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Everything posted by friendlyHunter
Yes, a GOOD way to revive old threads. He's giving some new information that is only a few days old. He could have made a new thread, but why not use this one? Sorry if I'm overreacting... well, I don't have a keyboard, so I'll be leaving this thread now =p
Oh, wow! "You found your keys!" While we're on this topic: Mario pipe noise when you flush the toilet - somebody, somewhere has probably done that. I wonder what Shigeru Miyamoto's house is like.... How about novelty fire alarm sounds? Ridley theme from Super Metroid!? Nah, that's going a little too far. It won't let me play any other Wii games. Every time I try playing another game, before I know it I'm playing MP3 again. It might start working again once I beat the game though. I have to agree... perhaps only because I beat it on the first try. I thought maybe I wasn't going to make it, but then it started dropping a crapload of health powerups. Here's another hint for anyone who's "stuck": Rapidly firing your non-charged regular beam I found was a VERY effective way to kill the red spheres. Also, the morph ball part can be very painless - get in, drop your bombs, get out - and if he's gonna jump, morph out of ball mode way ahead of time.[/end spoiler] But yeah, it really isn't that hard..... I think it's because it really is harder (though, I haven't gotten very far yet so I can't really say for sure). The reviewers who said "easier than 1 and 2" probably didn't play on Veteran, or somehow assumed "easier controls" = "easier game", or are just plain mistaken. I think it's about time I've gone from no longer skimming game reviews to completely ignoring professional game reviews as a whole.
All this story discussion, here's what I think: The thing I really like about several Metroid games' stories is the fact that it doesn't tell you anything. Again, the whole "What the FREAKING HECK is Phantoon?" deal. When it does explicitly tell you things, it does it in a very immersing fashion. Other games that do this extremely well come to mind (System Shock 2!!), and the results can be amazing. Reading the Pirate logs as you invade their strongholds in Metroid Prime 1 is an good example of this. The pieces of the puzzle slowly come into place, but like Zup said, there are plenty of holes left for the player's imagination to fill. One thing that the Metroid series does that (to my knowledge) is unique in a videogame series, is including various elements that link the games together, yet offer little or no explanation about it whatsoever. My absolute favourite story element from the Prime series has to be a particular one of the Pirate logs.... [Minor Prime 1 and Super Metroid Spoilers] "Metroid Morphology Log 11.420.7 Metroid dissection continues to provide more questions than answers. Our research teams have isolated the energy conduits that run from the invasive twin mandibles to the energy core in the creature's quadripartite nucleus, but the manner in which a Metroid actually extracts the life force from its prey remains an utter mystery. The victim does not loose blood or any other vital fluids, and yet the Metroid extracts energy: identifying this energy is our central problem. It takes no physical form, and yet without it, the victim dies. We will continue to research this matter, as the isolation of this life-giving essence could be the key to our ascendance." Do metroids literally suck the "life" out of you? Are they stealing your "soul"?? (seems Metroid games have SOME kind of "spirits"... ghosts in the Wrecked ship, Phantoon, Chozo Ghosts in Prime... and what on earth is with Dark Samus???) Does it have anything to do with those energy balls that come out of enemies when you kill them? In Super Metroid, there are rooms containing the dead bodies of a metroid's victims, and when you touch them, they turn to dust. Did it steal the creatures' cells' kinetic energy, or what? Among the creatures is a Torizo statue thing... so what, those things are living organisms now... that shoot missiles out of their stomachs? Is it an actual living Chozo covered in stone......? A Chozo corrupted and grown to enormous size by, it couldn't be... Phazon???? Some horrible Pirate experiment? Horrible CHOZO experiment?? All these things "continue to provide more questions than answers" - it's just plain brilliant.[/end spoilers] Another prime example (pun not intended) of an interesting link between the games is the Wrecked Ship in Super Metroid. How did it get there, and who were its inhabitants? Was it "ancient astronauts", like the Super Metroid manual says (if I recall correctly)? In Zero Mission, Ridley's ship contains the same worker robots and floating glowy ball things as the wrecked ship... but no further explanation is given, nor needed. Now, this just leads to further questions. Why does the Wrecked Ship contain a Chozo statue, one that seems to "know" what it's doing in its environment? Why do those "Torizo" statues come alive? Who put the coloured doors all over Zebes? What's with those creepy statues at the entrance to Tourian in Super Metroid? These questions can't be answered, but with each game released, there may be subtle clues (both intentional and otherwise). Will we ever know the true origin of metroids, or of phazon? (Clearly I haven't beaten the game yet =p) What about Samus' past... the clues we get are few and far between, which makes their discovery so much more significant. I really need to learn to say more in fewer words =p Had it not been for the vague and self-propelled story, you'd never have even considered that I'm sure. The pure "lack of story" opens up so many possibilities - anything you see... or even don't see (in the case of Samus' corruption, I suppose) could be a grave threat. Will those cute animals suddenly transform into "something worse than SA-X"? [Minor Fusion Spoiler] HOLY #&%$ they're in Samus' ship at the end, what if they attack Samus in her sleep??!?! [/end spoiler] What secrets will Metroid Dread hold? Hell, we don't even no if that's a real game or not.... just as the vague plots don't lead us to any "I saw that coming a mile away" story elements, we honestly can't say we know what to expect next in the Metroid series.
