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The best game to anime conversion is probably Devil May Cry in my opinion. The violence and the detail match each other quite well. Street Fighter 2 was also a good series originally from a game.


Best game -> anime?

Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie. It rocked. Captured the feel over SF2 perfectly (simply nothing but fighting + evil villain). The designs stuck to the original art, the fighting was phenomenal, and some great animation.

That and Fatal Fury.

Best game -> anime?

Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie. It rocked. Captured the feel over SF2 perfectly (simply nothing but fighting + evil villain). The designs stuck to the original art, the fighting was phenomenal, and some great animation..

You seen the Alpha movies? Same deal. It's mainly a bunch of raw, gritty, well done fight sequences where a lot of characters get destroyed. Street Fighter 2V was fun to watch as well, though definetly more lighthearted than the Alpha stuff (until the end any way).


Anybody here read a lot of manga? I've found myself reading a lot more manga than I have been watching anime. For instance, I just read Ichigo 100% in the last couple weeks, mainly at first cause it just looked like a fun series, but in the end it turned out to have a great story. Now I'm looking for another series to read, any suggestions?


I read a lot of manga. Hell I buy a lot of manga. Probably too much actually. I have no shelf space left.

If you like Ichigo 100% (which I also did, though I was disappointed with the ending; he should have made a different choice in the end), then you should check out Hatsukoi Limited. It's got a lot of the charm that Ichigo 100% had, but it's a little better because it's not a harem story. There's no one main male or female lead as of yet; it's more of an ensemble cast and the number of guys and girls is pretty balanced out.

For more of the high school romance stuff, hit up Salad Days. It's 18 volumes, but a lot of the stories are self-contained in small arcs. There are only a few characters that get revisited throughout the series; most characters get their little stories and you never see them again. There's one couple that could be considered the "main couple," and every once in a while you get a story about them and how their relationship progresses, which all culminates in the final volume.

School Rumble is an instant classic; think Azumanga Daioh, except it also includes male characters and romance subplots.

H2 is a riveting high school baseball manga that's worth a look, if you're into that kind of thing.

Suzuka is also one of my personal favorites. A great romance/sports series with a male character who's actually not a pushover. Worth a look (the anime isn't bad either; amazing music, though the animation is painfully low-budget).


The Damned, thanks for the recommendation, I checked out 20th Century Boys and it has great reviews every I looked, so I'll check that out sometime soon.

DarkeSword, I was actually happy with the ending to Ichigo 100%. Manaka ended up with the girl I was rooting for, even though I was 99% convinced throughout the entire series that he'd end up with someone else. Guess it's just a personal preference.

I had actually planned to read Hatsukoi Limited, but I was first I was going to finish Lilim Kiss (also by Kawashita Mizuki) since it was already completed. As for Azumanga Daioh, Suzuka and School Rumble, I've already read all of them, well, all of School Rumble that's been released thus far anyways. Azumanga Daioh was prety good, I loved Suzuka, and School Rumble is perhaps one of my favorite things ever (season 3 woot!)

I'll give Salad Days and H2 a look though, thanks.


I recently read Kodomo no Omocha and was impressed by it. Story revolves around its 6th grader main character and how she balances her issues with school, life, friends, and love with her work as a TV star. There's a whole lot of comedy and slice of life stuff in it, but there's a captivating plot at the heart of things.

I"S is also good for anyone that liked 100%. I also read a short series called "The Hating Girl" some time ago. Sorta strange, but charming story about a girl with an arrow lodged in her head. I read it through scans; there are volumes out, but I don't think they made it out of Japan.


I am almost done with the "Nodame Cantabile" anime.

I was expecting them to get orchestral music totally wrong, but it's incredibly flattering to the genre, very detailed, and even explains some of the finer points of music. It's like the Gunsmith Cats of classical music. With less nudity and violence :3

Anyway, it's done so well that it actually makes me appreciate classical/romantic/modern music more and I should find more of the music. Baroque still sucks though. Fuck baroque! I had to play Vivaldi before and his music just pisses me off :V


I would recommend Piano no Mori movie that was fansubbed pretty recently if people liked Nodame Cantabile and wants more. I think Nodame Cantabile was much better for its comedy than anything else though I agree it does flatter the classical music scene a bit.

