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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. Needs more talk of cutting your wife in half.
  2. WE KNEW KATAMARI WOULD WIN. WE HAD FAITH IN YOU, little PRINCE. Though I'd have preferred Lonely Rolling Star, this is still a great sight to behold.
  3. Guys, guys, you missed it. Yoshi's Story.
  4. I haven't heard much about it at all, but it SEEMS like it'd be a fun little game.
  5. If it's any consolation, I'm making decent money now. Not enough to give you any, but more than enough for myself.
  6. RIP Quirks v4
  7. Releasing enough "singles"? Christ. Also, the torrent is going slow as fuck right now. One seed, dl'ing at about 10kbps right now. UL'ing at about the same. Fuck.
  8. But...NO TRANCE VIBRATOR? Oh wait, the 360 has USB ports. Hmmm...
  9. When is Beautiful Katamari due out anyways? I CRAVES IT. But yeah, hacking...eh, I just didn't care once I got the acheivement. All I hacked after that was safes, and maybe the occassional vending machine or u-invent.
  10. We demand you remix us tiny prince.
  11. Heh, if nothing else, it'd be guaranteed to be better than Kanye West's crap.
  12. Likely or not, what're some songs you'd like to hear covered, and by who? Topic came to mind earlier when I heard "Tattooed Love Boys", and thought the vocalist sounded ever so slightly like Brody Dahl of The Distillers, and as such figured, "Hm, that'd be an interesting cover to hear". I'm sure I could think of more, but's it's pretty damned late right now. Sooo...how about you?
  13. Lo and behold.
  14. Tch, but I already have those.
  15. So I feel like mentioning, while the MP3 boxart is pretty meh, it's the best looking wii DISC I've seen so far. The rest are all super boring, but this one's not so bad.
  16. Freaks, the lot of you, freaks.
  17. You gotta romanance it first. Also, no, but my wii is called the WesWii and my 360's HD has been renamed "My Drive is Hard." That's about it though.
  18. Kay, just beat it. Two things. First, the gripe. You get a shitload of ADAM at one point, but can't use it on anything. Fuck. Second. The ending, though it was pretty good [and pretty to boot], was far shorter than I expected of this game. But then, I suppose the intro was short too, so...maybe I should've expected something shorter. However, the "ending" before the ending...for lack of a better term [think "poke/rape" if you've seen it] was pretty epic. Overall, I'd rate the game, probly about an 8/10. While the game was GORGEOUS and pretty fun, as well as having a pretty damned solid plot, it lacks multiplayer. This game would have EPIC MP, but no, it doesn't. So...the game as a whole, I rate 8/10. The 1P "mode", I'd probly give somewhere in the area of 9.5-9.75/10. I finished with 42/50 acheivements btw. I don't know how the hell to get into those two rooms I missed though [one in a basement barred with lattice stuff, and one apartment thinger].
  19. I haven't beat it either. I thought that was pretty vague. Maybe you guys just think about this stuff way the hell too closely.
  20. Hey now, don't badmouth Bioshock, even indirectly. It's sexy. This obviously doesn't mean I'm not really looking forward to MP3. It shall also be sexy, though less so graphically and moreso in a Metroid-Prime-like way. Still, from what I've seen, the graphics still look pretty good, just not mind-blowing. The gameplay, however, shall be dead sexy.
  21. Orite. I friended you but forgot to invite you into the clan. Uhm...I'ma go online when I play Bioshock later, so I'll pop in Halo2 real quick and send you an invite before I Bioshock it up.
  22. So, for anyone who's gotten this far... [and for those who haven't, fear not! this shall be so vague as to be spoiler-free] I was NOT expecting the bit with Fontaine after the whole "A SLAVE OBEYS, A MAN CHOOSES" bit. Would you kindly agree with me?
  23. Yeah, it has to be something like that. One time I stood and watched a BD banging on the node trying to get the LS to come out. I dunno if she would've after a while or not, cause I was too busy shooting her would-be-bodyguard in the face with electric buckshot. So, who actually harvests Little Sisters? I've been rescuing them all, so I'm curious about the difference in the amount of Adam you get.
  24. BOOBIES ON A CD COVER! Think of the SCANDAL!
  25. Hoshit, You have XBL again? We played Halo2 once or twice back in the day. I'll add you shortly.
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