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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Been working on a track for a while now and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out so far. Definitely open to feedback, so feel free to let me know if you have any thoughts/suggestions! Original: Remix:
    1 point
  2. First season is a great series of pilot episodes (four in total) for a potentially great show - which is probably the first season's greatest weakness. It sets up to be something great with excellent animation, solid character building for all of it's characters and some great action in short bursts, then it's over before it can actually do something amazing with that set-up. You don't have to be into the game series at all to enjoy the episodes, either, as it does a solid job building it's world in it's own right. It might in fact be a reason gamers have mixed reception to this - it actually takes time to acclimate it's non-gamer audience, where the gamers would probably rather spend in the damn castle. Finishing your analogy, it approaches a climax with some excellent foreplay, but then it never gets there, which blue-balls you for a whole year before the next season comes. But yeah, go watch the first season - it's a great pilot opening, about as long as a short movie, and shorter than the Ducktales' pilot series of episodes. Then be pumped for the next season, since this is where shit is gonna get real, boyz. Considering they're only making eight episodes for this season (iirc), I doubt the quality will suffer; they've had plenty of time to spend on a relatively short series.
    1 point
  3. thanks, i think this will help immensely!
    1 point
  4. Dude, I'm loving this longer period too. Half of my track is already done, and I'm very, very pleased with the end result. I'll definitely have something up by the submission date.
    1 point
  5. I think its just that theres essentially two copies of the melody. Theres four channels playing the melody and three playing the harmony. Three of the melody channels play nicely together, but the fourth is just the other three stacked into one channel and played off time so it sounds funny. This longer remixing period is definitely nice. I always start a mix and then get distracted and before i know it im two days away from the sub time with no ideas.
    1 point
  6. Here's some answers in more plain english: 1. Clipping sounds like crackling distortion. Just keep raising the volume and eventually you'll hear it. That's the rule in computers; when it goes past 0 dB, it will clip. Because the computer can't process stuff that is louder. 2. dB is just a measure of amplitude (loudness). Hz is completely different. When you have a pure tone, it's a wave moving at some number of times per second. 1 Hz is one pulse per second, 2 Hz is 2 per second, etc. The range of human hearing is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (that's generous, it's different per person. My ears stop at 17,000.) http://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/ Go to this site and you will quickly understand what Hz means in the context of what you hear. Low Hz is bass, high Hz is treble. Raise and lower the Hz on that website and you'll see as you go from the lowest number to the highest number, you're going from lowest pitch to highest pitch. 3. Normalize just means it finds the loudest point in your song and raises the entire song equally all at once so that THAT particular loud point is 0 dB. Usually normalize in programs lets you tell it what to normalize to (-3 dB, -1 dB, 0dB, etc.). 4. The overall loudness of your song is whatever is passing through the master channel. That's what you're hearing, and the master channel loudness meter tells you what it is.
    1 point
  7. No worries. It's good that you are actually asking, and you seem to be getting it so far. I don't use Audacity that much, but I can give you my thoughts on the rest. Visually, you would have to inspect the mixer dB meter to see that something went over 0 dB. Sometimes (if the DAW is programmed that way) it'll show red, which should indicate clipping. If you haven't heard it before, it sounds like a crackling, but it might be subtle if you don't exaggerate the volume level. I know I didn't perceive clipping in my first year learning music production without looking at a mixer. You can think of hertz (frequency) as the horizontal span of what we can hear, and dB (loudness) as the vertical span of what we can hear. Hertz is a frequency unit (as opposed to, say, length units of meters, or mass units of kilograms). It just means that for every second that passes, one wave cycle passes by, so 5 Hz means that 5 cycles pass per second. It is also written Hz, or 1/sec. Some producers might say that higher frequencies "brighten up" a sound, etc. Lower frequencies sound "boomy", "rumbly", sometimes "muddy", etc. Higher frequencies span the treble range (generally around 4000 - 20000 Hz, give or take) via high notes, and low frequencies span the bass range (generally around 20 - 1000 Hz, give or take) via low notes. Lastly, midrange (the rest) is where most sounds lie, like the human voice, lead instruments, guitar, etc. It's where you hear presence, and all listening devices hit some of this range. On the other hand, dB is basically just loudness. Louder, or softer, at a fixed frequency. Yes, the net result is what you should pay attention to. As a general property of audio waves, their amplitudes (loudnesses) will add, and also cancel, at various points, and so, if every channel hits 0 dB, the net result will exceed 0 dB. Therefore, NOT all channels "need" to reach 0 dB by themselves.
    1 point
  8. I Made an account just to reply to this thread. I dont know what happened to OCR and the infamous stuff, i disappeared to find my own path, nor do i know what happened to my account. Worked with Ambient, Disco Dan, JRobson, Papa Monkey (Children of the Monkey Machine) back then...the aspiring 13 y/o composer trying to find the right genre Came back to visit because Youtube reminded me of the old days. I remember you Metaknight and Neko.
    1 point
  9. a miserable pile of simian excrement newton FAST
    1 point
  10. 1 point
    1 point
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