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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. I just saw this for the first time, grabbing stuff now. Thanks for posting despite getting no responses, overcoat!
  2. Downloading now, can't believe I forgot to do this as soon as I got back from vacation.
  3. Since my list is being used in Mustin's first post, it's now updated to include everything before this post.
  4. Haha thanks. Make me an epic Firebrand track, and we'll be even.
  5. Compiled list of every suggestion thus far (plus one FF6 suggestion to include the franchise somewhere): [Ace Attorney] Phoenix Wright / Godot or Dahlia [Adventures of Bayou Billy] Bayou Billy / Godfather Gordon [Altered Beast] Centurion / Demon God Neff [battletoads] Battletoads / The Dark Queen [beyond Good & Evil] Jade / The Domz [bust a Groove] Hiro / Robo Z [Castlevania] Simon Belmont / Dracula [Cheetahmen II] Cheetahmen/Dr. Morbis (o.k. I don't really know how this one'll work out but still...) [Chrono Trigger] Crono / Lavos [ChuChu Rocket!] ChuChus / KapuKapus [Comix Zone] Sketch Turner / Mortus [Contact] Terry / Mint [Day of the Tentacle] Purple Tentacle / Red Edison [Donkey Kong Country] Donkey Kong / K.Rool [Double Dragon] Billy and/or Jimmy Lee / Shadow Master [EarthBound] Ness / Giygas [Fatal Fury] Terry Bogard / Geese Howard [Final Fantasy V] Bartz/Exdeath [Final Fantasy VI] Locke / Kefka [Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance] Ike/Black Knight [Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland] Tingle / Uncle Rupee (I'm pretty sure not much people here completed this ) [F-Zero GX] Captain Falcon / Black Shadow [God of War 2] Kratos / Sisters of Fate [Ghouls 'N Ghosts] Arthur / Firebrand [Gitaroo Man] U-1/Gitaroo Man / Zowie [Grim Fandango] Manny Calavera / Hector Lemann [Henry Hatsworth and the Puzzling Adventure] Henry (Pompous Adventurer's Club Theme/Adventure Awaits) vs. Weaselby (Dirty Tricks/Weaseljuice) [Kid Icarus] Pit / Eggplant Wizard [Kingdom Hearts] Sora / Xemnas or Xehanort [killer7] Harman Smith / Kung Lao (erh, don't know if there are character's themes in the soundtrack...) [Kirby] Kirby / King DeDeDe [Knights in the Nightmare] Maria's Theme / Melissa's Theme [Langrisser II] Erwin / Kaiser Bernhardt [Lost Vikings] Vikings / Tomator [Maniac Mansion] Bernard / Dr. Ed [Mario] Mario / Bowser (SMB3, SMW or SM64) [Mega Man] Mega Man / Dr. Wily [Mega Man X] X / Sigma [Metal Gear Solid] Solid Snake/Liquid Snake/Revolver Ocelot [Metroid] Samus / Mother Brain [Monkey Island] Guybrush Threepwood / LeChuck [Ninja Gaiden] Ryu / Jaquio [No More Heroes] Travis / Jeane or Henry [Okage Shadow King] Ari / Belioune [Okami] Amaterasu/Orochi/Yami [River City Ransom] Alex and Ryan / Slick [shadow The Hedgehog] Shadow/Black Doom [shantae] Shantae/Risky Boots [shining Force II] The Shining Force (Sir Astral) / The Devil Kings (Zeon) [sonic the Hedgehog] Sonic / Dr. Eggman [starCraft] Terrans / Zerg [star Fox] Fox McCloud / Andross [street Fighter] Ryu / Sagat [street Fighter III] Alex / Gill [streets of Rage] Axel / Mr. X [super Mario Bros. 2] Mario / Wart [super Mario RPG] Geno / Smithy [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Turtles / Shredder [Tetris] L-Block / Square (Theme A / Theme B?) - Tengen / Nintendo? [Tetris Attack] Yoshi / Bowser [Threads of Fate] Rue / Doll Master or Valen [Viewtiful Joe] Joe / Jet Black [X-Men] X-Men / Magneto (Sega Genesis) [Yoshi's Island] Yoshi / Baby Bowser or Kamek [Ys] Theme of Adol / Theme of Dark Fact [Zelda] Link / Ganon
  6. I'd like to see Arthur (Ghouls & Ghosts) versus Firebrand (Gargoyle's Quest/Demon's Crest). Both main themes maybe?
  7. I'm not specifically opposed to her doing the theme song -- I'm opposed to her not writing a new song specifically for the game. Substituting an old licensed track for an original piece in what is arguably the most important franchise where VGM is concerned doesn't send a good message, and I don't approve of it.
