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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Bleck

    Nintendo Switch

    I'm not sure that it's actually possible to break a Game Boy
    3 points
  2. I think Nintendo made a big mistake on slotting Breath of the Wild for WiiU as well as Switch. There are definitely people (myself included!) that have a WiiU and would prefer to just wait on the Switch for more games to come out. But it's better for the Switch and Nintendo if people adopt it early, which fuels 3rd party developer interest, which fuels more games... etc. By releasing BotW for WiiU, some % of people will just get it for that, and wait on the Switch, when really that should have been the awesome new launch title. The other thing is that Nintendo has not only been shooting themselves in the foot with the virtual console and new proposed online service, but blowing the entire leg off. Plenty of commentators have said this but it bears repeating: Nintendo has one of the greatest game catalogs of any developer/publisher. Just look at all the hype for the NES classic. Now imagine if they said hey, for $10/mo you get access to all VC NES and SNES games, Netflix style. For $15/mo, you get N64 too. They would be printing money. I'd sign up for it without a second thought. To see them propose $10/mo for online play and a single game is ludicrous.
    2 points
  3. Personal GameBoy story time! I had a GBA-SP (AGS-001, not the far superior 101 with the better screen) and it had a semi-permanent residence in my pants pocket. If I went somewhere and I suspected even a slight wait for any reason, the GBA-SP went with me. One day, I was leaving an office and took the fire stairs (I think the elevator was too slow or it was only a few floors? I don't recall). I pulled the SP out of my pocket, opened it and turned it on, and then dropped it. The stairs were fire-proof concrete, with big metal handrails that were mounted into the steps. Pretty sturdy stuff. And these stairs were the kind that had that little gap between each flight, so you could look down the middle and see all the way up to the top, and all the way down to the bottom. My GBA decided that stair-surfing was the way to go, and it not only fell and slid down the first flight of stairs, but then bounced off the wall at the bottom, slid towards the next flight of stairs, tumbled down those steps, and then came to a rest only a few inches away from the gap on the next floor. I rushed down, expecting to find it in at lest three pieces, screen ripped off or smashed or something. Nope. It was closed, had a little bit of scuffing on the bottom and one corner (I assume when it hit the wall) and was still on. The game was loaded and running. I had that GBA-SP until about 2010, when I gave it to my nephew. He still has it, it still works, and will likely end up being some sort of family heirloom at this rate. There is... but it requires time. Years and years of neglect. Poor storage. Leave the batteries in all the time, never removing or replacing them. Let them fester and leak, corroding the interior casing and circuit board. Keep it in the sun, let the case yellow and weaken. Keep it near a humid, hot radiator or vent. But you have merely weakened it. It endures. Bury it in the forest. Cover it in rocks and dirt, such that no light or air can reach it. Leave it there for a decade, and uncover it to realize that only now has the screen started to finally give way. But it endures. Fire will only anger it. Ice will only steel its resolve. Light and darkness will only slow it. But it endures. Only years of torture and abuse will harm it, and even then, it will only be weak, brittle. But it will still sit there... mocking your efforts. Time is not a weapon, it is merely a tool to slowly chip away at the rock that is the GameBoy. Unless you fuck up installing a bivert screen. Then it's ruined.
    1 point
  4. Hey all, I'd like to claim "A Wish", I've always liked that track... not sure about the direction I'll take yet, but I should be able to have some kind of WIP by the March deadline!
    1 point
  5. Some of the sections sound really great! Some of the sections sound like the chords and melody aren't working together. I think at least one is purposefully dissonant but still doesn't work for my ears. The good ones are super cool and the dynamic between quiet creepy sections and the most energetic riffs is admirable and inspiring!
    1 point
  6. I'll take up that collab offer, Jorito, and claim Fond Memories!
    1 point
  7. Sounds mcDope ™ Glad to be a part of a really stellar track. <3
    1 point
  8. Bleck

