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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2015 in all areas

  1. I just noticed how Splash Warfly looks like he's angrily waiting for his ride home..."They said they'd be here by NINE"......ok, enough shenanigans back to work.
    3 points
  2. So basically Eino, Jorito and myself are all in love now. Probably. We should just form a band. I love the weird amazing ideas these guys bring forward. <3 And yeah, can't wait to finally have this album in peoples' hands!
    2 points
  3. Between a Nicolas Cage black metal track, an orchestra dubstep arrangement, and Eino's crazy rock remix, this album will be the weirdest OCR will ever release.
    2 points
  4. I've no idea what are you talking about, but it's a great opportunity to say that i'm your fan!
    1 point
  5. Thanks for your reply. I might have not been specific enough, but I wasn't saying I or any other non-judge should be part of the selection process. I was more addressing the cavalier attitude the judge was tossing around in an attempt to rudely pacify an opinion he doesn't share, immediately after asking for peoples' opinions. I sincerely hope his attitude and personality are offset by more rational and objective talent on the panel; something which pains me to say after enjoying the man's site and work for a decade and a half :-\ That was overkill for reading far too much into what I wrote, but thank you for being so empirical. I do admit that my bias of not enjoying the lyrical tracks colors my perception, and that's all I said, that it "seems" like there are more than ever...lately, not literally, and not since the historical beginning. Anyway, thanks for taking the time. As for the "consider the fans", I did not in any way mean that my nor any other site visitor's opinions be considered in the judging process necessarily, and not to make it any type of public voting/popularity contest. Just that rudely dismissing long-time visitors' opinions after explicitly requesting them in the OP doesn't really instill much confidence in a judge's ability to be fair, impartial, etc. It also doesn't say much that an officiating member of the site would brashly and curtly speak for everyone (staff and all of the site's traffic) to swat down with such a strong hand, a very passive, informal suggestion that in all honestly would cause precisely zero negative side-effects, yet benefit all users in their ability to find the content on the site most relevant to their tastes. And for the record, I have never said, please OCR, quit posting lyrical remixes. I see the value in posting them for those who do enjoy. I was mostly saying that because some of us do not particularly care for them, it would be great to have some way of denoting them (i.e. metadata, etc) that would be searchable, so we can quickly tell. Obviously a separate site is hyperbole, but the core idea above is a sound suggestion.
    1 point
  6. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought the Wickerman remake resolved his financial issues?
    1 point
  7. why would you ever share my rapping ever why WHY ​̴͕͚̥̘W͝҉̖͞ ̟̯̖̙̀H͏̨̛̜̰ ͉̗̝̳̗̕͢Ỵ̸͎͎̬̠̼̳ͅ
    1 point
  8. It's very simple; you will never fool the people you're trying to fool. Most people who hear music don't question the realism of your samples or anything silly like that, they just listen for things they like. The people who you want to fool are the ones who will always notice. Just make things sound good without trying to make them sound "real" and you'll end up making much better music.
    1 point
  9. Just bear in mind that what sounds 80-90% realistic to you may sound 40-50% realistic to an expert ear.
    1 point
  10. That's more or less exactly what else needed to be said. If he wants it, cool. Although I've done a lot of improving(both in personal skill and in the aforementioned mix) I'm sure it'll be miles above what I can do at this time. Best of luck with the album, I look forward to hearing it on release.
    1 point
  11. kitty

    Heroes of the Storm

    I don't think I'll ever get tired of slapping people with a fish.
    1 point
  12. How will I ever top this masterpiece though? https://soundcloud.com/ethanrexmusic/killer-beets-ground-man-and
    1 point
  13. oh, you guys Without the megacollaboration (including mr. Zieja, the fastest clarinet slinger in the western hemisphere), it would be nothing but a miserable pile of musical ideas. I'm amazed how well it holds together now. :->
    1 point
  14. Having worked on this track a bit myself I can definitely agree, it's cool in all its quirkiness and has been stuck in my head for a few days now... also due to some very wacky solo'ing by one mr. McGee. Oh, and just to confirm that I made good progress on the mixing this week and that I feel this track will be finished this month if Eino gives his blessing
    1 point
  15. Our names in internet lights! Another dream comes true.
    1 point
  16. What's your policy on opening tracks up due to a lack of progress Brandon?
    1 point
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