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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2019 in all areas

  1. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/StW3
    2 points
  2. So good to see this awesome project return. Once it's done we better do Soulblazer lmao. Ooh and thank you Jorito for pitching in!
    1 point
  3. Really digging this new version!
    1 point
  4. This is how the corruption sets in. First he's entering his own contests, next thing you know he's running for President.
    1 point
  5. Dang. I appreciate it! I was trying to figure this out for a while with no luck (still learning), but I can totally see what you mean. Any chance there was a Quarter-Tone thrown in there?
    1 point
  6. Okay, that sounds doable. Do you know of any good places to look for artists (I know of deviantart, but was wondering if there were other places to look too). UPDATE: I removed all claims since there was no response to the check-in. Those with WIP's have until the 31st of this month to reply and get a WIP Extension while finding an artist is sorted out. On the plus side: we are so much closer to release as a result. Thanks for your hard work and patience everyone :)! Question: How is a site/domain for an OC Remic album alloted?
    1 point
  7. It's not your fault lol. It's just folks are busy, and not everyone will like certain soundtracks enough to remix them. Thanks anyways.
    1 point
  8. Thank you so much @Trism I'm really glad to be part of this, Terranigma is definitely a big part of my youth and the Evergreen's track brings memories! Keep in touch
    1 point
  9. Also, please welcome @Clement Panchout to the project! He's going to be picking up the Evergreen source. He linked me to some of the his previous work offsite and I am VERY much looking forward to hearing what he does with this track. Welcome aboard, Clement!
    1 point
  10. *A MINOR ANNOUNCEMENT* (By which I mean the announcement is quite small, not in the key of A minor. Unless you want to sing along to this post of course. That's totally your choice.) I'm happy to announce that @Jorito will be joining the project staff as Co-Director and @Odai will be moving across into a Project Advisor role. Jorito has a lot of experience with getting album projects completed and up to the required standards, and Odai (as the OG project creator) is staying on to provide assistance where he can and will generally be around the place. Both of them will be copied into all direct messages with remixers so don't be surprised if they weigh in on WIP feedback or similar. Thanks again to everyone involved with the album.
    1 point
  11. Hi everyone, For a musical challenge, I did a short arrangement of a Deltarune's track (The Chase). Goal was to make a Deltarune's "christmassy" arrangement in one week. Not sure why but Christmas always sounded "Burton-esque" to me, so that's where I went with it I hope you'll enjoy.
    1 point
  12. Good to see some activity here again! I did dust off my arrangement of Crysta and was able to recruit some help for it... I think it's gonna be pretty cool Two-weekly WIP updates might be a bit much for a hobby project, IMO. Life has a tendency to get in the way and leave you unable to work on music, in my experience. Frequent check-ins/status updates (maybe just monthly in stead of bi-weekly) rather than WIP updates might be an alternative to consider for such cases. For Resonance of the Pure Land that worked quite well, as a means of keeping each other updated and to prevent radio silence and ultimately dropped tracks, but ymmv. Just sharing some ideas here! Looking forward to get this going again!
    1 point
  13. **2 WEEKS POST-RESURRECTION** The two week 'grace period' is over and I've got to say I'm extremely pleased with the amount of people who have returned to the project. We have no less than 15 finished tracks from before we went on hiatus and from wonderful remixer's who finished their tracks while we were away. @Chimpazilla has also very kindly agreed to return as our resident mixer/masterer for the project, so I'd like to say a massive thanks to her as well. Sadly however there are a few people who have decided not to rejoin or haven't been back to the site for quite a while and as such haven't replied to my message from two weeks ago. As such there is a brand new list of source track available for claiming, which is included below. I'll be asking @Odai to update the opening post in due time to reflect this as well. If anyone is interested in picking a source please drop me a DM and we'll discuss further. I will be looking to get this album done, dusted and delivered by December 19th, 2019, which is the anniversary of the EU release date of the game (thank you for pointing that out, @Jorito!) That means that we'll need to get all tracks finalized and evaluated by September in order to give the site staff time to do their thing. Due to the slightly tighter deadline I'm going to be asking remixers for updates every 2 weeks, not necessarily a full WIP update but just a check-in at the very least, though I will of course be flexible where the need arises (I'm not a *complete* monster. Mostly.). AVAILABLE TRACKS: DISC 1: REST (Generally calm and ambient/happy) Sanctuary Nomads in the Desert DISC 2: QUEST (Generally upbeat and positive/driven) Overworld DISC 3: BATTLE! (Generally dark and brooding/heavy) Dr. Beruga Boss Fight A massive thank you to everyone who has returned or even just responded to my increasingly delirious messages over the last 2 weeks. The real work now begins in earnest.
    1 point
  14. Absolutely, keep me posted ! With @evktalo's comment I may just reach out to those with tracks in-progress/almost done, and just go with the current track roster so far. There's 7 tracks finished actually, so you're right in that it would make a great album as is :). I may take that route (I'm not sure how to get an album artist for OC Remix projects tbh).
    1 point
  15. It used to be that it took a year to get a decision, now it takes 7 months just to update the thread.
    1 point
  16. Don't update it! Let their curiosity fester make them go crazy, as it has already done to me!!
    1 point
  17. I have the utmost appreciation for updating the queue thread. hmmhowtomakethisaquestion ... Were you aware of that?
    1 point
  18. I've usually been checking this thread for info on submissions currently in the judging process, but it seems they've stopped updating it. Is there some place I don't know about where this can be checked?
    1 point
  19. Really digging the new direction here. Based on the source, I wouldn't have expected this style, but I do remember your contribution to the FF4 project and this is in a similar vein. Well produced overall. As mentioned, the panning creates a bit of audio imbalance when listening on headphones, but not a big deal. Some parts got a little dense, even a bit distorted, like the build to the end at 3:45. The shifting 6/8 to 7/8 time signature is cool and well executed. Very creative take on the source while keeping the connection strong. The feel reminds me a bit of the Risk Of Rain soundtrack (which is awesome, by the way). Love it. YES
    1 point
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