    Nintendo Switch

    you're not talking about different things, you're just wrong
    1 point
  9. zircon

    Nintendo Switch

    The NES Classic hype hasn't stopped so I'm not sure where you're getting the "and then realized..." bit. Clearly people have a a huge soft spot for nostalgia, especially people who don't want to deal with emulators or don't know what they are. There's a reason why plug-and-play systems have endured for years and why people flock to stuff like the Retro Duo, Trio, RetroN-5 etc. They want to play retro games and don't want to deal with emulators, carts and hardware limitations. Sony's PSN service has been extraordinarily successful. But Nintendo's back catalog is even better, IMO. Throw a dart at a "Top 50 Games of All Time" list and you're likely to hit a classic Nintendo game (NES, SNES, GB, N64). They can and should still offer individual titles for purchase on the VC. However a streaming subscription service is something consumers will eat up and makes for the best value proposition. Imagine if that was part of the Switch launch! Instead of getting 1 game, for 1 month only, you get access to hundreds of games - "Only on Switch with Online Premium" (or whatever they want to call it). I guarantee people would go for it just like they went for those other things I mentioned.
    1 point
  10. Yeah, I'm working on an entry too, I've just been super busy this week. It'll be ready by Wednesday!
    1 point
  11. It's good to see that someone else is working on it. Hope your remix turns out good!
    1 point
  12. I'm working one myself. Usually most people submit stuff close to when it is due.
    1 point
  13. Looks like there's not many people participating in this one. I'm almost done with mine... EDIT: I also just made my Thasauce account, hopefully that helps make life easier for you guys
    1 point
  14. Yes. Haven't you? You buy the console, usually at launch, and then pick up only one game for it. As the console gets more games for it, you stick to that one launch title and use it strictly as a metric for the quality of games, even ones that come out years later. This provides you an unalterable opinion about the entire industry based upon said one game on said one system, giving you the right you to comment on everything video game discussion, including stuff you have never even so much as looked at, let alone played. That's how it works, bleck. You should know this by now.
    1 point
  15. Bleck

    Nintendo Switch

    1 point
  16. Gonna retool some things for Azure Skies of course. Maybe jump on a couple that I definitely have wanted to do for ages, but we'll see how the next few weeks go.
    1 point
  17. You never know, might have a spare hour or two to shit something out real fast - beats nada
    1 point
  18. Ugh, I would love to do this but my whole month is spoken for.
    1 point
  19. This seems like it's gonna be a bit of a challenge! Not my usual style but I've got some ideas. Looking forward to see how other people remix it.
    1 point
  20. Hello! I'm Noaxzl. I've been following OCRemix for a while now, but I don't think I really joined the community. I've been a musician for a while now, but I never really had the courage to join because I didn't think I was as good as the music I've been listening to for years. It was actually the latest OCRemix panel at MAGFest that convinced me to finally post on the forums. More specifically, talking to Joe Zieja after the panel convinced me to post some of my work to the forum (I was the guy in the Fox McCloud costume). Especially after hearing that Soundcloud is about to go kaput, which is where I've kept my music portfolio for a while. And just to prove that I was the guy that Joe Zieja talked to: http://imgur.com/roFAg3f I'll post my individual pieces to the forum at some point tomorrow. Until then, feel free to browse my soundcloud while it's still online. A lot of it is original music, but I've also made a couple remixes in there. My favorite is the Pokemon Black/White Gym Leader "remix" that I made several years ago. Alas, I haven't had any time to write any music since working an IT support tech job and going back to school for a degree that can actually get me a job this time, so I'm incredibly rusty now. That said, I plan to start writing and playing music again this year. Hopefully, I'll be able to create stuff that's up to OCRemix standards. I look forward to being part of this community! -Noaxzl [EDIT: Just realized that I actually made a post in this topic around five years ago. WHOOPSEEDOODLE!]
    1 point
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