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I have just bought Mario Sunshine, which agreeably blows

Whoa there. Sunshine was not bad. In most ever single Mario game, there's usually something new to play around with. For Sunshine, it was with the FLUDD system. There's a lot of things you can do with it to solve puzzles and get around obstacles and such. It took me a while before I actually started to like it. There are some stages without FLUDD, a stage hovering in mid-air in a bottomless pit. Those are especially fun to play if you're missing some classic Mario 64 action. All in all, the game was not what the fans were used to, only different, but still a good game to play through.

Let me start off by saying that I know I'm going to be screamed at for this, but I never really played many of the old-school mario games, especially Super Mario World 3 which is supposed to be the best. But I really enjoyed the atmosphere and secrecy that the different worlds gave off in Mario 64 and Super Mario Land. I was wondering if anyone can give me any problems that Galaxy has. I know its kind of a downer for this thread, but I'm still relatively skeptical because I have just bought Mario Sunshine, which agreeably blows and I want a damn good reason to go out and spend 50 bucks for another game. If the only real problem I hear is 'its just too awesome' i think i may just wait, since the feeling I've got from most of these type of discussions is based purely on "mario games can do no wrong" but if there really are at least some problems that turn out to be pretty minor I'll actually look into it.

Swimming is still a bit difficult, it takes some time to get used to all of the shifting perspectives,it takes a lot of time out of your life, it eventually ends at some point. I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for flaws, but it's near perfect. It's just that good.

Swimming is still a bit difficult, it takes some time to get used to all of the shifting perspectives,it takes a lot of time out of your life, it eventually ends at some point. I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for flaws, but it's near perfect. It's just that good.

Yeah, I had the most difficult with swimming, compared to M64 or Sunshine, swimming in this game is a bit harder.

I also found Spring Mario to be a lil bit anoying at times.


I cannot stress enough. I'm moving, I'm lagging in packing, and I'm falling behind in work. Still, when all is said and done, Mario is still there for me. The mind-blowing action, the puzzles, the MUSIC omgz the music. Passionate, goofy and dramatic, and GOOD. Ahhhh...I lovers you, Mario, you're always there for me. And with Galaxy, we can all be a MR GAY.

Water levels in all games suck. Hard. Though, the water level in SM64 had great music.

Is there a snow level in this game? There better be!

There's a half-snow level...


Basically you have a lava planet and an ice planet in the same level, and the stars sort of alternate between the two. Really, they should have had a purely ice level (there's a purely lava level, but no purely ice level).

I'm at 111 stars. The prankster comet stars can be quite difficult, especially the purple coin star in the toy galaxy. That took me so many tries I was practically screaming at the tv. :3

And about the swimming: Thank goodness I'm not the only one. Galaxy has a terrible swimming system; the fixed perspectives can be weird and I'm always jumping out when I don't want to (or vice versa).

There's a half-snow level...


Basically you have a lava planet and an ice planet in the same level, and the stars sort of alternate between the two. Really, they should have had a purely ice level (there's a purely lava level, but no purely ice level).

I'm at 111 stars. The prankster comet stars can be quite difficult, especially the purple coin star in the toy galaxy. That took me so many tries I was practically screaming at the tv. :3

And about the swimming: Thank goodness I'm not the only one. Galaxy has a terrible swimming system; the fixed perspectives can be weird and I'm always jumping out when I don't want to (or vice versa).

text: Yeah, the purple coin stage on the luigi planet pissed me off sooooo much. I didn't realize the first time I got 100 coins that the star goes back to the beginning. I had no platforms to jump that far to get it haha.


The hardest thing for me was that the controls were actually easier that what I'm used to. I keep trying to compensate and control Mario from his perspective, when the game has you control him from your perspective. If you're on the bottom of an upsidedown planetoid, you press up to move up the screen, which usually means toward the screen, but for some reason I always get this backwards.


I can honestly say that this is the musical effort Nintendo should've put forth YEARS ago. After all the relatively lousy redone MIDIs, this is the best Nintendo game soundtrack since F-Zero GX (mostly Sega on that one) for me.


