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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2020 in all areas

  1. Amazing! I can't wait to listen! I'm so honored to be on this album, the Badass albums are my favorites and being on one is a dream come true!
    3 points
  2. It's released you guys! Go check it out at https://badass-pr.ocremix.org!
    3 points
  3. My votes are in. Ya know, I was not expecting such an eclectic collection of tracks. It will be interesting to see how the voting turns out on this one.
    2 points
  4. Hello, It's the 30th Anniversary of StarTropics!!! (Released in 1990) I thought this would be fun to remix the soundtrack and put something out there for fans of the game during this big year. Some of the remixes sound similar to the originals and others sound pretty out there. This was made with Super Nintendo soundfonts and Super Audio Cart as well some reverb, delay and other dynamics for listening purposes. I was inspired to make this after enthusiastic support from the StarTropics speedrunning community. Took me 4 months to make and hope you enjoy some of these remixes! Youtube Link: Produced by AndreTheXLR8R Mastered by Phil Shenandoah Original music by Yoshio Hirai
    1 point
  5. Voted. With such an assortment of songs, I had to evaluate them by overall quality and innovation to the source. Great pieces this round.
    1 point
  6. It's great to have you on the album man! To you and everyone: please help retweet, like, comment, share, shout, run around with banners or whatever to promote this amazing piece of art!
    1 point
    1 point
  8. This and the acoustic picked guitar are really great for guys like me who can't play and don't really write complex guitar parts. I've tried Evolution strawberry and another Evolution library on a friend's PC and I really couldn't do anything with it because the learning curve. But from what I could see, if you were willing to put in the work, you could definitely sequence something really nice as long as you touched it up. But for me, it would have taken too long and I would have to constantly borrow his equipment. Still, it is nice to fiddle with every now and then. But these two really get the job done for me when I want a guitar and need patterns and such. Usually when I'm doing that it's just for me to sing over. Same with their drum library. Super useful for someone like me whose instrument is voice lol.
    1 point
  9. @theconsoloist I'll dm you about what exactly we should do with this For public record, I'm double checking with all the collaborators on my track, but so far everyones cool with an OCR submission.
    1 point
  10. Well, I guess I will submit my finished track to OCR as well if there are no objections. @Chimpazilla @theconsoloist
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I'm still on Kontak 5, so I need to upgrade to 6 before hand, but you're right, there is no SPECIFIC Kontakt upgrade for this plugin. I should have been more clear in my initial post, my bad ^^ And I agree with you, it's really not that expensive for the quality, and seems more multi genre oriented than something like Shreddage. I hope someone will chime in and give you a better insight on whether or not this plugin is really worth it. And I'll be reading with a lot of interest as well Cheers!
    1 point
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