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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. I'd really like to see them make a new game that is one of two things: a chronological sequel (to wrap up the Federation evil in Fusion), or a new portable game. Or hey, how about both of those things at the same time?
  2. My guess is that she won't have a third "jump", but the whip will have the vertical catch range of a third one, so it won't affect recovery in the same way as it does Yoshi, for instance.
  3. Just ordered mine -- I can't wait for it! Jill / anyone, how long did it take to ship?
  4. StarTropics all the way -- you absolutely must play this. In addition to the others mentioned, play Clash at Demonhead. It's a great alternative when you burn out on Megaman (which you should if you play NES enough).
  5. Get me a game that makes me think intellectually and emotionally as if I was trying to watch Spy Game and Crash at the same time, and we'll talk. Or an MMOFPS (Tabula Rasa's beta comes close...)
  6. Zircon's note about price varying on the tightness of the score is right on -- I entered the TCM Young Composer's competition in 2006, and scoring 60 seconds of silent film took me multiple days to get something to work from, and around a month to finish and produce (admittedly, something longer wouldn't have taken me that much more time -- post production and exact time placement on that kind of thing is really the time killer...not writing the actual score). In contrast, this past spring I was asked to write some music for a computerized version of Risk for someone's comp sci final. No timing, and orchestration / style was basically up to me. Also 60 seconds worth of music, and it took me one afternoon. Garritan samples on Finale was just fine, and so I didn't have to spend a lot of time post-production either. The silent film, with all of the subtle orchestration I'd charge a ridiculous amount to do, while a minute of whatever I feel like would be much cheaper.
  7. Since I own both, I can say that Cooking Mama DS is well worth your time -- great game that is good for things like the 10 minutes between classes. The Wii edition, on the other hand, will only entertain you the first time you get your friends to play it drunk. After that, it's useless -- the controls aren't nearly as good, and the multiplayer is approaching terrible. Also...is anyone here playing Megaman Star Force? I've got Dragon, and am looking for anyone to add as a friend (but especially Pegasus and Leo players). My FC is 206266320901, and I'm currently level 22 in the school. Any level anyone is just fine with me, just respond in this topic with which Satellite you are on and your FC.
  8. It makes sense for him to be there in any case, because then Mario and Kirby have both of their respective villains to deal with.
  9. Linearity, I know how you feel -- I've also been over that bridge. My fiancee was just up there this past weekend, and came home to Ames down I-35. Scary stuff!
  10. I'd really like to see Mike Jones (of Startropics) be an AT. Others that should be there not mentioned yet include anyone from Earthbound, Lolo (from the Adventures of Lolo), and Master Higgins / dinosaurs (Adventure Island).
  11. Voted -- love the Metroid cover! Keep us updated on how you guys do!
  12. If you're holding the stylus so tightly that you hurt your hand while playing, that's probably the reason -- the Castlevania (Lite) stylus worked fine on my old fattie DS. With that said, the Lite is way better, and I'm glad I upgraded.
  13. I've got a DS question: What games have I missed that I should really take a look at? Here's a list of what I've played through so far (or am currently playing): Castlevania (both of them) Final Fantasy III Phoenix Wright (both of them...yes!) Yoshi's Island DS Kirby (both of them) Animal Crossing Sonic Rush Mario 64 Elite Beat Agents (and the Japanese one) Trauma Center Metroid Prime: Hunters "" Pinball Electroplankton Super Monkey Ball Super Princess Peach Tetris DS New Super Mario Bros. Star Fox Command Cooking Mama Clubhouse Games Hotel Dusk Custom Robo Arena FF Chocobo Fables Pokemon Pearl Megaman ZX Dragon Quest Adventures: Rocket Slime I'm especially on the lookout for good RPG's, even though I know they're few and far between on portable systems. Thanks in advance to anyone answering my question!
  14. ^^ That's the first helicopter fight -- the 2nd time around you actually have to finish it off.
  15. I don't know if everyone has seen this yet, but a lot of people here are also visual artists via deviant, so click me for happiness. It requires a homebrew-capable DS (so go out and buy that R4 already!)
  16. First of all, you're awesome. Second, you should really submit that -- it's very slick once things get rolling. Do you have sheet music available for it?In any case, welcome to OCR!
  17. The Animal Crossing stage rocks -- hopefully we see some more gems before too long. C-Island, anyone?
  18. This was great -- especially #18, which I will use the next time someone asks me how to hear harmonics. Great stuff!
  19. I'm a fan of the circle diagram, which was a great thought. Musicologists and theory professors outside of composition would both fit into the bottom circle of "musician" without neccessarily being a performer or a composer (though most people who make a living at music will have either performance or composition skills).
  20. I think that this has been one of my top 5 updates. Not because this information is more essential than the others, but because this update encourages me to dream more that I previously thought I could. No one here thought of including Nintendo IP as vague as SNES SimCity, I'd venture. Therefore, the update tells us that anything we can think about in the world of Nintendo IP is equally vaild. Basically, any update that gives me hope of seeing Michael Jones (the yo-yo wielding baseball pitcher, not the crappy music star) in the game is a good one.
  21. I always think of the musician as the performer, with composers separate from the group. I'm not belittling them by any means (for goodness sakes, I'm a composition major!), but there is something to be said for the skill of the live performer that will never compare to a synth, no matter how good or realistic it is. For instance, I would venture to guess that I am among the best tenor recorder players on this forum, which makes me the best "musician" on that instrument. I will always be better than a synthesized recorder. With that said, few people want to hear my solo recorder, and I'm well aware of that. Without a composer/arranger to place a (possibly synth) group of instruments behind me, I'm just one note at a time, which doesn't usually constitute a full piece of music. Of course, I do know my way around a sequencing program or two (ask me about running Reaktor through Digital Performer sometime), and can provide the background virtually, which is awesome. Hooray for my Garritan samples!
  22. Why don't we just set a certain channel for us to idle in on weeknights? Then if someone is on, we can just introduce ourselves etc. Whatever free weeknights I have for the rest of the week (probably Thursday and early Friday evening), I'll be in a channel called "ocremix". Anyone please feel free to join me, and meet up for gaming. I'm not discouraging organized events, but a standard channel for random gaming might also be good. I don't have knowledge of how to run a chat bot well, so someone else might want to head this up -- just an idea. P.S. /w *Master_Tenor
  23. ^^ He beat me to the quote -- awesome, JJT. In any case, everyone has talents somewhere -- if you're such a great live performer, play in the symphony, teach lessons, and quit complaining. Some of us are better with Finale and ProTools than actually playing all the different instruments. I'd be willing to bet that my instructors here in college play their respective instruments better than Jeremy Soule or other VG composers could replicate live. With that said, my professors would also jump at the chance to make that up for them by playing in their orchestras. Let's face it, performance majors; how cool would it be to say "I played the flute for the Scars of Time recording" and mean it?
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