As long as he has a few good Warioland moves, I'll be happy. His forwards A (while running) move better be that Warioland shoulder-check thing that he does! Fwooshshoohwwoshooww! And his throws better look like he's throwing Warioland enemies! And he'd better turn into a ball and roll forever when you press down on a slope! oh wait, that last one wouldn't work too well in Smash... I have no clue what his B-up move could possible be. Hopefully it's something both hilarious and non-gaseous. Same for his B neutral and his Final Smash...... now I'm all curious!!!
AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I love it! I wonder what this "reward" could be...? Avoiding damage (while those who lose the minigame get hurt)? Getting healed? Bragging rights? The developers probably don't think that "weird shaped levels" fit Brawl's play style... but it'd still be nice to see a few levels with walls and stuff in there.
Yes, that's bad. Clearly you have become corrupted, and so are feeling a strong urge to do bad things. That's because the disk was corrupted. Wash your hands, it probably had phazon on it. And try to resist the ever increasing urge to do bad things. So I finally got past the prolonged "linear" part of the game... enjoying it very much =) I started trying B as the trigger (I like how the A jump feels), but after losing to the "missile upgrade boss" on Bryyyon (twice), my right hand was killing me. It's A shooting for me from now on! And any news about a new 2D Metroid game is very good =D wait - unless the news is that there's no new 2D metroid game. Then that's bad.
Heh, no =p I just find advanced slightly awkward how when I move the cursor just a little, it aims twice as far as I'd expect (since the screen turns that way as well). Perhaps I will switch to advanced later on though - I wish there was an option between standard and advanced. I've already gotten somewhat used to standard though - I can walk and jump through rooms with perilously tiny platforms faster than I could any other console FPS. It may be an easy game now (easy enough that the good control doesn't quite matter so much), but it looks like a low item run will be ridiculously fun =] Keeping all your scans when you restart? Whoever thought of that is a genious, they should have thought of it before the last two games XD [Edit] Today I was looking for a MP3 video on IGN that I saw last week... it turns out they put up a crapload of new videos and SEVERAL OF THE VIDEOS' TITLES AT IGN HAVE (POSSIBLY MAJOR) SPOILERS!!! I don't know how major they are yet, but I know I regret reading them =(
Can someone tell us non-pokemon players what "Rock Smash" does? Does it make the rock go flying at opponents? Pieces of rock flying at opponents? Or is the opponent supposed to be between the rock and Charizard's head? [fake edit] A google search reveals that a rock gets smashed into peices on the opposing pokemon... no kidding. Bah, I don't even care, I'll see it when it comes out =p
Yeah, looked like there was an extra slot for "Prime 3 Veteran Veteran" or something. I'd imagine most posters in this thread are trying Veteran right now. I'm doing Veteran and finding it easier than both Prime 1 and 2 (3 hours into it now). I'm pretty disappointed at the exploration so far... there basically is none. It's mostly "hallway" type rooms where you walk from the start to the end, passing by pretty decorations on the walls. Though some rooms you had to jump places and go into bomb slots... woo, bomb slots. And grab things. Yay, grabbing things! I'm only talking about the second planet though - the first planet (and the ship) was more of a tutorial than anything, so I'm not gonna judge its gameplay =p The title screen is pretty good... but still not as good as the original one from Metroid Prime. The song is really what makes the difference. So far, the combat seems a bit better than the previous two, but that's just because of the controls (the enemies still fail to do interesting things that actually affect battle.. though they sometimes do interesting things that DON'T affect battle, like when pirates jump onto the wall a la Super Metroid). As someone who enjoy's the target shooting game on Wii Play, I was prepared to like MP3's combat quite a bit more than I do... There WERE moments during the intro (the ship and the first part of the first planet) that were "this is awesome!" moments... let's see hope there are a lot more of those =D The thing I'd have to be dissapointed about the most (only because I wasn't expecting it) is that EVERYTHING in the level is tailored to the abilities that Samus has, or is about to get. The only things that AREN'T are either dead ends with missile/energy expansions, or doors that are a colour for a weapon you don't have (heaven forbid they have secret areas or paths, or even multiple ways to get from one room to another!) Let's label all the doors brightly on the map, even if you haven't gotten anywhere near that door yet! Seriously, it feels like the map itself is a bunch of spoilers. And you have to wonder why the planet was designed specifically so Samus Aran could just BARELY get to her specific objective (which happens to