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The Orichalcon

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  • Real Name
    Lee Aurich
  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
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  1. Was very close. I think Harlem's was more faithful, where Video's was more creative. As it's a ReMixing competition I had to go with the more creative one.
  2. Sorry I forgot it was voting time. Votes submitted!
  3. ?I'm totally changing my name to this. Cool thanks, wasn't expecting to win. I'll figure something out and send it to you.
  4. This is really, really impressive. I hope Nobuo gets a chance to listen through it. I think he'd be really impressed what you've all accomplished here.
  5. Lee!

    Drop me an email!


  6. Hi everyone, I haven't been here for a while. I only recently found out about DJ Redlight (Ashley Carr) passing away in 2016. Some people might remember his remixes on here and his original music and have a special place in their memories for him. Ashley lived in Perth, Western Australia, which also happens to be where I live. So I took a trip today to the Memorial Park where he is buried and photographed his memorial plaque. I played some of his music at the site as well and sat with him for a bit. If you aren't familiar with Ashley or his music, I recommend visiting his website https://www.djredlight.com and OC ReMix profile https://ocremix.org/artist/4593/dj-redlight and having a listen. He was a talented artist and it really sucks that he died so young. If anyone would like to see his final resting spot, his profile is here along with the photograph I took. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/213280977/ashley-dean-carr Rest in Peace, Ashley Carr.
  7. Funky. I recognised the source straight away even though it's one of the more forgettable tracks from the game. I think this has a bit of a Richard Joseph (RIP) sound to it, perhaps what he might've made if he was alive today. That's a huge compliment. The music is harmoniously satisfying, even accounting for all the effects added to the melody. Even though I think dubstep is a bit overdone now, it works nicely in this track. Good job.
  8. Yeah the source is from Doom, not Doom 2. Great remix. It's disjointed and unnerving enough to make up for the randomness of the track. It's not my taste, but I can appreciate how well it's made. You captured the atmosphere of the level perfectly. eerily, nauseatingly evil, yet also slightly mechanical and scifi at the same time. Good job.
  9. One of my favourites from the album. I listened to this album blind, that is I just had all the tracks on a disc playing in my car randomised so I didn't know who made what. I guessed this one was sephfire based on what I've heard from him in the past. He's come a long way over the last decade. I always loved his tracks back when I was more active on here. This one shows just how much he's elevated his technique into that of a true downtempo artist. It helps that the source material was a beautiful piece of melancholy which was an excellent choice for sephfire's style. All of the ambient/electonics effects are seamless, the beats carefully chosen and mastered perfectly, and the build-ups are so satisfying, particularly that eargasmic last note. I always enjoy listening to this track when it comes on.
  10. I disagree, after listening to this, I think Magus' theme was almost made to be turned into this style. It works remarkably well. Well done to the artists, this is a great track.
  11. Is there a way to integrate comments on remixes posted to Youtube into the equivalent comment thread here? The issue I see is that in the past, the forum thread was the only direct way to comment on a mix. Now the comments are split up amongst different media, thinning out the numbers.
  12. I'm slowly reviewing and editing my reviews of the album's tracks. I just wanted to post my first impressions. katethegreat19 is above and beyond the standout on the album. "Tribe of the Sandy Treehouse" is by far my favourite track on the album, which is ironic since the source material is my least favourite piece from the OST. Brandon Strader has to be applauded for the contributing three amazing tracks to the album as well. My favourite tracks from first impressions, in no particular order: Tribe of the Sandy Treehouse Vamo all Django Lunar Rebellion Craic in the Castle Walls A Rose in the Storm Spirits of Gaia Four Score and Six-Eight Miles and Miles Away Zero World Arxidopitra I'll probably post a full review up in a month's time once I've had a good chance to listen to all the tracks properly.
  13. So sexy, so smooth. I keep coming back to this tragic (err, that was autocorrect, but I thought it was funny so I left it there) track and XPRTNovice's "Miles and Miles Away" (They're back to back on the album, and it is by far the sexiest section of the album.) I love this style, Dave, I always look forward to your tracks on these albums. I'm ashamed to admit it took me a while to figure out why the title is Four-Score and Six Eight.
  14. Love it. Reminds me of the Mutato Muzika style.
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