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Eino Keskitalo

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  • Real Name
    Eino Keskitalo
  • Location
    Oulu, Finland
  • Occupation

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. Such an unexpected approach... but fits super well! Really well done!
  2. Quite lovely I thought! I love this scruffy kind of chippy style. It sounds slightly broken and melancholic, but pretty!
  3. Hehe, the detuning is pretty intense. I'm pretty close to falling offboard with it! But I didn't. I'm pretty delighted to hear an OCReMix in this style, and I also think it rearranges the source tune in a very interesting way.
  4. I only now realized I got another wooden spoon to my proud collection in the final round ?
  5. Got some great feedback from the panel: https://ocremix.org/community/topic/52388-no-ninja-gaiden-xbox-knight-n-grail-ninjan-graali/#comment-861883 Here's the new WIP where I've tired to: mix it a bit better, adjust pitch of some parts an octave down, etc. Didn't touch the structure at least yet. It still needs more unbusyfying, but it's getting there. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pwaofg1s3gc0hb5196p1m/eino_keskitalo_-_ninjan_graali-20240410-wip.mp3?rlkey=a23jfsugqs7i58r3nzqykyyx4&dl=0
  6. Awesome to see this Sage business! This is important stuff. Just yesterday I was talking about OC ReMix's rare feedback culture to a musician friend of mine. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
  7. Nice and crunchy metal CT boss mix with a seasoning of orchestral elements. Worked quite nice for me!
  8. Very chill, lovely to be "back in XG" with this tune.. tasteful personalization in the arrangement, very nice build-up / swell ... particular plus points for taking a looping VGM tune and making a _very_ nice conclusion to the arrangement!
  9. Ahhh, this is such a great theme, and this is a super effective treatment! I could use some more variation to the lead sound throughout, but in the end it's not like I mind that! Super-pumping robot-crushing music!
  10. I finally finished playing through through the whole game to the end yesterday. Listening to this now as a celebration. ?
  11. Cool blend of prog metal -style power trio with voices and acoustic instruments! It gives the original some nice kick, and the same theme that is in the boss music too (at least, don't shoot me, I'm not a Secret of Mana OST scholar) is interesting to pick out in this arrangement! I'm most familiar with the boss theme for this melody, so it's just cool to hear it here so differently. It might be just a matter of personal taste, but I think I'd prefer the arrangement with a different bass arrangement with more sustain. It would tie the arrangement together better, the instrumentation sounds kind of "scattered" now. (But to me this bass style reminds me of certain prog metal type of music and fans of it might call me just crazy ?) The final movement 1.5 minutes actually do sound really good and it comes together the best.
  12. Great fun and a super enjoyable! That's Elizabeth Fraser, isn't it? ?
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