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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. What kind of professor asks a question like this, anyway? Edit: To be helpful to the OP: If you want the term "arranged" -- look at repertoire pieces for the double bass -- very often they are _arranged_ versions of pieces originally written for other instruments. Or if you want a more modern example, Central College's Flying Pans Steel Drum band plays an arranged concert from a rock group each year (I made it to see steel-drum Aerosmith and Santana, but unfortunately missed The Eagles this past year). If you want the term "sequenced" -- see if you can get a hold of a course syllabus for an electronic music class somewhere. Also refer to the readme files of Finale, FL Studio, Reason, etc. The help boards here (especially for FL) are very nice too.
  2. After reading the "most difficult" boss thread, I thought it would be fun to talk about great games with endbosses that just didn't feel hard enough compared to the others. The only additional criteria is that the entire game can't be complete trash -- it's gotta specifically be the endboss that sucks. My top 3: Crystalis -- the computer is _easy_ compared to other fights Bionic Commando -- one-shot kill as the only way to do it? Lame. Props for a great boss _just_ prior to that though. Gradius -- especially I and V, but I think all of them apply
  3. For me, getting the good ending to "Clash at Demonhead" (NES) is nigh impossible, but it's a puzzle and not a boss that makes it that way. As far as a physical 'boss' goes, I would have to say that the final boss of Double Dragon 3 is at the top of my list -- she kills me almost every time. Other notables include Little Ninja Brothers (yay Culture Brain!), and the optional endboss in Demon's Crest for SNES
  4. Earthbound Zero is one of my favorite games -- I posted this in a different thread already, but check out http://www.nesreproductions.com/ for a great way to play it...
  5. My apologies for not being there -- my house's Internet went down sometime between 4:00 and 10:00, and just came back today. What level is everyone now? I will catch up by Monday...
  6. My apologies for not getting things done -- I tried, but couldn't with the holidays. Don't hold things up because of me!
  7. I have a level 8 druid on West, and I'd start a new char if we end up playing East.
  8. Other PS3 news: NG Sigma is awesome. My fraternity is renting it this week (started last night, have it until Tuesday) -- we finished the first 5 chapters (4 Ryu + 1 Rachel). Having the Rachel chapters integrated into the storyline makes her feel like she belongs as part of the game instead of just a DOA style model to stare at every couple of chapters. In any case, as someone who played Black, this is still worth it. And dual-wielding rocks -- it's a risky way of fighting, but fun as hell (flying swallow + bounce-off? yes)
  9. I'm getting tired of using my command line every time I want to play Gradius and Street Fighter -- does anyone have a good frontend for MAME they'd be willing to link me? Disclaimer: What I'm asking for isn't illegal in any way, in case someone is wondering...this should be within the forum rules.
  10. It doesn't matter which realm we play on, ultimately -- we can figure that out based on who shows up this Friday. I'm still going to be a fire-claws druid either way. Is everyone okay with friday 10:00 US Central Time? Meet in channel 'ocremix'.
  11. This guy is good enough for me to watch him on Youtube, but I don't know about spending actual cash that could be put to use cleaning my clothes or buying more ramen. The charity dangling aside, I just don't think he's _that_ good.
  12. Smash DS would be a great idea, and it'd work fine -- Jump Ultimate, anyone?
  13. Congratulations on your engagement -- this made me smile. God bless you and yours!
  14. I will be playing D2 this weekend starting Friday night -- it'll be a good way to relax after a Tuesday and Wednesday of fireworks. If everyone else has already started, let me know and I'll catch up in level by then. Otherwise, bring a level 8-10 character this coming weekend and we'll have a blast.
  15. You can add me to the "engaged" list -- June 21st, 2008. I can't wait! Of course, I'm not looking forward to _not_ going out with my fraternity buddies to the bars, but you grow out of some things, I'm told.
  16. FF1 was great -- the new releases that fix the bugs are even better (which is why the GBA port is good). For FF2 I wouldn't consider anything but the GBA version (well, I haven't seen the new PSP game yet) -- the original speed of leveling is crazy. NES FF3 all the way though. I got a copy of it (and FF2, and Earthbound Zero) burned onto NES carts for me: http://www.nesreproductions.com
  17. I hope that your recovery is going well, zircon! How long are people normally out for this?
  18. ^^ Agreed. When I saw that Virt was doing the music, I was pumped. Might actually go out and buy this one (as opposed to flash-carting it).
  19. I'm in -- my AIM is CyanGaramonde86. I will be out of town the night of the 3rd and 4th doing illegal things with fireworks, so if that will DQ me, let me know.
  20. ^^ That really makes me want to go play X, since I think the music in GX is awesome.
  21. Kiro, that time works for me too. How about the rest of the people watching this forum? Tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:00 PM US Central Time? Edit: Changed the time because of a concert in town. Also, I will be in channel ocremix on USWest waiting for any other players.
  22. I just started a druid -- I'm going fire claws this time, I think. I'm level 8 at the moment, and will probably stay that way until at least Thursday, but this weekend I could be up for a grind. Edit: I switched to USWest -- no time like a ladder reset to do so. Hopefully people get together at some point!
  23. I'd play, but I'm on USEast and don't want to (wouldn't be able to?) start from scratch trading again. I've got a question for those of you that play, however: Should I socket my Azurewrath with Jah or Ohm? Edit: So, I totally forgot about the new ladder reset. I guess I _could_ switch! If we plan on playing, should we level on our own, or only quest in league as well?
  24. I'm impressed that they took the Zelda themes a different direction from a style perspective. I mean, I never thought of Saria's Song as battle music until this morning... Good stuff -- hopefully they continue to push the music in new directions. And hopefully we get Golden Sun represented.
  25. I like this a lot -- I think there's still some production work to be done, but it's coming along very well. My favorite part is the bell sound in the upper register -- you should improvise more with that instrument.
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