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  1. Some of the samples (i.e. the jazz trumpets) and drum writing/snares samples etc were done by Sir Jordanius. And most of the transitional FX were his too. Though I guess my sound library is better these days. Speaking of...I could use better jazz samples. But sure, a collab would be cool.
    2 points
  2. Oh, your take is nowhere near being non-conservative, don't worry. Being non-conservative in the MnP books is altering the source material too much, rearranging a shit-ton...reducing or increasing the tempo way beyond. Altering the mood too much. OFC...exceptions are for Howlowe'en and December, b/c they are more thematic - and sometimes the source material doesn't always fit the theme of those holiday specials. I'll give you an example of as "liberal" an approach as I can tolerate in MnP... https://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP12 Skoshu's entry.
    2 points
  3. Wow. I was asleep on the wheel of that transaction. Glad to know that ThaSauce didn't give you any trouble Seth my man. Guess I spent TOO much time on Newgrounds... Dat technological knowledge of sound chips and stuff. It's on my to-do list to read up on. Mmmm chips. And yeah, qualitative remarks we generally do *after* the voting process and obviously we put comments down when we vote. No harm done though. Sometimes we drop qualitative stuff in the comments section of our submitted tracks b/c reasons. Though it's best to avoid, if you don't wanna poison your chances at getting a vote in your favor >: 3 If you got any other questions, feel free to ask me, Mr. Seth Skoda (edit over9000) And thanks Dex and TVG for doing my job for me. Saved me a lot of awkwardness and derp. Well. Some of it anyways.
    2 points
  4. ah, I figured it out after poasting that. Oh, well, thank you, anyway. Also, it is finished and submitted.
    2 points
  5. Answers here: https://ocremix.org/community/topic/48012-prc388-arrival-of-the-anubis-jet-force-gemini/
    2 points
  6. The People's Remix Competition 399 PRCv16-14 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! In PRC397 it was TheVideoGamer who got the win since his bonus was the only song. The source is selected: Source: Mega Turrican - Stage 1-2 (GEN) MIDI File Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit The deadline is Friday November 8th 2019 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC401, the rounds after next round. That round will have two sources. PRC400 is a Sonic special round. The winner of PRC397, TheVideoGamer, who picked this source, can only participate by submitting a Bonus Mix. His vote is doubled in the voting stage. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page
    1 point
  7. Ooo-oooooh make it an OLR-throwback round I gotta have muh parody remixes. Cool source btw.
    1 point
  8. Changing the sound chip, shouldn't be illegal right? If it is, then i will file a lawsuit against whoever said it is. Making a Sega Genesis cover, does nothing to the composition, but more of what the sound is. In this case FM.
    1 point
  9. I am never speaking to you again. Take your Salt and Vinegar and get out of here. We don't take kindly to the sacrilegious acidity of saltiness and vinegary textures. I'm only joking by the way. I do like this flavour (I have my eye on you...you...salt loving traitor....ahem...)
    1 point
  10. One day, maybe TVG. Salt & Vinegar is good stuff >:3
    1 point
  11. Thanks for participating Billy Bob Jr. <3 Congrats NPD. Fun round.
    1 point
  12. Well, it's good to know there's a good community here. By way, this is off-topic, but I left you a review on that Sonic CD remix. I was blown away. I'd like to collab some time... To TheVideoGamer: I guess it's good I got that out of the way, then, as I would definitely like to participate in more of these challenges. I did enjoy remaking that tune. Thank you to everyone for your help.
    1 point
  13. Oh good, glad you could get it sorted.
    1 point
  14. We use this site to post submissions. It's reliable, and has a brilliant voting system to make it organised. I love it. This is just a security question, to prevent robots and spam. Just find a compo and type it in.
    1 point
  15. What's this? I'm trying to sign up for a ThaSauce account to submit my piece. But I get this: Name any ThaSauce compo: This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots. What am I supposed to type in there? I've never even heard of this site before...
    1 point
  16. Oh... oh, my bad. I didn't know that my explanation was out of bounds. Sorry about that. But when I'm done, I link it here, right?
    1 point
  17. Thanks for sharing this. Probably better when the round is over, that way we have a fresh mindset when voting. We don't usually make comments until the rounds over you see. To be fair, you shouldn't need to worry too much. Were not perfectionists, we just enjoy it, and feedback those that need a bit of improvement.
