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Everything posted by Argle

  1. I actually have a number of game codes from a few humble bundles that I'm not interested in. I have a whole lot of Origin keys from that Origin humble bundle awhile back. I used the Steam codes for most of them, but I'm thinking the Origin codes for the same games would still work? Is it ethical to give those away, since I've already played the games on Steam?
  2. I might consider jumping in if you desperately need people in the final hours, but I'd prefer to let longtime Sonic fans have a crack at it first, as it's a series I never really played.

  3. The answer seems obvious to me, just reduce the picture sizes till they fit on one screen.
  4. I hope you keep at this track, I love this theme.
  5. And the fledgling album project ceased to be, as quickly as it was brought into the world.
  6. Hmm, I don't know, I barely know any Sonic songs at all, and if the rounds are a week as per usual that's a pretty brutal amount of time for me. I'm not a speed writer and idk if I can write anything good in a week.

  7. Time to resurrect this moldy old corpse and infuse it with some dark necromantic energy. Adding markers is very easy, the M key. You notice markers are numbered. Sometimes you might want to give them a label, other times the marker itself is all you need. What inserting markers DOESN'T do is reorder the numbers if you insert them non-sequentially. You can see an example here. It just looks... weird. Good thing though, is there is an action to renumber all markers. Two actions, actually, doesn't matter which one you use. Let's take a look. So from here it's simplicity itself to make a custom insert marker action that first inserts the marker, then renumbers all the markers. That way your makers will always be in order.
  8. I'm near Chicago so we got dumped on. I spent most of the day shoveling, but my shoulder actually felt pretty good the next day. Most of the work I did with my other shoulder. Maybe some movement and a bit of work was good for it. I have a massage tomorrow and I'm trying to schedule an appointment with my doc, if I can ever get through the answering service. Shoulder is getting better, very slowly.
  9. Just some comments on these, Tactics Ogre is the embodiment of "just one more map". Before I knew it I had racked up almost 100 hours. Jesus Christ. Alan Wake was nonstop tension that I loved from beginning to end. You can fight, but enemies are so much stronger and faster than you. Plus the music selection between episodes was awesome. FTL... another "just another round" game. Hard as hell but you don't feel too bad starting over because it's so addictive. Dead Space, wish I had played it years ago given my love for RE4. The first two Arkhams, amazing adaptation of Batman's powers, especially the predatory stealth. Peace Walker, so much fun, I lay around for hours doing missions. If I ever get a PS3 I definitely want to get the HD collection and replay it.
  10. 7 reverbs? That's crazy, but maybe it gives him his unique sound, which is definitely wet. I'm not into impulse reverbs, I find them sterile and boring. But I'll use 2 or 3 reverbs occasionally when I need a very dense, wet sound.
  11. I can't think of much other than The Evil Within, because survival horror.
  12. It doesn't have to be games that were released in 2013, just ones you played for the first time last year. I actually played a lot of games that I really loved... one of the best years for me as far as that goes. Here's my list Dead Space 1/2 Darksiders 1/2 Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together Arkham Asylum/City Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Jeanne D'Arc Mario Galaxy Alan Wake Faster Than Light Shadow of the Colossus I played many more games but these were the standouts for me. No doubt you will laugh at how behind the curve I am with some, but staying current with games doesn't really concern me.
  13. Ok, star then. I mainly needed a reason to use that emoticon.
  14. Man this is super cool awesome. You should definitely submit it. Is there a download for this?
  15. Well it's been a month since I stopped exercising, two months total since I got the rotator cuff injury. Resuming exercising a week after getting it was really stupid on my part, no doubt delayed the recovery. Pain is getting better, but VERY slowly. I think I'm gonna try to get a referral to a PT, maybe they can speed up the process. At the least I would like advice on when I can resume some kind of normal strenth training. Obviously things like ring flies and handstand pushups are completely out of the question... tried the latter other day as a test, couldn't even do half a rep. So I still have a long way to go. Doubt I'm breaking news to anyone, but don't fuck around with joint problems.
  16. Steven Slate is my go to for rock and metal. Wait for a sale though.
  17. Good luck finding anyone experienced enough to be a mentor that has the time to spend on this.
  18. Also an unnatural meat-like product that is an affront to God and man.
  19. My goals are mostly fitness related. First and most important, heal this blasted rotator cuff problem, and make the shoulder stronger than it was before. Second, get a muscle up. 2014 will be the year of the muscle up. Obviously this is heavily dependent on the success of the first issue. Third, a whole year of working with the rings, cuz I really like them. Fourth, and this might be a ludicrous goal, but get a freestanding handstand. Music goals are much simpler, more OC remixes. Many more.
  20. I just realized that I actually have these days off work. Oh well. Mebbe next year.
  21. I'll be having a really boring Christmas. You're right that it doesn't feel like a few days from Christmas.
  22. Thing is, all of those libraries you mentioned put together don't cover the ground of Tari's stuff. That's why I wouldn't recommend them for a general purpose world library, but to round out your existing collection. The quality is second to none.
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