FR Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Damn it people include links to new reviews please Fable 2
Gollgagh Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 He showed the Pyro GX from Descent 2.I'm happy with that. Fuck the rest of the review. damned straight if you'll excuse the pun
Avatar of Justice Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 This guys Fable 2 review was dead on from what I saw of my friend playing it. I thought it was cool, then realized all the NPC's are just retards and thus lost all interest in the game.
SoloGamer Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Eagerly awaiting Peter Molyneux's response
EdgeCrusher Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Damn it people include links to new reviews pleaseFable 2 Or you know, you could not be lazy.
Dunnowhathuh Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 I would also have Liam Neeson voice Captain Dynamite.
JCvgluvr Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 I've enjoyed both of his latest reviews, but Fable 2 got me to LOL more. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he actually likes Fallout 3 and only thought up negatives for the video's sake...
Triad Orion Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 Well, I think his criticisms did irk him a little bit, but I think on a whole he had more fun with the game than most others. He knows it's not perfect, but he obviously enjoyed it, which is good.
The Coop Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 Guitar Hero World Tour I enjoyed this one quite a bit. And be sure to stick around after it's over.
The Damned Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 That was, without a doubt, the best zing at a game I have ever had the pleasure of watching. Bravo, you saucy Australian bastard, bravo.
Triad Orion Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 Kinda flat this time around. Amusing, but certainly not his best. The humor was good when he started going on about how it was experimental. He does bring up good criticisms about the flatness of the game's story (especially considering the high potential for awesome dystopian fiction can get) and in some of the detection seeming spotty. Seems like he really wanted to like this game, and though he was disappointed I guess he doesn't view the effort as a waste, which does say more about Mirror's Edge than a lot of other games he's reviewed.
cobaltstarfire Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 He squished all the funny into the end!
JCvgluvr Posted December 4, 2008 Posted December 4, 2008 He manifested one of his jokes from the point of view of an idiot developer with a bar stuck in his head. Quite intelligent, I must say! Oops, forgot to comment on the Guitar Hero:World Tour review last week: I think he could of given Rock Band much more credit than he did.
Schwaltzvald Posted December 10, 2008 Posted December 10, 2008 Reviewed Left 4 Dead and overall I felt he gave a fair assessment; gave me a few chuckles at least. Though the stories I have on L4D, I'll save them for that thread
Triad Orion Posted December 10, 2008 Posted December 10, 2008 Yeah, I'd agree that it's a pretty fair assessment of it. Considering the Campaign Mode is meant to be the main attraction for a group of friends, I agree with him that the replay value's probably not as good as Team Fortress 2. Though personally, I like the co-op experience more than the versus humans aspect of TF2, so there you go.
big giant circles Posted December 11, 2008 Posted December 11, 2008 Sweet, I knew he'd get around to reviewing this one. Glad he liked it, for the most part it seems.
Schwaltzvald Posted December 11, 2008 Posted December 11, 2008 It's just that L4D reaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyy neeeeeeeeeeeeddddddssssss more campaigns/versus maps. Much more. Other wise it's still fun; at least till the griefers start joining in...
Powerlord Posted December 11, 2008 Posted December 11, 2008 Yeah, I'd agree that it's a pretty fair assessment of it. Considering the Campaign Mode is meant to be the main attraction for a group of friends, I agree with him that the replay value's probably not as good as Team Fortress 2.Though personally, I like the co-op experience more than the versus humans aspect of TF2, so there you go. *backstabs Triad Orion*
The Coop Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Sonic Unleashed Yeah, he rips this game a new one... big time.
Schwaltzvald Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 Sonic UnleashedYeah, he rips this game a new one... big time. I couldn't help but laugh throughout the whole dam review. :lol:
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