120 starred it just now. There's a surprise when you do.

No spoilers, just comments:

I'd have to say the sinking spire daredevil run was the hardest star to execute, the deep dark galaxy secret star took me the longest to find, and the "green star levels" in particular the ball one, were the most frustrating. Honeyhive purple coins was annoying too. You get a wide range of difficulties throughout the game. I like it a lot.

120 starred it just now. There's a surprise when you do.

No spoilers, just comments:

I'd have to say the sinking spire daredevil run was the hardest star to execute, the deep dark galaxy secret star took me the longest to find, and the "green star levels" in particular the ball one, were the most frustrating. Honeyhive purple coins was annoying too. You get a wide range of difficulties throughout the game. I like it a lot.


The sinking spire daredevil didn't give me much trouble. I died a few times, but that's nothing compared to some of the others. The deep dark galaxy secret star is driving me crazy; it's the last star I need to find. I've been over the area countless times. I'm going to keep at it by myself a while longer...


Wow. That makes it... the highest rated game, ever?

I am enjoying the hell out of this game. I only have 20 stars at the moment, and am gonna try for 120. The only thing that really annoys me about the game are those black holes... ah well, more challenge, I guess.

Wow. That makes it... the highest rated game, ever?

I am enjoying the hell out of this game. I only have 20 stars at the moment, and am gonna try for 120. The only thing that really annoys me about the game are those black holes... ah well, more challenge, I guess.

Those blackholes are a creative justification for the classic 'falling down a pit' in an environment that's got odd physics as it is. That's how I see it, at least.


I know... I'm in the middle of studying for an exam all the time, and whenever I watch a clip of Galaxy... I have to stop. It's like being a kid, and it's another week until christmas morning. The wait is brutal and sadistic. Which makes me somewhat masochistic, I suppose. Why else would I watch the clips?


I have to be very honest here, Mario Galaxy is a huge disappointment to me ;_;

They've been working on this game for so long, and it has generated so much hype, but to me, it is severely lacking.

Maybe I've just been tired or something but I did not enjoy this game one moment.

For starters, it is waaay too easy for the most part. Even the part that said "it gets harder from here on".

Everything (levels) felt way too random and not "deep" enough to impress me, and quite frankly, it never really felt like a Mario game (or maybe I just don't enjoy Mario games? 0_0 ) I never really felt connected to the worlds and they didn't feel anything like Mushroom Kingdom at all.

It never really felt rewarding to fly around or gather a star either.

The problem I always had with 3D platformers is that space is never filled properly: too little enemies, too easy to avoid. And the camera is still a bitch in this game.

I just didn't feel like this game was bringing anything new to the table, even with the whole space theme, gravity/physics stuff. It just wasn't enough to make it enjoyable for me.

You quite literally race through the first half of the game, and then they just do repeat performances only with special rules (read: the comets).

Graphics wise I was a little disappointed as well. Though every character model looks amazing, a lot of things just don't.

Overall, it was more of a chore than a joy to play this, and even that didn't last very long.

Mario is still Mario, the empty character with no personality, or motive.

I just get tired of this formula, it's like watching an episode of the Power Rangers.

I know a lot of you are going to explode with anger over this, but I really can't help but feel this way.

Maybe I've just out-grown these games, or is it true that each and every one of my beloved franchises are finally dying of dehydration?

My closing statement: this game did NOT live up to the hype at all and I don't understand why the hell it took so long for them to build this game.

This could very well be the last 3D Mario game I ever bought.


So now we've had Metroid, Mario and Zelda...I have high hopes for SSB Brawl, but other than that, I fear all my other favourites are going to disappoint just as much (though I did actually enjoy Zelda and Metroid).

Starfox and Donkey Kong died a long time ago...Who's next?

*drama detector explodes*

haha what? are you serious?

Dead serious. Like, "oh God...must...get...effing stars to get...even..more..stars".

I guess I should have known, seeing how it IS Mario. But yeah, thats what I said.

Also, just about 10 minutes ago I completed it with all 120 stars and the reward is not that rewarding *kills self*

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