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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. My guesses for all of the firsts below. My apologies for the lack of a quote, but I'm on 56k today and had this list copied/pasted to save time. First cutscene -- Ninja Gaiden (NES) First fully-3D game -- Battlezone (Atari2600) First idle animation -- Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES) First graphics -- Spacewar (first video game) First save points -- Final Fantasy IV? Best I can come up with. Probably something else beats this one. First cheat code -- Adventure Island continue code (NES) First easter egg -- Castle Adventure (PC) First real world in-game advertisements -- Probably some PC shooter, but I dunno First movie tie-in game -- E.T. (Atari 2600) First complete-able game, with an actual ending -- Donkey Kong has an "ending", but Super Mario Bros has a more solid one...I'd say that The Legend of Zelda is the first game that doesn't invite an immediate replay. First game to sell over a million -- Super Mario Bros. (NES) First game to use Mode 7 -- Pilotwings (SNES) First to use HDR lighting -- Source engine, HL2 Lost Coast First to use scripted scenes/events -- Double Dragon (NES) First to include Havok physics -- HL2 First to include a save game battery (Easy one; The Legend of Zelda) -- correct! Batteries were necessary because of the US's lack of the FDS drive. First game to include a separate controller -- Paddle controllers (2600) or Duck Hunt (NES) First cooperative multiplayer -- Contra? (NES) First competitive multiplayer -- Combat (2600) First game to teach you something you didn't know you wanted to know -- M.U.L.E. First DVD-ROM game -- Don't know...my first one was Oblivion First CD-ROM game -- Myst
  2. I also disapprove of the tune, but since I haven't played Mother 3, I have to reserve total judgment. I enjoyed the Earthbound tunes in Melee though....
  3. This game still looks amazing -- someone please be sure to let the rest of us know when it comes out in case I lose track of it (again).
  4. I thought Will Smith did a remarkably good job given the source material -- he continues to be extremely talented when he steps outside his comedic sci-fi roots (MiB, Independence Day).
  5. ^What version of him would you want? I'd personally prefer the classic series to make an appearence with modern graphics, though I could live with a redone MMX4 white armor. Definitely _not_ MMBN etc. though.
  6. I want to enjoy my 4 weeks vacation from school, and get along with my fiance's parents better (our relationship isn't bad, but we have nothing in common so things can be difficult sometimes). Her dad enjoyed Wii Bowling though... Presents-wise, I want a decent pair of headphones (Aurvana? looks fun) or an 8800GT. Oh, and while I don't know him, Nekko! and I have a common IRL acquaintance which is plenty awesome as it is. I should look him up 2nd semester...
  7. I wish the new gifting VC options applied to titles I already owned...as in, I'd like to give away my copy of Sin and Punishment to someone in exchange for basically anything else. If anyone finds a way to do that, let us know please. Unless it _does_ exist and I'm just incredibly stupid. In which case also let me know.
  8. Saying any Internet lingo / abbreivations out loud is stupid, IMO. It's just a shorthand to save us typing time. Who actually says all this stuff in person (I've heard a few people say "lol" as a one-syllable word, which makes them sound incredibly strange) anyway?
  9. Congratulations!! Your pictures are more varied than mine, especially with backgrounds -- you had a very good photographer.
  10. All mixes now have 5 -- good job everyone! I'll start on WIPs tonight -- I haven't contributed advice nearly as much as I feel I'm capable of, so I'm looking forward to it!
  11. I really enjoyed this mix. The production is a little lacking (as stated above), but the arrangement is top notch. I didn't read which track of the game the remix arranged, and was expecting the "bad ending" song instead of the main melody. This is a great example of how to effectively change the mode in a piece of music -- something that we don't see nearly enough of here.
  12. I'd like to see a more integrated F-Zero stage that accurately represents some of the tracks from GX (or an unannounced F-Zero Wii game, which needs to happen).
  13. I think this stage will be better than Mute City -- I like how the cars come from different places (above) now.
  14. This is the first update in a week I've cared about at all -- hopefully they keep making me care as the wait continues...
  15. I was just excited about the possibility of seeing VGL on TV...I was aware that the awards show itself sucks horribly.
  16. I watched them tonight after reading here and elsewhere that Video Games Live would be playing. It turns out that they played one half of one song (their classic games medley), and then we only heard snippets as they went to commercial. In other words, I heard about as much of them as I hear of Kevin Eubanks when I watch the Tonight Show...not enough to make it worth it if that's all I wanted to see. The actual awards were fairly bland, and there were some terrible jokes to boot. But that's not the issue -- there was so little VGL on television that I don't feel they should have bothered advertising. Anyone else have a similar feeling?
