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Another FL question from me :P

I know you can control the volume of your instruments in a specific through changing the velocity vectors. However is there anyway I could gradually increase or decrease the volume while it's playing a note? Say if I have a C playing for 2 beats, and I want it to go from say 50% -> 0% during that duration. Thx!

you know, you can use the easiest damn thing to do this that has nothing to do with pitchbending or the MIDI PWOD.

its called edit events. if you want to adjust one note on a monophonic line, just adjust the volume for that section by using your right click diagonal drag. its so easy. now, if you're talking one note in a polyphonic piano roll, then you've gotta use the pitchbend thing. it sucks but its all that you can use. to avoid that, put the melody line seperate from the rest of the stuff.

Another FL question from me :P

I know you can control the volume of your instruments in a specific through changing the velocity vectors. However is there anyway I could gradually increase or decrease the volume while it's playing a note? Say if I have a C playing for 2 beats, and I want it to go from say 50% -> 0% during that duration. Thx!

you know, you can use the easiest damn thing to do this that has nothing to do with pitchbending or the MIDI PWOD.

its called edit events. if you want to adjust one note on a monophonic line, just adjust the volume for that section by using your right click diagonal drag. its so easy. now, if you're talking one note in a polyphonic piano roll, then you've gotta use the pitchbend thing. it sucks but its all that you can use. to avoid that, put the melody line seperate from the rest of the stuff.

But that just changes the volume, as opposed to the velocity. ;)

I prefer using pitch bends for the monophonic stuff too though, because it's easier to manage the velocities when you're looking straight at them in the piano roll. It's a lot easier to humanize stuff when you get notes and velocities in the same view.

edit: of course i'm talking about native fruity stuff, like SF player, etc. I use mostly samples anyway, as opposed to external synths.


Need help quick. I just discovered the Smart Disable feature in the mixer. Probelm is, I dont know how to Disable the Disable, get what I'm sayin. :lol: This is a problem for my MP3's, because everything sounds crappy because EQ gets disabled usually.

Neeed Help Quick!!! thanks!

Need help quick. I just discovered the Smart Disable feature in the mixer. Probelm is, I dont know how to Disable the Disable, get what I'm sayin. :lol: This is a problem for my MP3's, because everything sounds crappy because EQ gets disabled usually.

Neeed Help Quick!!! thanks!

Simple. You just have to go through and select the checked 'smart disable' on each of your effects. :wink:

Have fun with that, bud.

Need help quick. I just discovered the Smart Disable feature in the mixer. Probelm is, I dont know how to Disable the Disable, get what I'm sayin. :lol: This is a problem for my MP3's, because everything sounds crappy because EQ gets disabled usually.

Neeed Help Quick!!! thanks!

Simple. You just have to go through and select the checked 'smart disable' on each of your effects. :wink:

Have fun with that, bud.

The problem is, when I go through, all the green lights next to the effects are still on. It seems like all the effects are going, but I can tell some of them arent (phasers, flangers, ect.) Thus my troubles. I'm retarded.

I cant disable smart disable.


EDIT: I GOT IT!!! No further assistance needed. Thanks Prophet.

Need help quick. I just discovered the Smart Disable feature in the mixer. Probelm is, I dont know how to Disable the Disable, get what I'm sayin. :lol: This is a problem for my MP3's, because everything sounds crappy because EQ gets disabled usually.

Neeed Help Quick!!! thanks!

Simple. You just have to go through and select the checked 'smart disable' on each of your effects. :wink:

Have fun with that, bud.

The problem is, when I go through, all the green lights next to the effects are still on. It seems like all the effects are going, but I can tell some of them arent (phasers, flangers, ect.) Thus my troubles. I'm retarded.

I cant disable smart disable.


EDIT: I GOT IT!!! No further assistance needed. Thanks Prophet.

anytime, man. anything for a Team Cancert member, bro.

Need help quick. I just discovered the Smart Disable feature in the mixer. Probelm is, I dont know how to Disable the Disable, get what I'm sayin. :lol: This is a problem for my MP3's, because everything sounds crappy because EQ gets disabled usually.

Neeed Help Quick!!! thanks!

Simple. You just have to go through and select the checked 'smart disable' on each of your effects. :wink:

Have fun with that, bud.

