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Everything posted by PlastikBag

  1. I'm not saying everyone agrees with me, but there's been a lot of negative feedback about such an early announcement for L4D2. The theory is just a theory, you can't really prove it or disprove it with a couple of opinions. Honestly though, this looks like it should be an expansion and not a full blown new game. As a fan of the first L4D, I think it sucks that Valve will likely drop support for it so soon and many players will probably drop ship. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  2. I was really disappointed by this announcement. It's much too soon for a full blown sequel to Left4Dead. I'd prefer a level pack DLC and I'm not really sold on the idea of melee weapons. Everything I've seen so far makes it just look like a reskin of L4D. I personally won't be buying this unless it's $30 or less, or if they at least include some sort of story this time around. And where the hell is HL2 Ep 3? Episode 2 actually needs a sequel, and fans actually want it. Judging from my own opinion and general feedback I've seen so far, fans don't actually want a full blown sequel to L4D so soon.
  3. DLC is hit or miss for me. I hate DLC that is already on the disk that you have to pay to unlock it. That's a scam. I also hate "costume" DLC. A few years ago, extra costumes were usually a challenge to unlock, not something that you just go online and pay for. Costumes used to add replayability. For example, having to pay to unlock one alternate costume for Street Fighter IV is crap. It would have been so much more fun to have challenges to unlock them. I've noticed that extras in games are largely being replaced by achievements and trophies. Games used to have challenges to unlock extras, now it's all about achievements, which I could care less about. MGS4 had no trophies, yet it was extremely rewarding. You could unlock new weapons by doing well, instead of a little notice that "You have earned the Fox trophy". Anyway, I'm kind of getting off topic here. I like DLC that really adds new content. I like the quest mods from Bethesda, but I'm bummed that this kind of stuff used to be free. I also like map packs for shooters, or things like the time trial pack from Mirror's Edge. However, I'm still bummed that this stuff used to be free. I'm also bummed that expansion packs are beginning to be a thing of the past. At least Valve continues to release free maps and content for its games.
  4. This is bumpin, great remix of a great song. Fantastic stuff as usual. I really like the beat. The fade into the break at 2:30 is pretty sweet. Just out of curiosity, what are those voice samples? Album plz.
  5. Great! Thanks for the kind words and the ideas! I appreciate it. I'm still working on this, and I think it's almost there. Here's an update: http://blabstation.net/jerry/Document%202%20end.mp3 The new content is towards the middle. A piano and synth solo. The piano part isn't quite done, I'd like it to be a little bit longer. Stuff I plan on adding/changing: -I like the idea of half-time drums, so I'm experimenting with it in the section before the piano solo. -Need to write an introduction or change the beginning to make it more of an intro. -I may add a few more textures here and there, and perhaps an overlaying melody towards the end. -Naming the song.
  6. Bitchin. Good to see you getting some much deserved exposure. Heroes is a pretty big network television show, too. Grats. Maybe I'll start watching Heroes again.
  7. The rocket launchers. Gosh were they annoying. You might want to crank up your sensitivity a bit and get used to it, it seems necessary for multiplayer from what I've played.
  8. Well, I finished up the single player campaign. Boy was that fantastic. I have to say that was one of the most polished campaigns I've played. I was really impressed by the AI and the animations, and the graphics really did live up to the hype. I tried multiplayer, but my internet connection is really unstable lately, so I played offline with bots. I was surprised by how much fun it was.. just with bots. If you ever want to play online, my PSN id is Plastikbag.
  9. Hey all. It's been a while. After finishing up school, moving out of my apartment, and finding a job, I finally have some free time and a clear mind. Anyway, here's a new WIP. It's probably what you've come to expect from me, ambient textures mixed with a jungle beat. This is more or less the second half of the song. What do you think? http://blabstation.net/jerry/Document%202%20end.mp3
  10. On a somewhat related note.. Aren't demos supposed to be free for everyone kind of as a way to see if you like it or not? I don't see what the point is in giving the demo to only those that are actually buying the game. I guess Sony is making some extra money on a pointless contract with Gamestop though. Whatever.
