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  1. I had forgotten to update the list (I had even forgotten about the existence of this topic) Finally with much effort I solved some more remixes over time. There are still 20 missing (I feel like I will never uncover the source of the Void remixes...)
  2. I'm really looking forward to hearing this album!
  3. http://web.archive.org/web/20170401191525/http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03526 http://web.archive.org/web/20170401191521/http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03525 http://web.archive.org/web/20170401191421/http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03524 One thing I never understood is why these remixes never made it to the ocremoved site. I don't know if it's true, but I heard that the remixes were on the site just for a joke, as they were from the April 1st knuckles album and the remixes were on the site for only 1 day, if I'm not mistaken (I was lucky enough to download on this day and the page saved on the waybackmachine to prove it).. And that gives me more of a headache thinking that there might be other remixes that have been TOTALLY "deleted" (they didn't leave any traces that they ever existed, not even in the ocremoved). Was there any case similar to these three that anyone could tell me? And sorry for my English.
  4. hello guys the link to the music of the @The Vodoú Queen is broken http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC429 if it is not possible to fix someone could send me the music link?
  5. A real doubt that I have always had is whether the old VGMix sites (2002/2003/2004 ...) have any albums made by them that were lost. I already researched and never found anything about it. (If the current VGMix did it, I'm sorry, I don't know either) Many remix sites have their own albums like here in OCRemix, ThaSauce, Overlooked ... it would be strange that VGMix never made any, at least for me. Who lived at that time could inform me?
  6. the Axlr remix is corrupted ... is there any other way to download it?
  7. Hello, I really like his work too. Here are the songs from sites you didn't mention: VGMIX 4 https://vgremix.com/songs/dr-wilyarty-stage-1 COMPO (PRC211 ~ OHC311) http://compo.thasauce.net/profiles/view/Hakstock RWS SEASON 1 EPISODES 3, 4 & 5 (3 Remixes) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gySdrJcoXbAwoRVf5OueQLfSURGTUU7A
  8. Why not show the link on the ThaSauce Compo: PRC page?
  9. this was the best remix of hopes and dreams I've ever heard S2
  10. Found! MnP1 Final Fantasy VII MindWanderer - Nail Bat Thanks MindWanderer! PRC5 Pokemon & Diablo Poke-Blo By Bladiator Thanks Bladiator!
  11. Hello, it's me again. The guy who wanted to know the source of the lost remixes of VGMix1 (Who wants to help still have some missing source remixes). I'm here again asking you for another help to find remixes lost this time from another site, Compo PRC and MnP. With the help of Bundeslang, Hoboka, Argle, Esperado & Grappling Hook. Here they are: PRC11 (Kirby's Block Ball - Main Theme) Kirby Chaos By Mythril Nazgul K-Bizziby By Rellik PRC16 (Secret of Evermore - Palace of Collosia) Fields of Glass Treasure By Chokster37 PRC18 (Final Fantasy VIII - Assault on Dollet) Mid Dawn By Lasakon PRC26 (Mega Man 7 - Shade Man) Three By DMLee prc45 (2-19) (Kirby 64 - Cave Theme) DJCrapper piano solo By DJ Notte MnP1 (Final Fantasy VII - Battle Theme) Drum ‘n Battle by Trism FF7 Battle by DrumJ8 FF7 Battle by HarryUp Bonus Mix: Horny Suk 3 5 Ever by Damashi! If anyone is interested, I can put all the missing PRCs and MnPs I found for download.
  12. I have a suggestion: Split between new and old remixes when uploading.
  13. I own several VGMix 1 files that do not exist in VGMixArchive taken from here. But most of the files were incomplete (without artist and source) so I searched the web.archive. After a lot of work, I found the majority, leaving only these here, until I created a help topic to discover the sources (my luck is that those that lacked, all came with the name of the artist included in the file) I discovered the majority through the help of multiple users. @KungFuFurby06Editionhas a complete list archived of your own remixes of VGMix 2 @hogdoghas some remixes from VGMix X on his channel, but he may have up to more. I already got in touch but the same never answered me.
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