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Anyone remember this commercial for Sega? It took place on an airplane, with the stewardess handing out pleasantries.

What commercials can you remember that made you chuckle with amusement, Sega or otherwise?

80's, 90's, and today's

remember the old legend of zelda commercial with the nerd and the hilarious rap and the "whoa awesome graphics!"?

I didn't until now... damn you!

(I still like the japanese commercial with the dancing. It was bad and good at the same time... I dunno.


I don't know why but

just popped into my head... just in time for a programming midterm.

I like the old LOZ commercial where the guy is wandering through the hallways looking for Zelda. He keeps shrieking whenever a monster pops up. I could swear it was Robin Williams at the time, but I learned later that it was some other guy I never knew @_@


haha. The smash bros 64 commercial. I remember it so well. Mario, Yoshi, DK and Pikachu all skipping along to an old classic, then they turn and start to beat the shit out of each other...classic!


I really don't think any commercials measured up to the cheesiness of the Sega commercials. Especially those failed 32X, Sega CD, Sega Saturn and Dreamcast commercials. Because they made them look so great and cool (in a cheesy way of course), and yet most of them were just trash after the ridiculous success of the Genesis. Even though the Genesis commercials were mostly true..WHAT NINTENDONT... comparing Genesis to NES was unfair but still.

And Japanese Sega commercials are more outrageous:


I didn't watch that much TV during that era, other than Power Rangers (the original and best, thank you). The only thing I remember are the Mortal Kombat Ads that had the "SO REAL IT HURTS" catch line. SO, if it hurt back then... what does it do now?

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