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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann ~ Believe in me, who believes in you! ~

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So I just finished watching this great series that had recently ended in Japan. Honestly from the looks I was expecting a Eureka Seven type of anime. Surprised as I watched and didn't stop until it was over.

Everyone of the characters was interesting, had his or her purpose for the show and were memorable. The mechs were unique and pretty cool for being just faces with arms and legs most the times hehe. It had a nice mix of serious tones and comedy and IMO its low points were still pretty good compared to other animes. Oh and the soundtrack is just as awesome! :o The animation style and overall design was cool (unique eyecatchers per episode too). Yea the story becomes kinda ridiculous but its all in a good way. I liked the ending too. I tried my best to keep things spoiler free for now though.

This is definitely my pick for anime of '07. So anyone else saw it? What are you impressions? I seriously recommend people to give this a shot.


ROW! ROW! Fight the Power! :P


Fallen Angel has that through like episode 26 or something.

Also, it's really not funny unless you've seen the episodes.

The OST really is great though. I've been listening to it on repeat since it was leaked. Every aspect of this show just exudes epic.

The OST really is great though. I've been listening to it on repeat since it was leaked

Well yeah, it's Taku Iwasaki. He kicks ass. I would also recommend Read or Die, Bincho-tan, and the Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVA2 OST [PM me for that, it's really really hard to find but SO GOOD. Has Choro Club on it too].


It was alright, but way too shallow. It's one archetype after another with the most ridiculous cliché in anime ever. The animation was ridiculously well done though. And the 4 or 5 tracks of the soundtrack were good. But still just really fun to watch because it was such a simple show.

I actually think about a dozen shows in 2007 were more memorable, but it's still a good show for what it is.


I can't think of any really good recent anime other than Honey and Clover II and Death Note, so a super robot show as good as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is definitely near the top of my "best of 2007" list.

I can't think of any really good recent anime other than Honey and Clover II and Death Note, so a super robot show as good as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is definitely near the top of my "best of 2007" list.

My sig..... Best of 2007 easily. Freud anime.


I really liked this show. Not my favorite show from the summer (I personally liked Darker than BLACK and Seirei no Moribito more), but it was fun to watch and did provide the most "that's fucking awesome!!" moments of any of the shows I watched.


Funnily enough, I just finished watching this show, then a few hours later found this topic.

Anyway, this show is incredible. Sure, it relies on a lot of archetypes, but it's entertaining as hell. It goes from awesome to AWESOME.

One of the best shows I've seen in a while.

Oh...so that's what that is. I read the first chapter of the manga--maybe I'll give the anime a shot.

It's basically the most frantic and Freudian comedy of 2007 (Seto no Hanayome was great, but Zetsubo is on another level with the harem of girls based on Freudian states of psyche).

Too bad the fansubbing is at limbo at best because it may or may not be licensed.

Yeah, it's a great show. I've been a little sad because I haven't seen any new eps subbed recently. A shame, it's really funny.

There are 2 subbers that have completed the series past Ep16 where Black Order left of at.


I've heard a lot about this series. When I looked into it way back when, when the series was first starting. the mecha designs were a little too traditional combine robot for my tastes, barring the separated giant heads of course, but I liked the character design.

I definitely want to track down the series to check it out now that its over, if only because I am so unbelievably starved for even a decent mecha anime. Its been so long since I've seen one.

There are 2 subbers that have completed the series past Ep16 where Black Order left of at.

I think tgfoo was referring to Zetsubo Sensei which went up to episode 6 then all the subbing for it stopped. Gurren Lagann had the BSS subs which was just amazing and three other big subtitle groups on it, so nothing to complain there.

I wouldn't really call it that traditional.

Of course, I haven't actually seen very many animu myself.

The basic premise was 100% traditional because it was created as a homage for oldschool super-robot/mecha shows. Though the characters and their over the top aspect was very modernized.


Yeah. I mean look at this guy...


It has a modern look but in so many ways its such a traditional combine super robot. But keep in mind like I said this was way back before the series got even off the ground. I've taken a look at the designs here and there as the series has progressed and I like a lot of it. I still have yet to see any of it.

I do like the sound of that mid-series time jump.

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