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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. Put me down for one. Limited printing or not, I want it. Signed, as usual.
  2. FAVOURITES THREAD. Heh. Add The Sveldt. Justice demands it.
  3. *scratches chin thoughtfully*
  4. Oh, last I checked there was still an invite sitting there for you, and that was only a couple of weeks ago... I'll try to get on later to send another one.
  5. Any plans for a hard copy release a la BTSB?
  6. Shit, I missed that part? When did this happen? And..what song?
  7. Really? I actually liked the Knuckles one the best of the three...
  8. Jacked from offtop, but...c'mon.
  9. I'd preorder were I not so poor right now.
  10. Awesome. You can never have too many rock remixes.
  11. Pogoninjawut? New maps apparently. So...*phoenix down*?
  12. Y'know, I was actually up early today for obviously unrelated reasons. So, I was bored for a bit while waiting for someone, and I flipped to CNN. [this was around 9 CST] BREAKING NEWS, SHOOTING ETC. Oh, only one dead though. Not bad. Look at it a few minutes later. Oh, one dead and one wounded. 'Kay. Still pretty good for a shooting rampage type deal. So I go about my business for the day. Around 4 CST or so, I happen to flip to CNN again. 33 dead, gunman suicide at second shooting location. Oh. Well..shit. So it DID turn out to be really shitty. Lame.
  13. Too lazy to check to see if it's been posted yet or not. Worth a double post if it has though. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8767
  14. You clearly have not played GoW2 yet. If you have, certainly not to Euryale, and DEFINITELY not to Clotho [that is, the third Sister of Fate]. CLEARLY.
  15. -UnMod didn't tip you off?
  16. I'd..not even heard about that project. Only the uber-sexification of regular 3D OoT. Still, shame to lose someone so dedicated to what seems like a good project.
  17. Hm, I HARDLY broke 3600m and it was a King/Queen ball. They were so happy to be together. Ah, royal love... <3
  18. Wait..wait. TMNT 3 beat..TMNT 2? What...the fuck.
  19. Wait, what? Oh...I think me and some friends signed on, but nobody was on so we left... I totally forgot about that.
  20. And now God of War 2. But I DID renew my XBL for another year...so...yep.
  21. Uh...you sure? Cause...I rolled up EVERYTHING [as in I spent a good 2 minutes or so at the end rolling in an empty ocean] and got...well, lemme check... Katamari Damacy: 879m22cm I think you added an extra digit. Honest mistake. e: no, this wasn't in eternal mode. i don't think those scores even save, since you have to quit instead of actually finishing. We <3 Katamari: 3634m58cm5mm
  22. To be perfectly honest, it just bored me to tears. Not my type of music at all.
  23. I could've totally done that bell test in Secret of the Ooze. Only all the Foot would need earplugs. And loud music.
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