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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2016 in all areas

  1. Well... no. Not DAW's. A DAW is a "digital audio workstation". It simply facilitates a vast feature set for manipulating and producing audio. All DAW's perform mostly the same functions, and some DAW's have better implementations for certain kinds of functions. Your choice of DAW depends on which of those functions you find valuable. For example, most of FL's workflow (in the arrangement timeline, automation, track/channel management) is really poorly designed and inconsistent (it basically via interface feedback rewards clutter and you have to spend years learning how to beat it into submission), but it has a great piano roll and a really easy routable mixer. Pro Tools is extremely efficient at editing and processing waveforms, as well as creating recording matrices for I/O, but does not have a good piano roll. Cubase is really good at MIDI editing. Studio One's mixer actually kind of annoys me because there's no polarity switch on the mixer channels. Little and big things. If you want to write different styles of music, you have to learn how those styles work compositionally. Once you grasp the fundamental concepts of the instrumentation for a style and how it's written, then yes, you can then go out and look for sounds that satisfy those instrumentation requirements. There's lots of stuff out there in the VI market, and you can get really specific with what kind of sound you're looking for (for example aggressive electric bass vs. smooth electric bass, or nylon vs. steel acoustic guitar) and you'll be able to find something. Then if you were to identify that say "I work with a lot of orchestral VI's and spend most of my time in MIDI automation" you probably would want to pick a DAW that's good at MIDI editing. Or "I record live performance and instruments a lot" you probably want to pick a DAW with decked out recording features, like take selection, layers, easy compositing, etc. Or, say, you want a DAW with good creative features, you'd pick something like Cubase with its chord track. No one DAW does it all, unfortunately. I primarily favor Studio One right now because it makes most of what I do really fast and painless, however it's still new and lacks big defining features. Track templates like in Sonar, FL's MS Paint style draw tool, Cubase's chord track, a god-damn phase reverse button, etc. If it had all those things I'd be set for life.
    2 points
  2. 6/8 and 12/8 are pretty much the same thing, it's just whether you think of the "bars" as having 2 or 4 beats. It's more natural for me to think in 4 beats. I've done 2 songs in 12/8 and have one more that's on-hold. Everything in that meter feels super bouncy and fun, even if it's in minor key!
    2 points
  3. @Skrypnyk We have enabled this setting; please confirm it's working properly for you when you get a chance!
    1 point
  4. First off, I'll preface by saying that while personally I don't think it's QUITE the best track in the game (I reserve that spot for "Revelation Mountain"), I still think this is such a great track. I think someone should do a symphonic rock or jazz combo ReMix with some rad solos---maybe guitar, maybe violin, maybe both. Any badass guitarists or jazz groups out there willing to take on the challenge? Feel free to mix in "Dialga's Fight to the Finish!" if you want; that can fit as well, as this sounds really similar. BONUS: If you want me to collab, I'd be glad to, but I'm more willing to collab with someone else on this than to start this particular ReMix first.
    1 point
  5. Wonderful. Those oriental strings against the pseudosynthetic background really work! Personal preference would suggest a bit more variety in the main percussion, that's just me though. Brilliant use of harmony and well executed use of the source material. A great homage to great music from a great game. Kudos.
    1 point
  6. In terms of the guitar analogy think of your guitar as the DAW. You get a guitar that you like to hold and play, it feels comfortable and looks the way you want. The amps and pedals you use are the plugins that you use with your DAW, they give character, depth, sound, quality, timbre and life to the notes you extract from your guitar. The playing techniques you use are all dependent on your experience and skill, so just as any advanced guitarist can do great things with a novice guitarists gear, so can an experienced composer/arranger/engineer do with a novice's DAW/plugins. So try a few DAWs out and get the one you're most comfortable with, then get to work learning everything you can about music and working in any DAW.
    1 point
  7. When I reviewed Vampire Variations, I didn't include this track as one of volume II's "strengths." But by no means is this a bad track. The guitar solos, especially the one near the very middle of the track, are stellar. It's great how well something that's played when you enter your name can turn into a rocking performance with some creative guitar work.
    1 point
  8. Major thanks! On with the games! I didnt know it was 12/8 to be honest. I thought it was 4/4 at first and then my Daw claims its in 6/8. 12/8 sounds much less stressful to mix with 4/4 source material.
    1 point
  9. lazygecko

    The Rockstar Extinction

    The entire structure of the music industry has been in upheaval the past 15 years or so. Music as a culture used to be much, much more heavily curated by a handful of very influential tastemakers, simply thanks to the technological status quo imposing limitations on reaching audiences. That's why all those old musicians have been propped up as untouchable legends. The market is so fragmented in its nature today that there is no real economic incentive to invest in the same magnitude as they used. Rock acts today can very much thrive within their own insulated scenes, and consumers have the means of keeping up at their own initiative online. It's all just part of the greater misconception of today's music industry since we are collectively still projecting an outdated paradigm which has in reality not been relevant for many years. But since this particular paradigm was simply a fact of life over the course of several generations, it's easy to think that's just how it's always meant to be.
    1 point
  10. Yay, the SuperFuzz Bros.'s VV2 remix is finally out. Congrats @evktalo and @Tuberz McGee!
    1 point
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