The problem is, when I go through, all the green lights next to the effects are still on. It seems like all the effects are going, but I can tell some of them arent (phasers, flangers, ect.) Thus my troubles. I'm retarded.

I cant disable smart disable.


EDIT: I GOT IT!!! No further assistance needed. Thanks Prophet.

anytime, man. anything for a Team Cancert member, bro.

Haha, awesome. Thanks again.


Hello all,

I am having a slight problem in FL studio 4 pro, the vocoder plugin refuses to work, something about a version mismatch ?

I was wondering if there was a free replacement plugin for a good vocoder, as i used it many a time(though this wasn't origionally mine, I bought 3 standard many moons ago, yet when a friend gives me this when he purchases sonar 3 pro....My vocoder setup dies), so any help would be appreciated :)

Can someone do a write up on automation clips?

What is it you want to know? Extrapolate and maybe i can help you - else just look in the help file and the FAQs on fruity's website.

Q: I want to export my project to a midi file. I've assigned all the instrument "parts" in my song to MIDI out generators. The problem is, the MIDI out generator can select only patches 1 through 128. It doesn't go up to 129, the patch most GM kits use for drums. I can't figure out how to select drums and include them in my midi arrangement in FL.

Can anyone help me?

You're mistaking patches and channels. You can have unlimited channels, and 129 isn't the standard channel for drums, 10 is. Put the drums in Channel 10 and you'll get what you're looking for, methinks.


Ok, now I have a question:

I'm trying to control an external device (my microKorg) with MIDI through a UM-1 USB-MIDI cable, but I'm running into problems. I'm having no trouble sending MIDI from the mk to FL, but when I try to send it to the mk with a MIDI Out, nothing happens. I've set the MIDI channel on the mk and in FL the same, the mk's set to recieve clock messages ... Am I missing something? I can give excerpts from the mk's and the UM-1's manuals if need be.


i've had fl before and i just dw it again, but now like in the piano roll, when i push play and the arrow thingy stars moving i can't like scroll to the right without the arrow thingy leaving my site. IT always pulls me back to it. And this has never happened before.

Q: I want to export my project to a midi file. I've assigned all the instrument "parts" in my song to MIDI out generators. The problem is, the MIDI out generator can select only patches 1 through 128. It doesn't go up to 129, the patch most GM kits use for drums. I can't figure out how to select drums and include them in my midi arrangement in FL.

Can anyone help me?

You're mistaking patches and channels. You can have unlimited channels, and 129 isn't the standard channel for drums, 10 is. Put the drums in Channel 10 and you'll get what you're looking for, methinks.

Thanks. I get it now. Channel 10 is reserved for drums - you can even see all the drums in piano roll!

yeah - that helps a lot when you get confused and forget what note is what sound. i hate plunking on the darn keyboard trying to find the hat or shaker or whatever. the labels make it a lot easier.


You mean slides?

Oh yeah... It's quite easy to find. If you've ever browsed around with the FLStudio demos songs you can see them clearly in the examples. You can find the "slide" button at the upper left hand vicinity.


Swing is a compositional device. Outside of jazz music it's typically called syncopation. In a nutshell, the first 1/8th note of every beat is a bit longer and the second is slightly shorter (if that's not very clear, think of the rhythm you hear most jazz drummers playing, usually on the ride, or just try experimenting with the swing slider on the step sequencer).

Yes, you can use swing in the piano roll, but not in the same way as the step sequencer. You can either attempt to write it in yourself (you might need to change the snap settings in order to get the notes to land in the right places), or you can try to quantize the notes (select all/ctrl+a > alt+q, and find a quantizing pattern that works with what you're doing. In my experience, though, it's difficult to find one that works well). Hope that helps.

Yes, you can use swing in the piano roll, but not in the same way as the step sequencer. You can either attempt to write it in yourself (you might need to change the snap settings in order to get the notes to land in the right places), or you can try to quantize the notes (select all/ctrl+a > alt+q, and find a quantizing pattern that works with what you're doing. In my experience, though, it's difficult to find one that works well). Hope that helps.

So what do you normally do?


hit the record button and change the tempo while your song is playing then hit stop

or you can right click the tempo and choose edit events, and change the tempo manually (which can be more precise)

choose a pattern thats not being used and change the tempo events in that pattern


im wondering how to add vibrato and tremolo (thats where it pans back and forth right?) to any instrument, and im hoping to not spend any money

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