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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2015 in all areas

  1. So I got a longer wip from Slimy, which is good, and Brandon updated me on his track, which will be good. So it's good
    1 point
  2. Laura Shigihara tweeted yesterday that she's gonna be on this album. I was already super excited, but that just clinches it even more.
    1 point
  3. Ahhhh forget it, the probably best part has been out for years already anyway.
    1 point
  4. You sir are are a gentleman and scholar for liking this game and track
    1 point
  5. Hi Everyone! This is my first post here at OCRemix, but it's far from my first visit. I've been listening to your contributions since I dared to download last.fm on my (original) Droid like a hundred years ago while getting ready for work one day. I literally dashed out of the shower mid-wash when I first heard "The Flood Plain" by JigginJonT in a panicked, must-find-the-source-of-this-work-before-it's-over" moments. So... Thanks Jon (and, of course, everyone else who has contributed and given me amazing music to listen to). I grew up playing videogames and making music, but lately my work in the games industry has all but squashed the time and dedication it requires to do anything creative/productive in the musical world. This next year, I've promised myself, will be different. As such, I'm hoping to join some of you folks making awesome arrangements and contribute in absolutely any way that I can. Who knows, maybe I'll even be able to get a solo effort through the works. As for me, I am mainly a hip hop head, but videogame music has always held a very special place in my heart. The mixture of the two, while potentially unorthodox, has proven to be some of the most hard-hitting and lyric-friendly rap beats I've heard. I'm excited to share my own versions of this genre marriage since I've noticed that hip hop isn't completely represented here, at least in the ways other genres are. How do you all feel about hip hop? Are there some hip hop remixes that you like, and I've missed? Please share! Finally, I'd love to be able to share with you some of the game-inspired hip hop work I've done so far so you can see what I'm about, but I'm unsure what the policy is here for linking external sites. I've read through the Newbie Guide and the Submissions Standards, so it looks like I have some work to do before my stuff actually gets into OCRemix proper, but I'd really like to share what I've got so far so any potential collaborators can get a good sense of what I bring to the table. I recently was part of a Star Wars musical in San Francisco in which I had the honor of playing a love-stricken Han Solo who just had his love scene with Princess Leia interrupted by 3PO. It actually happens to be a bit NSFW, so that's another question: What's the policy on submissions that contain lyrics which are... how should I say... "PG-13 and above"? It's a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances! -Taylor
    1 point
  6. Can you change mine to say ladyWildfire? Thanks!
    1 point
  7. Yay, got Blizzard Buffalo. I hereby challenge everyone else remixing in round one to produce a vocal mix. Gimme dem voxies!
    1 point
  8. All... I have followed Skrypnyk's advice and created a Second-Take of "Mario Paint Theme Song - Pickin Colors" Now that I've heard it with Skrypnyk's feedback included, I like it better. Hope you will too! Here's the link to my Original Remix: http://www.homegrownhymns.com/PickinColors.mp3 Here's the link to Remix-2 (using Skrypnyk's feedback): http://www.homegrownhymns.com/PickinColors-2.mp3 <---THIS IS THE NEW ONE *** Oh Yeah... And here's the link to the Original from Nintendo (so you have something to bump it up against): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GdapZ1FZhI Shown below is a screen shot of the changes and where they occur: Thanks... Steve (dabedaab)
    1 point
  9. I would add more variation in the left hand so that you aren't doing the three-hit pattern (with one note with your pinkie and then two chords with your middle finger and thumb) as often. I've been hearing that throughout pretty much the entire piece. Maybe switch to arpeggios every now and then (wherever it makes sense), or switch up the overall rhythm. I do hear that you've added your own chord alterations, which is a plus, and 3:07 - 3:15 was a good example of varying your pacing. I don't know if 3:00 - 3:01 was intentional, but it feels out of the key.
    1 point
  10. Hi all... This is Steve. My guess is that I'm somewhat older than the average OCR member (59 plus). I have recently discovered the OCR Remix site (from my adult children) and like both the music and the open-mindedness of this/your community. It's a delight to me that OCR features/embraces virtually every genre of music. The following paragraphs tell a little about me I began to play guitar in my early teens. Having grown up in the Midwest USA, I was exposed early to bluegrass music and found that I was drawn to it (I do however enjoy most all music). By my late teen's and early twenty's, I joined a bluegrass band and begin playing at small local venues. For most of my adult life, I have played either guitar, mandolin or banjo in church services. Currently I play in a "Praise Team" at a local church. Another note of interest is that I served 20+ years in the Marine Corps Reserve and the Air National Guard where I found more opportunities (beyond my regular duties) to contribute musically in church services to fellow soldiers. Thanks... Steve (dabedaab) Oh Yeah... and I have my first Remix "Mario Paint Theme Song - Pickin Colors " in the "Post Your Game ReMixes!" forum and would appreciate feedback if and when you may feel so inclined
    1 point
  11. Hello there, here is my remix of ken theme from street fighter 2 : https://soundcloud.com/hleet-tahiti/street-fighter-2-ken-theme Enjoy
    1 point
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