be at a big dead end), with only the items that you happen to have at that point in the game. That worked well for the Chozo ruins in Prime 1 (where it seems as though the Chozo knew it was destined "the Defender" would one day roll through all those nifty puzzles), but in Prime 3 you've got a labyrinth created by multiple non-Chozo races, in different time periods. It worked EXTREMELY well in all the 2D Metroid games though... Retro Studios had 5 games worth of material to take some level-design hints from, sad that they didn't. So far it looks like the Prime 3 universe was created by theme-park ride designers: the rooms and the backgrounds look nice, yes, but all you're ever doing is riding along the track... Has anyone here played Donkey Kong 64? The cutscenes in Prime 2 and 3 (and some in 1) totally remind me of the ones in D64. The ones where you kill some bug minibosses, and then doors open for no apparent reason, and it plays a dumb little jingle and shows the door opening (even though it explicitly showed them closing when the bugs appeared), and for some reason Samus is nowhere to be seen during the cutscene... Then when the cutscene ends you're standing somewhere completely different. I HATE that! And the cutscenes BEFORE minibosses totally take out all the suspense. If you're gonna have bad cutscenes, don't have any at all! You don't want a 20 second boring non-playable cutscene as a warning, you want those bugs to jump out at your first-person camera face so you don't know what's what! It's supposed to be "be the hunter behind the visor" or whatever, not "let's show you the miniboss that you're going to fight as soon as this crappy cutscene ends, and then move you to some random place just to disorient you". Could you imagine if System Shock or Bioshock had boring cutscenes showing where the enemies were before you got to fight them? It would completely ruin the mood AND the gameplay. If any single thing could make those games bad, it would be that. Man, this rant can't get any more pointless. Or CAN it?? Minor spoiler: I'm wondering... for your first objective on the second planet, why doesn't Samus just land her ship right at the end, instead of a mile away? It's not like she doesn't know WHERE the end is... it's marked on her bloody map!![/end Spoiler] Oh man, I just realized something: Donkey Kong 64 has way better exploration than Metroid Prime 3! Actually, DK64 had some pretty wicked exploration. Maybe that's why I liked that game perhaps more than I should >< By the way, am I the ONLY person who prefers the "standard" control sensitivity? I tried advanced (or whatever it's called), and I could hardly even play that juggling game.
What the- I could swear I posted something in this thread yesterday, now it's gone! I must have used the "preview" button instead by accident =p Here it is again: What do you mean by this? Starcraft and Diablo are (arguably massive) multiplayer online games... with large single player modes as well, of course. I'm just curious, that's all =p I think they did... though, it's possible some old SC1 units are still available in the map editor (such as the Reaver, which appeared in an old SC2 video, but they've removed it from the Protoss tech tree last time I checked). But I doubt the Goliath will be one of those =/
You DID read what he said, right? He gave perfectly valid points that have little to do with a game being or not being "a carbon copy of it's predecessors". I won't call you a "fanboy", but I will comment on your nice use of capitalization, and the words "it's" and "than". ... unless it was intentional, then maybe it WAS nice usage??
That makes me wonder how it'll work with the remote.... probably nothing fancy (just use the d-pad instead), which means maybe you can only aim the sideways special moves in 3 distinct directions (like Link's boomerang has always worked... I think?). Great assist trophy! Glad to see there'll be some retro stuff from older games in Nintendo serieses.. serii?? What on earth is the plural form of "series"? Yes, I AM too lazy too look it up! I always thought that guy looked kind of creepy though... which makes him superb final boss material. Oh come on, that is NOT a spoiler! PANELS! Call them "panels", like you just did in the previous sentence!!! Gosh! Hee ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya!
Very well said, it's like you took the thoughts right out of my head. Wait a minute... hey, where'd they go? Give them back! But seriously, it's odd how game reviewers seem so oblivious to the Prime series' gameplay flaws. The Echoes reviews that all said "it's Prime 1, but longer and harder, and with better graphics!" set me up for a major disappointment, so that's why I'm anxious about Corruption... YOU should be a game reviewer. Go forth, and... write reviews! Even me? I've never played any Halo single player (and not much multiplayer either). When I first read that, I thought you were talking about a "Wii have a problem"-esque incident where the guy accidentally knocks down a wall in the store with the nunchuck! But yeah, grabbing shields, grabbing walls; same deal. It's a month or two later in Europe if I recall correctly.
