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This might've been mentioned already but Toys R Us is running a sale when you buy Galaxy you get a 25 Dollar gift card.

Well, I'll be making my first trip to Toys R' Us since the days of the Pokemon League with those trading cards back in '99.

Wow, Gametrailers reviewed this and gave it a 9.8

I'm not watching it though, I've kept myself pretty spoiler free with this game so far.

9.8?! That's like 98 out of 100. Or 9800 out of 10000. It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!!

I preordered this one for my wife's birthday, this coming [day of week]. She'll have it on the [sleventeen]th, if the release date is correct. If she just happens to glance at this post though, I'll be screwed on the surprise gig.

Man, you'd better delete your post before someone quotes it.

[Quote has been edited to preserve surprise :wink:]


Just looked on Gametrailers to find out what the XBox360's 9.8 rating was. Anyone know if Galaxy has any form of multiplayer? For a single-player game to get the same score as Halo 3 (and higher than Bioshock), it must be as good as I hope it is =)

(Though I have yet to play any of those games, so I really don't know what I'm talking about)


The only form of multi-player that Galaxy has that I know of is the other playing pointing with a Wiimote and collecting/shooting things or something.

Also, GT rated the story the lowest(7.5), so it could have gotten a 9.9 maybe, heh.


Well...IGN and Gamespot gave Galaxy high scores, obviously. 9.7 and 9.5 respectively. Lots of praises all around with minor complaints in the camera system, easy difficulty if you're aiming to just finish the game, and framerate dips. I'm definitely going to aim to get all 120 stars for some challenge.


I want to get this game on release, but my friend is hooking me up for only $40 instead of $49.99 plus tax. I guess I am willing to wait for this a day or two.

I am very anxious for this game. It was my absolute favorite thing to play at E3 2006!


Played today at Gamespot for an hour (no one else was in the store, so don't call me a hog). It is definitely fun. I couldn't put it down but I had to go to see Robert Morgan read excepts from his new book.

Its confusing at first. You have to stop to talk to all the little creatures so you can figure out whats going on.

Well I told my wife the surprise, 'cause she figured it out when I told her I was getting something that wouldn't be available until the 12th.

You should have lied and told her the 19th!! :<

I showed my fiancee Galaxy last night, she wouldn't admit it (calls herself a closet gamer LOL), but she really liked it.


I'm actually suprised Gamespot gave it such a high score. I thought for sure the whole weak story and somewhat bad camera thing would have killed it for them. I guess you really can't deny how good this game is.

Man I'm really excited now.


Holy crap. A 97 at Metacritic? That's almost unheard of in the games section. It'll probably come down as more reviews flood in (the scores generally do... later reviews have a habit of handing out lower scores), but still. The highest score I could find in a quick search was 96.

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