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Everything posted by Dahlia

  1. I don't imagine it'd be too hard for a Castlevania character to slip in there. After all, Soma has sold many, many copies of games over two Nintendo systems now. He's fairly famous nowadays. I know the more hardcore CV fans will want Simon though. What I'd really like to see is Lyndis from Fire Emblem. I bet it'd be pretty likely for her to make it in if the fans push for it. I already submitted her in the suggestion box thing.
  2. Definitely. I had all the characters at max level with all the best equipment and still couldn't beat him. I've yet to try it with Rena as the main character, though. So I didn't have Dias. Next time I'm gonna go Claude, Ashton, Dias, Rena.
  3. MMG, come to UnMod. Overcoat and I will treat you well. You will be shielded from the flamers and perverts. Worry not. We can teach you how to remix.
  4. I'd like to hear. Me too, definitely!
  5. Yeah, don't you just hate mini-mods?
  6. The next knock on your door is from the RIAA or the BSA and they'll have a nice chat with you. Watch out! The Boy Scouts of America will come to yo' neighborhood and drop you hard.
  7. [Mod Edit] piracy admissions/suggestions not acceptable Anyway, I basically just saved up and bought what I needed over time. First I got my orchestral samples, then drums, then other miscellaneous stuff. I never really buy anything anymore. It'd take a pretty revolutionary new sampling technology to get me to replace the stuff I currently use.
  8. Holy crap, I wants me some ethnic samples.
  9. Who needs skill when you can just spend 20,000 dollars per library to sound nice? Right?
  10. PriZm est dans l'armie du Quebec avec son axe!
  11. When Gray said, "Japanese sequencers", he meant S.S.H. ...AND MYSELF LOL!
  12. Maybe it's an Oboe pun. Cause', you know. It's a music forum.
  13. Do you of any English? Typos aside, I really don't think there are any decent free distortion programs around. But I haven't tried that thing Mr.T linked... and I've been out of the loop for a while since I got my Line 6 gear.
  14. I'd like to know what the original song(s) was. >_>
  15. Talking about whether Cubase or FL is better is seriously about as lame as those GameFaqs forum kids who perpetually debate the merits of the PSP vs. the DS.
  16. This is awesome. We all need a little more happy ninja music in our lives.
  18. This just in: Sixto hates ProTools And thus the universe was balanced.
  19. This just in: I hate Sixto. ; _ ;
  20. I laughed when I heard Neighburgers playing in the background.
  21. Not to sound mean, but from what you said, I take it you consider yourself a guitar technician... but post on OCR's boards to find out if it's possible to turn a humbucker into a coil? o.O;
  22. Just go spend the 100$ or whatever on a new pickup. D:
  23. Some people are here are in a perpetual bad mood. They'll never help you.
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