Really? So THAT's why it's in all commercials and stuff. I'm watching an ad thinking: "You make a throwing motion, and then you make a pulling back motion... I GET THE IDEA!!!" Hopefully it's more interesting than simply pulling away shields though. I wanna toss small enemies at larger enemies! I want to latch onto a boss's fist and make it punch itself! I can dream.... ACTUALLY, a while back (before anyone even knew about the Wii remote), I had a dream about a "Metroid Prime 3" game where one of your main weapons was a Super Metroid-like grappling beam, but it was red, and you'd use it like a rope ("lasso" even) to grab enemies and throw them wherever you pleased. It came out of your right arm cannon though, so you just shot it out instead of throwing it... almost like a sci-fi harpoon launcher I suppose. You could do ANYTHING with it practically. You also controlled Samus' ship from outside, and I think at one point you made it shoot something (I kid you not!!!). The enemies included pirate-sized guys, and also swarms of small things. I think I was using some of the weapons from that Isolation demo It was at a third-person viewpoint from behind/above the character, and had both indoor and outdoor scenes. I know you could turn and look around really fast, as if using a mouse (but you never know what kind of controller you're using in a videogame dream ><). Oh yeah, I remember the map was really confusing... mainly because it was all in my head and kept changing around! And if I recall correctly, you could somehow customize the look of Samus' suit... Ah, makes sense. I guess Dark Samus's origin isn't integral to the plot... it just makes it a little cooler =p
Didn't know it was possible to bypass that item (but I guess I never really considered it). I got stuck at the boost guardian for a few days... a rather strange mix of frustration and fun (but more fun!) That's odd, Echoes didn't seem to have much of a plot outside of all the Aether business. I guess it does flesh out some of the characters and things though (Dark Samus, the Galactic Federation)
Rant time! Metroid Prime was great because of amazing atmosphere, which Prime 2 distinctly lacked (despite a few great songs in light Torvus Bog). Even the story of Prime 2 was rather unengaging... all the logs you could read were pretty boring and really felt quite "forced", especially if you compare it to the interesting stuff in Prime 1. I'll agree that Prime 2 was more difficult, but the combat in both was - admit it - pretty dry compared to most games. 90% of the combat is locking on to something, and then shooting and jumping left and right until it's dead... it was trivial and repetitive (except for the morph-ball bosses in Prime 2, those were great). I didn't see a major gameplay difference between the two, other than the fact that Prime 2 likes to send you unavoidable damage so you have to hammer those bosses as fast as you can. Prime 2 also had enemies and bosses that took longer to kill - that just forced you into the "shoot and jump sideways" pattern for unnecessarily prolonged periods. While the non-boss parts in Metroid Prime 2 were too easy to mention (unless you're trying to get all of the secrets; a couple of the gigantic room puzzles were confusing as hell), Prime 1 had some intense non-boss fighting in the Phazon Mines. In this game it wasn't so much that the act of combat was fun, it was the sense of "there might be an enemy that can kill me around this corner" that made it great. Prime 2 had none of this. Prime 2 enemies came in two varieties: the ones you could easily walk past (or easily kill if you felt like wasting your time and ammo), and the ones that it forced you to kill (bosses and minibosses, those pushover pirates that you can kill in 1 hit, and those annoying flying hologram balls that knock you off of cliffs.) It not only had metroids that were easy to kill, but super-dark-evil metroids that were easy to kill. If a game has metroids, they should be hard to kill!!! Oh yes, and Prime 2 broke a sacred rule of action gaming that I just made up... they made places you can stand in to slooooowly recover health over time with no penalty (besides wasting your own time). So as long as you have patience, you can stop and get full health every 20 meters. Way to go! Replenishing health in 2D metroid games was a fun adventure - you actually had to kill dangerous enemies if you wanted to win back your health or ammo back - no "living storage containers" and healing lights all over the place. If you thought Prime 1 was way too easy, you MUST to try it without getting any energy tanks or missile expansions... death could be at any corner (especially in the mines) and the boss fights are spectacular - it's really like a whole new game. And the Omega Pirate... simply amazing. Actually, the final boss was surprisingly easy compared to the rest, though the lack of energy tanks still makes it a rather furious battle. If you thought Prime 2 was too difficult, this might not be for you... I tried a "no energy tanks/ammo" run in Prime 2 (on maybe my 3rd or 4th play through), but the last boss was simply unbeatable (I had 4 or so energy tanks). Unfortunately my saved games were mysteriously erased - I've never felt like playing Prime 2 since (even the multiplayer was bad). Also - though Zero Mission is the ultimate king of low-item runs, Super Metroid has some VERY fun moments. It's insane how drastically different you have to play the games, you need to think up entirely new strategies to beat most of the bosses. It's even more fun if you stay away from walkthroughs, and try to figure everything out on our own. I'm thinking I'd better do my first run of Prime 3 normally, then do a crazy "no energy tank" run for my second game. I'm just hoping that Corruption's combat is much better than the past two... from every video I've seen, all the enemies look extremely easy. Perhaps they just didn't want to spoil the good stuff? =P
Unfortunately I haven't been able to play Bioshock yet, but some pieces from System Shock 2 were pretty embodiment-ing of the game. ... you know what I meant. Namely the songs for level 1 and 3, but especially 1. And the one that plays during the credits (which it also plays in part of level 4, I believe). I absolutely loved how the songs started and faded out like they did. Best use of dynamic music I've seen in a game.
