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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2016 in all areas

  1. Apex 2016 June 17-19, 2016 Somerset, NJ - Garden State Convention Center apex-series.com OverClocked ReMix is excited to announce that we'll be returning to the premier Super Smash Bros. tournament event with Apex 2016! As in years past, we've also been tapped to do the official album, and we'll be releasing Apex 2016: I Got Next to help kick off the event! Apex 2016 will feature players from all over the world coming together to compete in the Super Smash Bros. series, Street Fighter V, Pokkén Tournament, Killer Instinct and other amazing fighting games. We'll be hanging out all weekend at our merchandise table, selling t-shifts, swag, and albums. Attending: Arrow DarkeSword DragonAvenger Level 99 Neblix OA zircon
    2 points
  2. More about Apex Series! http://apex-series.com Download it! http://apex.ocremix.org Torrent! http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Apex_2016:_I_Got_Next.torrent
    1 point
  3. You've got a good ear if you can hear clipping, Gario! I went over this with Sir_Nuts this afternoon, and he helped me decide to take the clipper out of my mastering chain and just rely on the limiter (I was using both). The clipper was giving the track a clean digital sound but at the expense of clipping (not going over 0db, but clipping the peaks). Mike and I both agree it sounds better and more natural now. Thanks to Mike and Gario, this continues to be a terrific production exercise!
    1 point
  4. There's a lot of speculation running along the line that this game comes after Wind Waker. Not surprising, really, since there's a fair bit of circumstantial evidence supporting it. But let's back up a bit. The "Calamity Ganon". We don't know much about it, really, but consider its name carefully: 'Ganon'. Pretty much anyone that knows about the Zelda games will know that name. We've seen it in the early games up to and including Ocarina of Time, and it's always been associated with a dark monster of some kind. But then in that game, we're presented with a new name: 'Ganondorf', associated with a person, not a monster. And then we find out the two are the same – Ganondorf becomes Ganon. Simple enough, but here's the interesting bit. Take a look at the official timeline: Wiki page Direct link to picture There's three timelines splitting from Ocarina of Time: One where Link stops Ganondorf as a child, leading to Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess, one where Link defeats Ganon as a child and seals Ganondorf away, leading to Wind Waker, and one where Link is defeated by Ganon, leading to A Link to the Past and, notably, the original Zelda and Zelda 2. Notice something? Following Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf returns in the timelines of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker, while it is -Ganon- that returns in the timeline of A Link to the Past and the original Zelda and Zelda 2 because Link was defeated after Ganondorf transformed into Ganon. Ganon is, as far as I'm aware, never mentioned in the Twilight Princess and Wind Waker timelines since Ganon either never existed or never made an impact as Ganon in those two timelines where he is defeated. The flip side is that Ganondorf is never mentioned as Ganondorf in the A Link to the Past timeline, since his impact is most notable in history as Ganon. And now here we are with this new game, where -Ganon- is mentioned, not Ganondorf. This would suggest that this game is in the A Link to the Past timeline, as the name "Ganon" should not be known in the other two timelines unless something drastic happened that we're not privy to yet. In addition, the current final games in the A Link to the Past timeline are the original Zelda and Zelda 2, which fall into the Era of Decline, referring to the Kingdom of Hyrule if I recall correctly. Considering that, from what we've seen of this new game, Hyrule is now virtually gone; this may suggest that this game comes after those original games. What's in a name... So two notes: 1. "What about the Koroks?" — The Koroks are the Kokiri from Ocarina of Time, and they reverted to their Korok states in Wind Waker due to the state of the world. Kokiri are also mentioned in other games, I believe. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the same reversion happens at some point in the other timelines; perhaps they revert when a strong society or something around them ceases to exist (for instance, Hyrule). 2. "What about the rock salt in the mountain?" — Perhaps another Great Flood happened in the LttP timeline. Or perhaps new mountains were lifted up somehow, bringing low-lying, previously underwater ground up with it – this game appears to have more mountains in it than I remember existing in Hyrule previously. Regardless, there are ways for it to find its way up there. It's good evidence for being after Wind Waker, but it is far from conclusive. Anyway, that's it for my thoughts at the moment.
    1 point
  5. I had a cache cleaner add-on, that was causing the problem. Hey, I can admit my mistakes.
    1 point
  6. A good 99% of the time, OCR stuff is considered a rearrangement. In traditional means, a remix is utilizing original audio to create a new work based on the original. A cover is recording a new version of a song (typically the new version is similar to the original in several ways, usually but not always melody). If you're recreating a work without using original audio, then your song would probably be considered a cover or a remake.
    1 point
  7. When mentioning the site in written interviews and other things, remember that we have official ways of referring to the site: OverClocked ReMix - Full name of the site. Capital O, C, R, and M OC ReMix - Abbreviates OverClocked. There's a space between OC and ReMix. ocremix - All lowercase, no space. Generally used for official account usernames, URLs, and anywhere else where capital letters and spaces aren't available. OCR - Three letter acronym for the site. Common mistakes/what not to do: Overclocked Remix - Needs capital C and M. OverClocked ReMiX - Never capitalize the X. OCReMix - When capitalizing, always put a space between OC and ReMix OCRemix - Needs a space between OC and R, and the M should be capitalized. OCRM - The M is not part of the abbreviation OverClocked - Don't leave out ReMix. overclocked_remix or oc_remix - if you can't use spaces, don't use underscores and don't capitalize anything, just use "ocremix" O-Clocked - just...no.
    1 point
  8. Rather than post something douchy and antagonistic like that, why don't you detail the problem? What's your browser and OS? I say that, because in Chrome + Windows 10, the buttons work. They've "always" worked, even. So let's get some more specifics about where and when they don't work in your case.
    1 point
  9. @CyberSkull Confirmed, thanks for reporting; should be fixed now.
    1 point
  10. @timaeus222, @Liontamer, @Skrypnyk Should be fixed now.
    1 point
  11. I also see the same thing, on Chrome 51.0 and Firefox 42.0 (Windows 7).
    1 point
  12. Setting up digital licensing is pretty easy through https://loudr.fm. Something to consider if you want to try monetizing your covers.
    1 point
  13. We should update the front page tracklist since I finished the Pirate Theme and I think Tuberz finished Ocean right?
    1 point
  14. yeah I have all the music, I just need to prep the release.
    1 point
  15. Maybe because you used the british spelling?
    1 point
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