    1 point
  18. Ah, thank you for this. I might as well say what I have so far. I separated the high end and low end drums into separate percussion channels. The open and closed high hats get the long and short envelope PSG noise samples (which I ripped from Sonic 3) respectively. The kick, snare and crash cymbal are replaced with DAC samples. The kick and snare are from Sonic 2 and the crash cymbal I don't remember, I just have it. I split the melody and bass into 3 FM channels and made a few changes (only to keep the added panning balanced, as all things should be). I also copied the dual melody track into two PSG square channels as well to give it a boost as well as flavor. I'm going to be adding either arpeggios or pads as FM channels 4&5 (stereo panned) to beef it up further.
    1 point
  19. I don't see why that would be a problem. MnP is about a conservative approach. So really honing in closer to the source. So as far as were concerned, a Sound Upgrade is completely acceptable. Really we only care about the mood and source material is kept, rest is more up to you. If you wanna add some Sega FM, then by all means go for it. All minds are unique. Oh well HoboKa knows more than me. I kind of have a habit of stepping in his pocket, but at least you got something from me. Good Luck!
    1 point
  20. Hey, can I just upgrade this with the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive sound chip? A higher grade chiptune, basically. I will no doubt throw my own stuff into it, but it will mainly be an upgrade. I see nothing in the contest rules about this, but it's not allowed for official submissions, so I thought I'd ask.
    1 point
  21. Thanks Rexy for that breakdown! Always helpful to have that for complex arrangements like this. I've been listening to this one for a while and have been on the fence about it. Ultimately I'm in agreement with most what what my fellow judges had to say: the vanilla synths and mechanical instruments are just unpleasant, and there's a lot of crowding in the busier sections that's causing both muddiness and some pumping. On the plus side, I personally thought the arrangement was just fine. It covers a lot of territory but it all seemed coherent, perfectly respectable for a long-form exploration. As for the frequencies, I have better high-end hearing than my colleagues, so for me a melody being carried in the 2.5KHz range is fine, but I understand how many listeners would find it unpleasant, and a low pass at 10KHz will almost always do more good than harm. I'd love to see a revision, but the sound quality for sure need another pass. NO (resubmit)
    1 point
  22. Just out of interest, is PRC400 gonna be somewhat of a free round? As a milestone celebration...
    1 point
  23. Heh this might be a good turnout this round...
    1 point
  24. Well done NinjaPenguinDan! Nice to have a win that isn’t me or Hoboka lol
    1 point
  25. Hey OCR crowd! Wanted to quick plug the newest Castlevania tribute album I ran, after last year's X68000 album. https://smarturl.it/thebelmontadventure It's what it says on the package; a tribute to the music from the first 2 Gameboy Castlevania games, Adventure and Belmont's Revenge. Again had a fantastic troop of musicians helping me create this album (Snappleman, Alexander Brandon, Viking Guitar, etc.), which I've wanted to do for a little while but never put into motion until earlier this year. It's got a bevy of genres - metal, rock, orchestral, jazzy prog, electronic from a bunch of remix artists and even a few game composers in the mix! I'm really proud of the variety and skill that was brought to this album while covering some of my favorite music from the series. It's released currently on Bandcamp, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music and more. Proceeds will go to Bat Conservation International to help endangered bat species and their habitats; because you can't have a Castlevania without bats!
    1 point
  26. Submitted. My next project will be PRC400, the Sonic special round.
    1 point
  27. I'm sorry for the delay (I was too busy with working on the MnP track ), but it's Results time TheVideoGamer got 12 points, only enough for the last place wooden spoon. HoboKa got several first place votes, but his score of 14 brings him second place NinjaPenguinDan is the winner with 16 points!!. NinjaPenguin, you are the winner and may pick a source for PRC401. Send the source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). Send your sources as fast as you can, but before Monday 4 November 2019), 11:00 AM ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT). You may select any source from any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links (I recently updated this site): http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/prc398 for the votes and comments.
    1 point
  28. ❤❤❤❤ This is a very long track, but I can keep things short since the issues I have are pretty straightforward. First is the vanilla samples and its usage. Stuff like strings, brasses and other instruments seem to be lacking articulation to say the least, and they come out as extremely artificial. Second, the mix sounds like it has a ton of highs, a lot of lows but not much when it comes to mid content. Things like brasses have a very sharp edge, which is something that can happen naturally in a performance, but it seems like every stab here is articulated to be as sharp as possible. Many other instruments have a piercing quality to them (i.e. the final synth is resonating so hard I had to just take my headphones off). Also, even tho there are lows, almost everything on that range sounds pretty muffled. I'm not huge on this arrangement either, as it seems too disconnected and I don't feel it's conveying much even though it has a very long runtime, but this is mostly subjective and not my main reason for rejection. Overall, too many issues in plain sight here for me to let this through. NO
    1 point
  29. I gotta buy it and give it a proper listen later, but after a quick skim through the tracks I can already say there's some good percussion stuff in some of them. Good choices for loops/writing/whatever. And a cool overall sound. Here's hoping the game itself manifests, and I'll echo the "awesome album to show for" sentiment. Nice work, dude.
