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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. I guess your "you're on DDR" was just an early birthday present. And In the Dark was a present you gave to us, for your birthday? Anyways, have a good one. You rock.
  2. I still haven't gotten my hard copy. D: But I may have something to amuse myself until then...
  3. ognoes, I sawr the video i did. I SHOULD'VE BEEN CREDITED. Cause I was randomly running towards Deimos when he was firing the rocket. THAT'S GOTTA COUNT AS ACTING. *cough*
  4. I..didn't need to EMAIL you, did I? Cause that would be lame.
  5. Well really, who rents anymore?
  6. Basically, I thobl what Coop is saying is, don't nominate a game just because you think it's fun. Nominate a game because you think that, regardless of personal tastes, it's a game that everyone should at least try. Katamari is a good example of this, IMO. I have a few friends who don't play much more than shooters. However, I got them to play KD just because I thought that's a game that any actual gamer should at least try, just because that's the kind of game it is. If you don't like it, fine, but but you shouldn't play video games without having tried it. That's the point of the thread.
  7. Tonight there was good fun to be had. Only Myself, Deimos/Yellow13, IcyGuy, MrB, and Strykr showed up, but it was still good fun. Any clan members we don't know...try to show up for the meetups! And also. Wingless: Get your bloody disc back from work.
  8. ORITE. I was wondering why it said new content when it was...still the same stuff.
  9. *pat* I haven't got mine yet either. But the sexy shipping notice will keep me entertained while I wait?
  10. My guess is the battery's fried. Not sure how you'd go about getting a replacement though.
  11. But...I almost always send those messages WITH an invite. And LOVE.
  12. That reminds me. THIS FRIDAY. I'll get on at 10-ish CST. MEETUP SHALL BE HAD. YOU'VE ALL BE WARNED.
  13. Gimme. You don't want it. I do.
  14. Uh..they make those USB Key-type routers especially for the DS and Wii. I got one a while back, and it's been working great. *shrug*
  15. Hoorah! Though...someone did use it a LITTLE in one of their mixes.
  16. Ahha, the second one wins. Unless you're Canadian and mostly play 5 pin. Then it's just confusing.
  17. Needs more tits. Still sexy though.
  18. I think you've got it backwards. On a related note, it wouldn't actually surprise me that much if they reached Mario Party 12 by winter '11.
  19. Ha, I can almost hear it now. "Deimos. Deeeeeiiiimos. Deimos Deimos Deimos. Deimos..Dei....mos. Deimos."
  21. My new avatar looks suspiciously like my old avatar. Suspicious.
  22. 'Kay. Tonight, I'll be on. At least from say, 10 til 12. Probly a bit earlier til a bit later, but that's minimum. So if anyone sees this, join me. OR ELSE DEATH.
  23. So are preorders still up? I've come into a teeny bit of money. Enough to buy a cd, anyways.
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