  17. First of all, the short review of this is awesome. It's going on my UT99 music list, the highest of honors for techno pieces. In any case, despite DJP's commentary, I feel that it has quite a lot of things going on for a trance mix. I would have liked the end to be a complete amalgation of everything that had come before it (like 303 Infinity's "Trancending Reality") but I guess I can't have everything. Specifically, I like all of the transitions and segways in the top voices. This mix is new enough to be mostly evaluated by the current panel as well, so I don't have any fun history comments about production etc. to make. From the writeup I can say that this is obviously a successful use of both the WIP forums and the resubmission process though -- two compeltely underused resources IMO. Good mix -- hopefully we get some more excellent techno in soon.
  18. Well, the first few seconds are almost a direct rip of the game. As has been said above, the game's soundtrack is one of the best of the generation, so that's not neccessarily a bad thing. However, the remix doesn't ever seem to stray from the original at all. In addition to that, there aren't transitions between pieces, so this ultimately sounds like a few short MIDI rips instead of the cohesive remix that the panel pushes for today. Cohesiveness has allowed mixes with this level of production to pass in the past, but even then, if this was mix #500 instead of #0034, it would be rejected as a midi rip outright. It's good to know the site's history though, but not worth a second listen. As Chickedwarlord says above, just go play the NES game and you'll hear 95% of the same things.
  19. I must admit that I'm a little biased. DC13 is the younger brother of one of my good friends from high school, and he is the person that introduced me to OCR many years ago. He also holds the absolute best LAN parties around...but I digress. In any case, this is the only medley on the site (that I can think of -- challenge me please) that I really enjoy. Like Gray Lightning said above years ago, this has aged well. The low production values don't bug me nearly as much as they did with "Saga Prelude" for some reason. The drums are better than most because DC13 actually plays them, btw. I don't know if he recorded himself for this mix or not (it's been too long), but the point is that he knows how to make it work as a result of his playing. The transition from dungeon scene to battle scene sounds spot on -- others aren't quite as good which is too bad (though the transition from battle scene to victory is better than the original's, which had none at all). I agree with others who say that the last moments could be a little stronger. I do like their inclusion however...it's hard to say how I'd prefer it handled. A good mix overall that I'm still listening to (and should have written a review for the instant I joined...hopefully none of DC13's other stuff is on my Christmas review list).
  20. I hadn't heard this tune before, and I highly approve of it -- it's a very good Diveman mix. The production isn't the quality that the panel started demanding after the first thousand, but it sits very well with me anyway. And it does sound underwater at times, reminding me of Super Mario Galaxy (of course the game's effect is obviously better) swimming underwater listening to the music on the surface.
  21. This piece needs to be listened to knowing the context -- realize that it's submission 276 for a reason. The bar for production has been raised considerably since this mix got posted. With that said, I liked it overall. The MIDI tuneup at the beginning was extremely funny (and the joke wouldn't work if the samples were better). The conductor's tap, however, really DOES need a quality sample to be effective, and the remixer doesn't deliver. The arrangement is quite good -- an appropriate level of countermelody and new direction for an orchestral piece. Well worth a 2nd listen once you adjust to the poor production quality. It comes down to this: If you can listen to unprocessed Finale files, you can listen to this. It's basically well-arranged General MIDI. The musicianship is there, but the same could be said of any number of arranged MIDIs on vgmusic.com -- where this mix ultimately should reside.
  22. Rats! Just saw this today, and I was seriously planning to jump in and make....something this time around. Shouldn't have watched both Golden Compass and Enchanted at the theater yesterday....
  23. There's an easy explanation for that -- start movie 2 with the ending of book 1 (I'm trying to avoid spoilers), and then _right_ after Lyra steps through the portal to the other world, cut to Will and our world with the beginning of book 2, having Will meet Lyra in the process of that. Might cause a problem framing him as the main character of the movie, but that's not entirely inaccurate for the 2nd book anyway.
  24. I also approve of CPU characters replacing drops -- it at least guarantees that you'll finish an entire game. Disconnects are killing the DS WFC scene for me...
  25. Schwaltzvald, redownload the content and you'll be fine -- it's worth it to see all of the DX9 graphics. My roommates ships looks phenomenal now (not to mention the space station itself!)
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