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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. ^Agreed. And throw both Crystalis and Startropics in there while we're on the subject.
  2. IMO the best part of Galaxy is the way the music changes based on your movements. More games need to do this -- if you don't know what I'm talking about, listen to the music when you dive underwater as one example.
  3. Start at s2beta.com -- at the very least you'll be able to get Sonic 1 Megamix there, which is one of the really good hacks out there. EDIT: An even better link: http://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showforum=13
  4. I finally finished all of the challenges and beat it on Normal. Anything for the finish on Hard? In any case, it's a phenomenal game, and I'll be playing it at least until I get back from break and get Revenant Wings. And for anyone who is interested, the unlockables are below in white text in no particular order: NES Contra NES Super C Lucia (the girl from Shattered Soldier) Probotector (from the European games) Sheena (the girl from Hard Corps) Interview with creator Comicbook for Contra 3 Comicbook for Contra 4 Jimbo and Sully (the 16-bit chars from Contra 3) Upon all challenges, sound test, music test, and a 2nd gallery of promotional pics (and hot pics of the girl characters).
  5. I'd pay $30 for the SNES Classic -- only 10 more for that sweet awesomeness? Totally worth it -- the only problem is that I already have two of the stupid things.
  6. My favorite alt is the Fusion Suit -- I've wanted it in 3-d for awhile, and you can't connect DS-Wii to make it work (for once, I'm a generation ahead!) Seriously though, it's good to see something that isn't "just" different colors.
  7. Just read Larry's latest -- that SNES style Classic Controller is badass. Gotta get one....
  8. ^To dodge that, constantly change height -- I can beat that first mini-boss without losing a life by confusing the hell out of him.
  9. Alright, gang -- I'm at 31/40 of the challenges, and am stuck. How on earth do you run fast enough to clear speed run 5? It's the lab waterfall climb. Oh, and I hate hostages -- they should all die. Limited ammo isn't terrible though. Also, on Normal difficulty, I'm at what I believe is the end of the game and need help. Spoilers follow: After the acid climb, you fight a boss that appears to be a remake of Super C Stage 6's boss (but this time from the standard perspective). I've knocked out the side snakes (once), and apparently the teeth. But there's something above that that I can't figure out how to hit at all -- any advice would be much appreiciated (if you don't want to post spoilers, please PM me).end spoilers. Anyway, it's an extremely solid game, and I can't wait to see what beating _all_ of the challenges does. Someday I might even play the game on hard...if I quit being absolutely raped on Normal.
  10. Iowa State did a VG show either last year or the year before that -- Mario, Zelda, and Halo are the games I can remember. Good stuff -- when I get back to campus (I'm on break already -- yippie!) I'll try to dig up a video of it.
  11. I agree completely -- the game is absolutely amazing. Difficult as hell, too -- a tribute to the gaming days of old. And Jake's music is perfect, with just enough nods toward original tracks to make the game feel like the tribute that it is.
  12. ^Can't believe that no one has thought of this yet. You're the best person of the day...and Battletoads definitely need to be in the game now.
  13. Has anyone tried out Ultimate Mortal Kombat yet? It looks decent...hopefully the online play is smooth enough.
  14. Wow. I didn't feel like listening to the arrangment because it requires me to go grab headphones from across the lab, but I did when you said this, Atma. And the sad part is that you're right! SS was actually better. Can't help but feel that I deserve more than this after experiencing Galaxy...
  15. I also missed PS2 and NDS voting. In all honesty, I dislike the idea of voting on the DS for now because so much goodness is still coming out for it. Still, it's a good list, and I'm looking forward to picking up some games from it soon!
  16. The full story is odd: First of all, it's a MicroSD - USB adapter. Second, it seems to be related to the MicroSD card because other cards work fine at home. The card in question (which contains all of my DS homebrew stuff, and is important) works on my lab's Mac where I'm now typing this from. Presumably, the card is still good -- the Mac and my DS both read it just fine. Now I just have to take it home to my PC and hope.
  17. So, someone yanked a flash drive out of my computer, and when I tried putting it back in, it made the happy "something new!" beep...and then failed to register with my computer, which just doesn't seem to recognize it, other than the beeps when I insert/remove it. Any advice on how to make it work again? Rebooting didn't seem to fix the problem.
  18. I just noticed that there's a circle next to the username when you look at someone's posts. Sometimes it's filled in, other times not. What does it mean? And my apologies if I should have figured this out somewhere else.
  19. Long jump, side flip, backflip, wall jump, and triple jump are all in. No more punching -- instead all you get is the spin (which is just as good if not better anyway).
  20. zircon, I'm the same way with my 7800GTX. I'd say either wait on UT2007, or get an 8800GT for $250. As far as multiplayer shooters go, TF2 should tide you over until the DX10 cards become the "standard" instead of the "upgrade". But seriously game devlopers, my 3 Ghz processor and 7800 should be able to run UT2007 and CoD4 at bottom settings with a decent framerate. I've tried the 2007 demo, and it not only looks terrible for me (part of this is that I don't like the new art direction), but also manages to run like crap.
  21. ^I totally understand that...just wait until the first time you wind up in orbit between two different planetoids and have to curve around to force a landing on the appropriate one.
  22. ^That's right -- your attacks just didn't have the oomph before, and you got sent flying farther at lower percentages. Which made the handicap biased (IMO) against lighter-weight characters, since Ganondorf and the like took greater handicaps to be affected as much as say, Pikachu/Peach.
  23. It's too bad he doesn't put forth the effort to write original material -- the beats at the beginning didn't sound bad, and he could have gone somewhere with it that would have been successful without Schala's theme.
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