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Well, the simple way to "play" a synth or generator backwards would just be to write the note or pattern you want, export that as a WAV, and import it back to the project and reverse it.

kind of. . . except the pattern would need to be programmed backwards as well. that could get kind of tricky, but it is probably one of the only few ways. I recommend alterning the attack time of the instruments for a backwardy feel.

Well, the simple way to "play" a synth or generator backwards would just be to write the note or pattern you want, export that as a WAV, and import it back to the project and reverse it.

Actually, this is the best way that I can think of to do anything like that...it would sound really wierd if you did it wrong, though.


I have to make a midi for ORC... but I've never made one before. I was just wondering

1. How to put effects such as reverb on midi instrument channels.

2. How to get a midi drum track in Fruity Loops. An actual drum kit isn't one of the GM 128 (as far as I know), and I don't really know how to get a channel devoted to one.

Any help would be appreciated. Sorry for the noobish question, but I didn't really know a better place to put this.

Edit: Clarity.


No. 1) have you read the manueal? Have read about the FX Mixer? Go read it up.

No. 2) Have you tried making your own drum track? Just curious. Often times you will get better results.


I was wondering if anyone would let me in on how to do volume fade ins/outs and texturing control for a pattern in the playlist editor. Thanks.

No. 1) have you read the manueal? Have read about the FX Mixer? Go read it up.

No. 2) Have you tried making your own drum track? Just curious. Often times you will get better results.

Thanks, but I'm kind of confused. I use the FX Mixer for my actual sampler and soundfont channels, but I didn't think you could just slap a fruity reverb or Band EQ on a midi out channel. If you can, someone please tell me how, as I am rather stuck.

I'm also a bit confused with your answer to #2. I know nothing about midi, so maybe i'm missing something, but it sounds like you think i'm trying to use a drum loop or something of the sort. Not the case. I don't even know how to create a MIDI out channel thats assigned midi instrument is drums.

Sorry to seem dense, but I don't see how the FX Mixer will help me in this case, and I just plain don't get your answer to my second problem :oops: .


k how can you make proffesional sounding skips?

and slices in drumbeats

i know it has to do with master/channel volume but i just cant get them to sound the way mcvaffe does

k how can you make proffesional sounding skips?

and slices in drumbeats

i know it has to do with master/channel volume but i just cant get them to sound the way mcvaffe does

Maybe you could study the 'My Body' flp file in the 'Cool Stuff' section right around 3:40 there is some sort of sound skip.. Maybe you could find something there you could use, to create such an effect.. :)


simple question: how do I get an effect to apply to only one channel and not all of them? An easily recognizable example would be if I wanted the line of eighth notes in Chrono Trigger's Zeal theme to have that hall/echo sound, but didn't want the other tracks (with the melody, etc.) to have that effect applied to them, how would I go about making that work? Thanks.


Ok i just upgraded from FL4 to 5, and OMGWTFBBQ, everything in the playlist and pian roll "slides" instead of snapping to the grid. This makes lining patters up pretty insane. I've been through FLs options and its help file and couldnt figure out what to do.

simple question: how do I get an effect to apply to only one channel and not all of them? An easily recognizable example would be if I wanted the line of eighth notes in Chrono Trigger's Zeal theme to have that hall/echo sound, but didn't want the other tracks (with the melody, etc.) to have that effect applied to them, how would I go about making that work? Thanks.

Try clicking on the instrument (in your Step Sequencer), then a "Channel settings" window will come up. Then go to the FX on the top right, and scroll it's display up to 1. Then go into your View->Mixer menu (or press F9), click on the FX1 section, then use something like "Fruity Reverb" on the FX1 track. Then it will only add the effect to that instrument, since it's the only instrument that you switched the FX in Channel Setting to 1. ;)

Not sure if that's what you wanted. Does it help?


Hmmm, maybe you should pm Ichitootah. I knew it was possible. I don't see why it wouldn't just be a midi cable and then the right settings on your computer.

If you get really stuck maybe you should try and find some local music store owners who sell the kind of midi cables you'll need and ask them. I mean, that is what the midi port on the back of most PCs is for right?

Ok i just upgraded from FL4 to 5, and OMGWTFBBQ, everything in the playlist and pian roll "slides" instead of snapping to the grid. This makes lining patters up pretty insane. I've been through FLs options and its help file and couldnt figure out what to do.

You and 1500 other users. Sigh, we should get this question(damn, this wasn't even a question) about 100 more times.


Hi, I'm about to buy FLStudio, and I'm wondering if anyone here knows whether it's worth the extra $50 to get Producer Edition over Fruity Edition. It says producer edition is for recording live, which I will be doing from time to time, but I already have a fairly decent audio recording program called Audacity.


Depends. If you're going to be handling large audio clips the Producer edition's a lot more suitable than the Fruityloops edition. If not there's not much point other than the more useful mixer.

NODSPAW51: If you can get MIDI going in and out of your computer (some sort of USB-MIDI cable may be in order if you don't have anything else), and presuming I've understood correctly, yes, you can have FL "play" your keyboard. Select the MIDI device (F10, or settings>midi), change the port number (0 works most of the time), create a MIDI out and set the channel on that to whatever your keyboard's on (check the keyboard's manual, if you have one, otherwise you'll need to do some experimenting). You should be able to use the MIDI out to control the keyboard now.

Conversely if you wanted to record from your keyboard, assuming everything's set up correctly, select the channel and pattern you want to record to, press the record button (next to play & stop), hit play and then you'll be recording from the keyboard. When you're finished you can either put the melody in the step sequencer or piano roll. Check the help file.

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