Indeed, the Super Mario Bros. theme. Title screen song from Metroid (well, the first part of it at least). I don't think I have to argue why. Those six notes are the climax of both the Super Metroid and Metroid Prime 1 title screen song - the composer(s) knew what they were doing. I actually can't think of a more iconic video game tune (besides the Mario ones). I can't wait for the day I see a Metroid movie teaser that consists of little more than 6 slow notes and some vague imagery. ... What, I can dream, can't I?
Anyone here good at 3D modeling? I've got an idea that'll blow your mind. Or, at least it is kind of good. Maybe...
I, Dr. Mario: Revisiting the Operating Room
friendlyHunter replied to shpladoink's topic in General Discussion
Why the hell was this joke thread moved from Off Topic to the General section? Not that it's a bad thread, but..... I'm genuinely curious precisely why the hell. Actually, this IS a pretty bad thread. Move it back! -
Faith that they won't include an AC character?? Kidding, kidding... As for the spoilers: did you really have to post the NAMES of the games? You could have easily avoided posting the names, and anyone who's played one or both of those games would have understood your statement perfectly, and anyone who hasn't wouldn't know which games you're talking about. Observe: Although, it might still be a spoiler for someone who's beaten every recent Zelda game but TP. And if someone's beaten every recent Zelda game other than Twilight Princess, you can bet your ass they've beaten Twilight Princess. Sorry if I'm sounding harsh or mean, but spoilers are my sworn enemy. I make sure to be careful all the time - especially when the thread isn't about those games. To Ab56 v2 aka Ash: believe it or not, that is a minor spoiler, so don't worry about it =) In Earthbound, Ness uses incredible psi powers and various toys to [spoiler!!] defeat powerful and humourous enemies from space [/END SPOILER], but what do Animal Crossing characters do? Rearrange Furniture attack? But then again, if Peach can fight with vegetables and frying pans, why not an AC character? Heck, Mario and Luigi are freaking plumbers, and Smash Bros. is practically named after them.
Yeah, where IS this place? wait - work...space? I see.
I still think it's possible that they're not doing updates for some of the secret (i.e. unlockable) characters. That's probably why metaknight and Snake aren't up there yet...
I've never played the game, but I'm curious: what is this "new game +"? I think I'm gonna do something a little less art-ish this time... maybe make a fake movie poster or something. Looking at a few "photoshop phriday" things yesterday must have inspired me
It does indeed look like Peach and Zelda turn into trophies when the cages are smashed together. You'll notice Peach's hair is bright yellow (even with heavy motion blur) until the moment the cages are smashed together, when it turns grey-ish and dull. I'm just wondering... why didn't Zelda teleport out of the cage??? Dummy =p The first time I saw it, I naturally assumed the cannonball came from a SMB2 Doom Ship... or possibly Metaknight's vessel. But it looks like it comes directly from Petey. That subspace SMB2 thing is kind of interesting... maybe there'll be some backwards blue and black levels in single player mode... naw, referencing the name is tribute enough ^^ Ridley in Brawl? I was rather convinced of that when the single player mode was announced (that, coupled with the Ridley theme song). Playable Ridley?? Well.... Charizard can fly, no? And, umm, is also a big powerful fire-breathing (I think) reddish dragon guy? The idea that Ridley "won't fit" as a Brawl character is completely dead - but IS he playable? I honestly can't say I want him to be playable - an amazing assist trophy or single player boss might suit him better.