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Haven't you heard of the Angry Video Game Nerd? Irategamer, at times, is similar to him.

I'll try to be more outrageous with my reviews in the future, so the sarcasm is evident enough to slap you in the face.

I'll try to be more outrageous with my reviews in the future, so the sarcasm is evident enough to slap you in the face.

Hey, it's hard to tell sometimes. :P This is the internet after all. You're right though, I should have seen the sarcasm.

Despite my many critiques of AVGN, I gotta say this latest episode is gold...Atari Porn...yeah.


Custer's Revenge comes to mind... >:3 *goes to watch the video*

Edit:LOL! Holy SHIT! I would have to say this is his best video so far XD. Wow...


I laughed for like 5 minutes straight during AVGN's Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde video, simply because I had the game for the original NES and I immediately knew what he was going to talk about.

Incidentally I also had CV: Simon's Quest (and I only have about 8 games for the NES, so that was a pretty good ratio) but I liked Simon's Quest, play it all the time.

Never have missed another AVGN though. I watch them all the time. How can you not like them?


I guess it comes with the territory of only being 20, but I completely missed the NES era. The genesis was my first console. And (fun phact), while I have never owned a Nintendo console (and had every Sega one except Sega CD), I have possessed every incarnation of the Game Boy (except the Micro, but what the hell man? That was ridiculous through and through). Not the DS though.

You couldn't be more wrong.

I grew up with the original NES and I too am 20.

So no, it doesn't come with the territory. You just got screwed over until later on in your life.

As far as I can tell, people I know my age tended to have had a NES or a friend with a NES when they were young, and I'm three years younger than both of you. We had a NES and Genesis and the NES was most of what I played growing up. I can whistle a tune from Mario 1 let's say, and people will instantly recognize the tunes, even chicks. Good looking chicks too. :) Nothing beats moments like when you get a good one-third of the class to start humming Mario tunes.


Though AVGN might be repetitive, he actually comes with original stuff. This guy just takes something old, that not everybody might know, and shows it off like it's his.

I hope for this guy he was joking, because it was pretty pathetic considering all the flaws.


I guess it comes with the territory of only being 20, but I completely missed the NES era.

Rubbish, i'm 20 aswell, and i thoroughly enjoyed it.

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