen these notes, preferably individually, since a global effect would make the lower tones last far too long. Can anyone help? Thanks Well no crap the higher notes seem staccato, you're pitching up one sample. Use mda Piano from That'll sound the same at all pitches.
Rellik Posted May 11, 2003 Posted May 11, 2003 Even better than that VSTi, you should use a soundfont. Soundfonts almost always are the best quality for non-synth instruments, and they have individual samples for each note instead of just pitching up a wav.
OverCoat Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 Rellik, depends on the soundfont. There's a big difference between a 20 KB soundfont and a 200 MB soundfont.
shadow Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 OK, first I must apologize. This question may have been asked already but I'm too lazy to read the whole thread ~ I can't get FL4 to make any noise when I import a MIDI file. The little VU meters light up, but I don't get any sound. I've fiddled with the various MIDI and output settings, but to no avail. MIDI works fine in WinAmp. I'm using the demo version of FL4, if that makes any difference. I could tell you how to route your soundcard's MIDI to Fruityloops, but I'm obviously too lazy to tell you that. So, instead, you can use the horrible sounding Fruity LSD plugin! Just drop it onto any FX channel and match up the ports of your MIDI channels and the LSD plugin and you'll hear MIDI. Generally when you import a midi file, the port of the channels are set to zero, so just set the LSD to port zero and you should hear stuffage. k? k.
IamMegaMan Posted May 12, 2003 Posted May 12, 2003 you can also add an instrument to the pattern on the step sequencer (drag and drop), then right click on the button on the step seq. for the MIDI pattern you imported, got to edit, then copy (or cut), and the same on the desiered insturment except paste instead of copy. ZAck
skulkrusha Posted May 13, 2003 Posted May 13, 2003 I'm having trouble with my Fruity Slicer ... It refuses to slice speech synth samples. WAV files slice just fine, but not .speech files. What's going on? Edit: Nevermind, I managed to figure it out. I was using underscores to separate syllables. Fruity Slicer recognises that as one word. So, it sliced the whole thing as one big sample. Problem solvered.
Slave Zero Posted May 13, 2003 Posted May 13, 2003 Im working on a "sad" song and i use a solo piano in the beginning but each note is very long and i want the volume to get lower after each note so it would seem that the notes are falling and i want echoes with it. Thx!
Xelebes Posted May 13, 2003 Posted May 13, 2003 Okay... echo in music talk is called delay... just to let you know why? Because sound data is delayed through a 'fire-bucket' model crystal delay chip and fed back into the original signal... Now about your fade out? It's called automation. How do you do it (or wanna do it for the exact piece...)? 1) Master volume.... (this one is bad because it fades out your delay too which isn't what you want) right click on the volume slider and it should have an Edit Events option (if it doesn't... you got FruityLoops 2.x or got a really crapallicious ripped version of Fruity.) 2) Piano Volume..... (this is probably best) same method as before except on the piano volume knob. Questions on how to control the automation?
Slave Zero Posted May 13, 2003 Posted May 13, 2003 Thx alot Xelebes, but i have a even more noobish question. Everytime i try to save my work i get a warning that says: Some of the Fruityloops plugins used for this project are limited demo versions. They will be deleted before saving the file. Continue saving? Should i download other plugins or what? thx for helping me.
Holy Warrior Azar Posted May 13, 2003 Posted May 13, 2003 when you get to hear a song in like a diffrent do you permenatley keep it that way?
Slave Zero Posted May 14, 2003 Posted May 14, 2003 I loaded a midi file and i tried to add some kicks to it but the kicks were to slow and it sounded terrible! The song and the kicks didnt have the same tempo. How do i change the kicks tempo without changing the songs tempo, and how do i know what tempo its gonna be? Thx !
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