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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2016 in all areas

  1. Epilogue: Dawn of a New Day And thus, the ReMix Role-Playing Competition 2016 has come to an end. Congratulations to our winner, Ghetto Lee Lewis, and to our runner-up, Ronald Poe! It has been quite a journey and I hope you’ve enjoyed it. I want to take some time to thank everyone who made this compo possible. I want to thank Darkesword for the feedback he gave me for this compo. Also thank you to DragonAvenger and OA for offering various suggestions and just listening to me go on and on about the compo long before it was even ready to launch. I want to give a special thank you to Odai for making all of the signature images for the compo, they certainly exceeded my expectations. And of course, I want to thank everyone who signed up and took part in the rRPC 2016. I know it didn’t go exactly as I had originally planned, but I hope it was still an enjoyable event for you all. Much like the first rRPC, this was a learning experience for me. In future compos, I will be sure to put greater thought into back up formats in the event of lower turnout. I’ll also try to dial back the complexity in some regards. If there are other things about the compo you think I could have done better, feel free to share your thoughts here or via PM if you prefer to keep it private. I appreciate any feedback I receive, whatever it takes to make the next compo I host better than it would be otherwise. It will probably be a while before I run another rRPC. I’m considering something new for my next compo. Something a bit simpler and more accessible to a larger number of ReMixers. That’s still on the drawing board and isn’t happening any time soon. That said, thanks again to everyone who took part in this compo in any way, whether you entered, voted, or just followed along. Thank you!
    2 points
  2. Surprised there wasn't already a thread for this, but happy 30th birthday, Metroid!! This series means so much to me, and Metroid Prime in particular is one of my favorite games ever. Anyone doing anything to celebrate today? I'm working my way through AM2R, the fan remake of Metroid 2 with my roommate - the full version FINALLY released today after years of hard work and the game is seriously amazing, highly recommended! Any favorite games from the series, or even more specifically, moments from games? I probably have too many to list, but a couple for me are: First stepping foot in the Chozo Ruins in Metroid Prime and having the camera pan around to show the abandoned temple structures Pretty much anything to do with avoiding the SA-X when it's revealed how powerful it is and knowing you're no match If anyone's got any fan works, I'd love to see/hear them! I've been hard at work myself over the past 6 months or so, putting together a few original tracks to try to capture what the series means to me (made a separate thread for it, if anyone's interested). If you've made anything to celebrate Metroid recently (or maybe not so recently!), post it up!
    1 point
  3. I think I actually have FL 8 and 10 installed on this PC, too.. XD
    1 point
  4. Agreed with Gario; I don't have much else to say, but I'll add a small note to get you to train your ear: I'm not sure if you notice it, but the bass drum you use throughout (not the kick) is a tad narrow compared to the rest of the soundscape (such as the wide pad), so to me it sticks out and doesn't quite fit into the soundscape (it sounds like it's in a different room/space). Usually, you would want instruments in the same song to sound like they're in the same room, so to speak (even if they're not all supposed to be real instruments). Since it also sounds kinda like the same bass drum sample over and over again, it also gets a little repetitive when I focus on the bass drum. You might want to try EQing down its low-midrange (200~500 Hz) a tad, and that might help a little. That said, I think you did a pretty good job; the mixing is reasonably clear. It's definitely better than some of my first ReMixes.
    1 point
  5. Thanks for taking it well - it helps make the WIP boards a bit more organized. For the Bowser track, I'll give a little feedback on it, maybe it'll be helpful. Overall, I think it's pretty neat - them drum hits represent power, and the incorporation of the original Bowser's Castle theme from Mario 1 was clever. The synths are alright, though the instrument samples are a bit weak - they sound sampled, which generally is the opposite of what you want when you sample instruments. In order to get samples to sound more real, generally it's a good idea to work with the attack envelops in order to achieve the right "strike" of the notes, and play with the volume envelop in order to emulate the dynamic range that the instruments may use in a certain period of time. It's about as tough as it sounds, but I figure you need to know what you're up against when it comes to sampling instruments. As far as the arrangement goes, it has a nice bit of personal flair to it (incorporating the extra theme, as well as the drum choice), but it does follow the source pretty tightly. That's not an issue in it's own right, but that source has a terribly repetitive loop point, which your arrangement ends up suffering from, as well. It ends up getting pretty stale after the first repetition, making the listener wish there was more to the track. Be aware of little things like that - if something seems to get repetitive, change it up! The arrangement returns to some of the earlier material later, which sounds like a relief, but the repetitions are still there. I think the arrangement shows promise, though. For what's there I still enjoyed it, so kudos to that. The mixing doesn't sound nearly as problematic as in the Spider Dance arrangement, so nice work on that.
    1 point
  6. I've been a huge 2D Metroid fan all along. So many good memories. Getting horrendously lost in the original Metroid, and my friend getting so frustrated with it that he took out the cartridge and chucked it across the street. Going back later and mastering it, finally seeing what no-suit, no-Varia Samus looked like. That moment in Super Metroid when you descend through Old Tourian into Brinstar for the first time, and the whole epic descent into Lower Norfair. Finding secret areas in bizarre places in Super Metroid, and scouring it with my friends to find 100%. Finding out what the secret of the space station in Metroid Fusion was, and yeah, the terror of hiding from the SA-X, and then those two things combining in the final boss sequence. Wasn't that big a fan of Zero Mission--it was solid, but the way you couldn't explore the bulk of the map thoroughly until you reached the very end of the game took away a lot of the fun for me. And when I first tried Metroid Prime, I was complete rubbish at FPS's, so I found it horribly difficult and quit at the first miniboss, though now I have the Prime Trilogy downloaded and it's fairly high on my to-play list. AM2R looks amazing and I'm looking forward to it. Looks like it's already been DMCA'd, but it's not hard to find anyway.
    1 point
  7. Hey guys; posted a callout for help with visual identity and branding for RvK over on my tumblr. Quoting here: As many of you know, I have pretty high standards for artwork on my projects (albums and competitions). I'm looking for someone with a very strong sense of good design. This is more than just a "draw some pictures" gig.
    1 point
  8. I'll snag Call at a Port and arrange it in Celtic (I'm thinking Violin, Cello, Ocarina or Irish Whistle, bodhran, and Guitar).
    1 point
  9. Happy 30th, Metroid series. As much as I enjoy this series, I'mma release a relatively unknown arrangement of Sandy Maridia that I did ages ago for some Metroid orchestration project unrelated to OCR. It was made in Sibelius, so be gentle to the instrument quality, lol. Enjoy the gift. Also, AM2R is absolutely balls-out amazing, and everyone who enjoys any of the 2D metroid games should give it a go. It lives up to the hype, and then some.
    1 point
  10. My favorite Metroid is... Fusion. I know, I know, it's the evil bastard child (for some reason) but it's one of the few Metroid games I really enjoyed. I've played it at least eight times since I got the GBA cart back in 2002 and on my 3DS (Ambassador, baby!), whereas the rest of the series is pretty much one playthrough and I'm done with it. Prime? Completed the first one, almost finished the second never completed the third. Original and Super? Tried them... never really got into them. Though Super Metroid had some pretty good music. Metroid 2 on the GameBoy is a part of my collection, even if it's only something I've played a few times. Pretty good for the hardware and the screen limitations, as they used a huge sprite for Samus. If only one game out of an entire series can make me keep playing it, then that series has done something right, regardless of the rest. Thanks for some good times, Samus.
    1 point
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