  8. Fighting games: I prefer characters that have a lot of flashy stuff that looks intimidating regardless of how much damage it does. Litchi in BlazBlue, Chun-Li in SF4, Ryu in HDR.
  9. I just tried it again, and it still isn't working. Admittedly, I'm running a not-legit copy of the game, but it's worked well enough to access a few other servers. Edit: I'd still be up for it in the future -- sorry things didn't go our way tonight, Sinewav.
  10. Post again when you think you have it ready and I'll try again.
  11. Same, can't connect. Would love to play
  12. Torchlight is better than he gives it credit for -- it manages to recall memories of Diablo 1 while you play (it's damn near exactly D1 modernized). If you liked D1, get it
  13. Can't go wrong with a Fresh Prince spoof, no matter who it's from.
  14. The S2devs are awesome. Also, the new patch is up.
  15. Two last recommendation (ugh, I keep remembering awesome stuff!) First, get SNES Zelda. You're an idiot if you get a system and don't play this on it. Second, consider buying a Super Game Boy if you can find it. Use it with these (and other) Game Boy games: Donkey Kong (The best use of the SGB easily, and the only game I know that enables FULL color as a result of using it). This plays like the coinop remixed, not like DKC if you didn't know. Link's Awakening (NOT the color DX version, the black and white original) Megaman V (The unique Gameboy release -- MM 1-4 on GB is just the NES bosses with remixed levels).
  16. Those prices are a big joke, and anyone who orders from them is an idiot. I've got a local store in my mall still selling NES/SNES games for $5-10 a pop for anything that isn't super-rare. Even then, the only games > $20 on NES are Dragon Warrior III/IV. You shouldn't be paying more than $15 for any classic console games except _maybe_ Earthbound, Final Fantasy III, and Chrono Trigger, and even then they'd better come in the original box for that kind of money.
  17. My only regret about it is that Anne Hathaway was rumored to play Black Cat in Spidey 4, and now I won't get to see her in a skimpy comic book-style outfit.
  18. Forgot to recommend Super Metroid. If there's one action game from the 16-bit era that stands the test of time, it's this one. The number of games it inspired is staggering, and in many ways it is yet to be outdone.
  19. Demon's Crest is the hidden gem of the SNES, make sure to pick it up if you can find it. Similarly underrated, Uniracers is a really unique racer that continues to be a blast to play. Earthbound plays very much like an older Dragon Quest game -- the entire game is basically making fun of how serious fantasy RPGs take themselves. Avoid Final Fantasy 4 (II) on the SNES -- the American version has damn near all of the cool abilities stripped away and is vastly inferior to the other available releases (PSX, GBA, NDS). Final Fantasy 6 (III) is the best of the entire series, and the US release was extremely good -- Ted Woolsey's best translation. Chrono Trigger is really, really good but also really, really expensive. Buy it on DS instead (which comes with the PSX anime cutscenes as a bonus). Super Mario RPG is extremely fun, and despite Ninteno's best efforts to drop Mario into an RPG setting, they've never been able get it done as well as Square did. Robotrek is a fine RPG that doesn't get enough attention. Get it if you can find it. Lost Vikings is fun as hell if you like puzzle games with a touch of action. Highly recommended, as is the sequel. Donkey Kong Country 2 is the best of the trilogy, though all of them are excellent and worth getting. IMO unless you are a purist, skip Final Fight (the whole series) and make the only brawler you buy Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage. It's the best on the system, hands down. Finally, _don't_ buy Super Bomberman 2. While it's the best of the series, 90% of the features have crawled into the Xbox Live version, which you should get instead (so you can play with all of us! )
  20. My NES Zelda 1 cart doesn't hold a save anymore, everything else still does (including Startropics and Final Fantasy...awesome).
  21. Can't wait to kill at runespots with it. 0:00 ganking galore.
  22. $5 a game seems to be the standard -- set by the Wii's Virtual Console NES price. I like the idea of this, and will probably pick up a game or two when it comes out.
  23. While I don't have Jedi Academy currently, I'd acquire a copy if people are going to play. Are the Academy levels balanced for non-saber users? I like to play with a good mix of sabers and blasters -- some of the dark force powers are amazing with guns My personal favorite map is the city map from JK2 with all of the opportunities to push and shove people off btw...but most people probably won't like it because you die a ton (force push kills).
  24. Sinewav, I'm running homebrew and the latest patch (just spent 2000 of 4000 points a couple days ago) -- while the patch uninstalled my BootMii stuff (boot2 install), everything else is working fine...and I've read that you can just reinstall BootMii at your convenience anyway.
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