    1 point
  30. First of all, it took me a long evening to take notes on the source tunes, so I'll provide a breakdown for my fellow judges. 0:31-1:13 - B section of Spear Pillar / Arceus motif. 1:41-2:05 - Bells from Sinjoh Ruins / Mt Coronet. 2:28-3:12 - Rhodes piano from Sinjoh Ruins / Mt Coronet; strings come in and provide the melody for the former. 3:14-3:45 - Mt. Coronet's B section. 3:55-4:17 - Rhodes piano stabs from Mt. Coronet's C section, with strings following. 4:17-4:47 - Pokéthlon Finals A section. 5:02-5:43 - Final part of C section in Mt. Coronet 5:58-6:04 - Brief reference of Sinjoh Ruins' C section. 6:08-6:40 - Distortion World's A section on muted trumpets, moving to the B section on sustained brass. (Sorry, but I didn't hear anything from the Arceus source here.) 6:48-6:58 - Last section of Sinjoh Ruins, which also references the A section of Spear Pillar and the brief Giratina melody motif. 7:02-7:17 - Distortion World's A section. 7:17-7:39 - Sinjoh Ruins bells. 7:57-8:03 - Last reference for Sinjoh Ruins / Mt. Coronet before ending. The sources are dominant, so I'm pleased to see you understood that part. I also heard how you treated the meat of the arrangement as an extension of Sinjoh Ruins, while also adding in other components to weave the mood. The Spear Pillar intro sounded neat with the tempo shift before getting into the arrangement proper. The bass writing sounds fun and added a driving force to the backing instrumentation. The ominous instrumentation and glitching in the Distortion World section was a fun way to add in a temporary feeling of chaos. And most importantly, the integration of other sources into Sinjoh's structure was a neat touch and reduced the prospect of medley-itis in the track. So you aren't wrong here - you can't have too many outside sources when arranging that kind of BGM. There are two issues I have with the arrangement, though. Firstly, the Pokéthlon Finals section feels so out of place and random, so this is a rare case that the track would sound more cohesive without a section dedicated to BGM. Secondly, the source melodies have all been brought in verbatim, with only the rhythmic changeups in the Distorted World return at 7:03 having any hint of playing around with motifs. You have an 8-minute run-time and plenty of opportunities to explore these tunes, so consider going back over the BGM integration so far and experiment with them. The production left me mixed feelings, though. Firstly, I respect your choice to mix dated and modern sounds - it's a neat aesthetic that I didn't think would work in theory, but it works here. The rest of the production, on the other hand, feels rough and I need to bring a few irks to the table. The brass and symphonic string section has no articulation. When present in the track, these instruments all sound robotic and don't smoothly transition well from one note to another. Modern production samples like these usually have key switches to trigger for different forms of expression, so consider looking at those and seeing what you can do. Velocities can also get shaped up to better shape the dynamic field. There is an excessive amount of piercing frequencies here. Your decision here makes sense as you use a lot of high-pitched synths and bells in your instrumentation. But audio beyond at least 8k Hz is only intended to add a hint of sparkle into the track and shouldn't be used to carry a tone. One idea I have is to transpose your offending synths down an octave. Another is to put a low pass at around 10k on the harshest sounding ones. Fixing this step is vital, as it made the track too fatiguing to listen to otherwise. While I'm on the subject, the mix itself feels cluttered and muddy. It happens most often when the Sinjoh/Coronet Rhodes piano overlaps the lead(s), a lead overlaps another or the rare occasion where the bass overlaps either. Even the percussion feels muffled and buried as a result of not enough separation between the parts. With so many instruments and a hefty track length, the idea of going into each part's EQ settings feels daunting. But it's worth figuring out which samples to make cuts to get others to poke through. As a concept, it's a neat idea, and it added a sense of drama to the source material not present before. But the track itself is too painful to listen to thanks to the unhealthy high frequencies, with parts blending into each other and the real-sounding brass and strings sounding too robotic. If you decide to revise this, cutting the highs is essential. On the other end of the spectrum, I see further experimentation with the source melodies as desirable. Whatever happens, Adrian, don't give up - I see potential in you. NO (resubmit)
    1 point
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