  11. The controls take some getting used to. They are definitely heavy and not quite as responsive as other shooters. Also: http://uk.playstation.com/registration/ Sign up for a uk PSN account. It's free and really easy. Just follow the normal registration steps, but choose Europe, and make up some fake address. I did it and got my Killzone 2 demo without a preorder.
  12. I'm stoked. The demo was awesome. The pacing is very different from what I've come to expect from FPSs, it's slow and methodical, and not all in your face fast paced action like most others. I found that "secret" gun in the demo from the guy up top in the warehouse. It pops people's heads off in one shot... awesome. I hope that the final game has situations like that, where there might be a really nice gun in a somewhat obscure location. Anyway, I'll be getting it day one, and I'll probably play the multiplayer a lot in the first couple of weeks. That is, until my first day at my new job. My PSN ID is Plastikbag.
  13. I just purchased it. Listening to it right now.. Fantastic stuff all around. So far it sounds like your best work so far. Edit: I love every second of "One True Love". Damn that song is awesome. I think it's my new favorite song of yours.
  14. I think I've purchased almost every album from your store. Your store is awesome, and you've been great customer support in the past. Thumbs up. Also, I'm really enjoying the preview for "One True Love", my favorite so far.
  15. Both Syphon Filter games are fantastic. I think that they're the best the system has to offer. Both are pretty cheap, too. I really enjoyed Megaman Maverick Hunter X and Dracula X Chronicles as well.
  16. It is all awesome awesome awesome. I will buy it immediately and donate a bit more. Also cool to see it on Protagonist Records, because that is awesome too.
  17. Fun = good. Regardless, I have to second Mirror's Edge. It's one of the most fun games I played last year, even with its flaws.
  18. It was alright. It had no balance whatsoever. I'll tell you one thing though, it had a fantastic soundtrack.
  19. I think the article is mostly focused on Sonic Team, not Sega as a whole. Sonic Team has been pumping out trash for the most part. I, too, call BS on this one. BioWare developed Chronicles, so this self-proclaimed localization member seems to be full of hot air.
  20. Walking into Hyrule field for the first time in Ocarina of Time. It absolutely took my breath away. I also just finished MGS4, and I was pretty floored throughout both of the last chapters.
  21. What the hell is wrong with Mario? Mario 64 was fantastic, and Sunshine and Galaxy were both pretty good. How can anyone claim that Galaxy has poor/uncreative level design? What games have you been playing if you seriously think that game has poor level design? Galaxy is by far one of the most creative games I've played in the past few years.
  22. Fantastic. Great music, great artwork. I'll donate when I find myself a job.
  23. Oh please, now this is a PC version vs console version thread? Jesus. He already said he prefers the PC version of those games. And my 2 cents: Load times in Oblivion are excessive when you're in cities and you're constantly going in and out of buildings. I have no problem with load times, but when it happens every minute because of poor memory caching, it really weighs you down. And $300 to run the game smoothly? Please. I've heard this a million times, and it's not true. You can get a solid videocard for less than $150. The PC versions of Fallout 3 and Oblivion are far superior because of mods. End of story.
  24. I agree with SGX. Both consoles have a solid lineup of exclusives. Remember that the 360 has been out a whole 1.5 years more than the PS3, too. And please end this fanboy war. This isn't gamefaqs, and this isn't a place to say "you made a bad decision". Considering the fact that he seems to have a good PC, the PS3 seems to be the right choice, seeing that Fable 2 and Gears 2 are bound to land on PC eventually, just like Mass Effect, Fable 1, and Gear 1. In terms of exclusives, try MGS4 and Little Big Planet. I think those two are the best the PS3 has to offer right now. You can't go wrong with Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 3, or Folklore either. Plus there's a ton of multi console stuff. Try Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, or Burnout Paradise. And if you like RPGs, you should do yourself a favor and buy a PSP or DS.
  25. Things happen. Earthquakes, children, accidents, life. In fact, I once knocked over my Wii because some wires tugged on the side of it. Any responsible engineer should see the possibility of a console falling over and design a feature to prevent failures. Also, Xbox 360's have wired controllers as well. Wires are tripped over all the time. Trip on wire, knock over console, destroy game. Unacceptable. Really though, it's reasons like this that I will never buy an Xbox 360. It is a poorly engineered device, and I can't support that.
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