As for Kodomo no Omocha, I prefer its anime version though the manga has that dead-serious final arc that wasn't covered in the anime. The anime is just genius at how it uses the comedic pieces. IMO better than the manga does.

As for Kodomo no Omocha, I prefer its anime version though the manga has that dead-serious final arc that wasn't covered in the anime. The anime is just genius at how it uses the comedic pieces. IMO better than the manga does.
I actually watched the anime first, and I agree with that notion, but the last episodes don't close the story well enough, not as well as the manga does it. But haha oh man was it "dead-serious" as all hell. That shocked me a bit given how silly things always seemed in previous chapters (even when something serious was happening), but I felt it gave the series a better ending.

By the by, anyone ever see Cooking Master Boy? Cooking anime all in Chinese, sorta like Yakitate's older, distant cousin.

Anybody here read a lot of manga? I've found myself reading a lot more manga than I have been watching anime. For instance, I just read Ichigo 100% in the last couple weeks, mainly at first cause it just looked like a fun series, but in the end it turned out to have a great story. Now I'm looking for another series to read, any suggestions?

I know someone who recently made the same switch for time reasons.


Of course, like I've already mentioned, I can most recommend One Piece, the long-runningly most popular manga in Japan (for good reason, and not just because it's in Jump). I heard Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a classic in terms of ingenuity, too (comparatively with OP). Oh yeah, and I should probably start Hajime no Ippo (an already-mentioned popular boxing series) since the anime just stops (though it seems to initially spark people's interest in the manga). All three of these are pretty similar(ly interesting).

I overall prefer anime 'cuz of music, but this site is refreshing to know about. Click on chapter pages' images to bring up subsequent pages.

Ive just finished watching Mind Game.


I was literally incehs from the screen by the end. it sucked me in bigtime.

Wow. I just watched it and I must agree. The director and the staff worked on Kemonozume and needless to say, it does everything unconventionally from the story to the animation to the ridiculously widescreen format.


Anime whatching = strictly music collecting son.

Ghost in the shell probably has the best intro song I've heard so far, I mean stand alone complex, those russian chants and what not.

Naruto was really good, but the manga is really letting me down at the moment.

Bleach is probably my favorite, but I'm pretty sure I havn't gotten a hold of the underground stuff.



Anime watching =/= strictly music collecting, son.

Because I'm pretty sure that just getting the music from a show doesn't mean you've watched it. I've got soundtracks to stuff I've never even heard of before, and even though I've had all the time in the world to go see them, I still haven't.

Just trying to clear up some minor confusion from your post.


I ran that through Bable Fish and Firefox crashed one me.8O

About that one manga site... since there is obviously licensed manga on it, isn't posting the address publicly against the rules?

On the other hand, it has all of 20th Century Boys, so I'm kind of grey on the subject now.

You seen the Alpha movies? Same deal. It's mainly a bunch of raw, gritty, well done fight sequences where a lot of characters get destroyed. Street Fighter 2V was fun to watch as well, though definetly more lighthearted than the Alpha stuff (until the end any way).

I've seen them all.

I rented SF2 at a videostore when i was like....7? (M rated movie!) And i was blown away because i was still a kid, and i was a big fan. Fast forward 11 years, and it was released on DVD. Man, when Ken and Ryu kicked Bison's ass i almost danced on the nearest table. Almost.

Bought the Alpha movie, and i was satisfied, but the movie left you feeling empty. At the end, you felt like no progress was made, albeit Ryu finally facing Gouki.

Alpha Generations was the reason why i had to go to the hospital. It made me cut myself. What a god-awful movie that was.

SF2V was pretty good. Silly in some things, but overall pretty standard though enjoyable. The Japanese dub is fantastic, and some fights are quite memorable.

However in general quality, Fatal Fury: the Motion Picture blows them all out of the water.

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