My point is, GDC is most likely for fun and not useful unless you're a music or programming wizard and you're already lucky enough getting industry work. I can't verify this personally until I can afford to do it myself, and that day when I do, I'm going to go there, unwashed, in as little clothing as I can legally wear, lipstick and mascara, apply for as many jobs as humanly possible - so then when I pay more than $1200 to get rejected, I will at least have earned it. Nothing pisses me off more than knowing I did everything right and bought everything I needed to still fail and that's been my career outside my day job for 10 years.
This is part of my "Dreams Do Not Come True" initiative for my generation. I'm turning my experience/failure into realistic reinforcement for struggling and surprisingly-naive-for-really-intelligent members of my generation who just don't know whats good for them, godbless'em. Our generation was cursed with over-abundant unearned confidence building in our infancy and now we just can't accept it when someone tells us "We don't want you. No one wants you. If we want a composer, we know what we want already and where to find them. It's called Google. Oh, you spent a shitload of money on stuff you suck at? So does everyone else. Go cry somewhere else you fuckin' aspie retard."
Someone actually sent me something to that effect once... and it's still not the worst rejection I've received.
Sorry to digress there, but no one pays any attention to anything I write unless they're thinking I'm bashing LGBT or thinking I'm calling them a thief when I have photographic evidence that, despite the fact you're a respected moderator on a major website, you clearly can't READ - so its all good.