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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. Nice to see such an esoteric little tune being remixed. I like the style of it, but I can't really put my finger on why. I think it's the would-be breakbeats. I dunno though.
  2. I vote for Less Talk More Rokk. Haha, that'd be epic, in that it'd practically be the same.
  3. Yeah, I've brought this up a few times in the redisign thread for lack of a better place. Never works for me either. But... Supertux has never failed me. Thank you, Supertux!
  4. I guess this seems like a good time to ask. SAC2 doesnt air here, and I havent bought the dvds yet. Is SSS closely related enough to the series that I should watch the episodes first, or does it work fine as a stand alone movie? [that pun is not intentional, I just can't think of a better way to say it.]
  5. In case it got lost on the last page. I'm only really quoting it, though, because such is also the case right now.
  6. From what I've seen [i bought SSS but havent watched it yet, and havent seen 2nd Gig] it should basically be by the order of release. That is. GitS, Innocence, SAC, SAC2, SSS.
  7. It may not be tinfoil, but that's pretty bloody epic.
  8. FUCKING YES. I loved that game so much...this makes me very happy.
  9. I'm trying to win it for my girlfriend though. THAT'S WORTHWHILE, NOT JUST SCREWING YOU.
  10. Me too, even though I already own it. Woo!
  11. Pics or it didn't happen. I expect to see her half-wrapped in tinfoil.
  12. I recommend that we track down Rayza and Aurora for something VGDJ-esque. *cough*
  13. I was busy all night. 1 mo anniversary yo. Well, yesterday, but I worked yesterday, so we celebrated tonight.
  14. You know, something like that could actually look pretty cool if done proper-like in photoshop...all vectored and shit.
  15. So, I I don't think this is a redesign issue per se, but I don't think it happened BEFORE the redesign and switchover so..yeah. Seems every time a new remix is released, I can never download from Alpus for the first few hours. Dreamhost, Supertux, and..the other one..whatever...they all work fine. Aplus never seems to work for the first while. 404'd. Just FYI, in case you didn't already know.
  16. Well, that WOULD do it. "What, nothing to play on your Wii? Why not play THIS OLD GAME? It's only a few dollars, and it's freakin' awesome. You missed it the first time around. Buy it now." Seems pretty smart to me, really.
  17. Ha, I think the same of OoT. I own it on GC twice, and once on N64. Plus Master Quest. But the N64 one is the only version in which Ganon bleeds RED.
  18. Holy shit, you're still alive? AND still Canadian? MADNESS!
  19. I was TOO singing. I only really stopped right at the end, and twice to try to remember the words, for probly about a minute each time.
  20. Or a link to that OCR Avatar Profile dealie-type thing. Course, that was for the Mascots, not the avatars. I SUGGEST MORE WORK FOR ALL CONTRIBUTORS. THEY LIKE TO WORK FOR FREE ANYWAYS.
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