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Everything posted by Argle

  1. I get that dubstep isn't all wobbles. My problem is just getting that harmonically rich sound. It doesn't help that any dubstep bass presets in my synths are underwhelming, leading me further to believe this is some freaky dark art. I'm guessing that most of the guys with mad skills aren't making tutorial videos because this is their livelihood.
  2. If you read some of these books and can summarize what kind of useful information they provide, I'm sure that will be helpful to others.
  3. Cheers fella, I'll give it a watch.
  4. That definitely sounds good, not like a wimpy saw and some bit reduction. I will watch it carefully.
  5. Here's I was listening to in the car this morning. For mediocre bass sounds just search for wobble bass tutorial on youtube. Plenty of videos that convey the idea but don't have the thick, rich sound I associate with really good dubstep bass.
  6. So let's talk about dubstep bass. I've watched a lot of tutorials on making them, and most of the sounds produced are mediocre. I can't figure out what the pros use to get those really nasty, cutting, interesting textures. It's definitely not just a bunch of saws... whether it's FM, wavetable, additive, I don't know. So, yeah, just figured I'd open in up here in case anyone has advice on makin good dubstep bass.
  7. I naturally assumed the newbie judges became lazy like the old ones. You have to bring in more new judges than old timers, otherwise it just spreads to the newbies. That's just science.
  8. Hmm, a bit difficult to come up with examples. You should focus on making the drums and bass more groovy I think. The two of them together should form the basis of a solid low end that grooves along and blends with the other instruments, while your track feels like the drums are separate from the rest of the track. I don't think your current drum sounds are doing ya any favors. First things first ditch the reverb, sounds strange. Try a different kick sound, and maybe a snare rather than a clap. I'm not a fan of electronic claps 99% of the time, I think they sound too dated.
  9. Quick load is must-have for any Kontakt user, lets you create a patch structure just the way you want it with only the instruments you like. The only thing I don't like about quick load is the inability to cycle through patches in a quick load folder with the forward and back buttons, which instead cycles through patches in the source directory of the patch. Which defeats the purpose of me having this fancy-pants custom folder structure. Maybe someone can set me straight if I'm missing the obvious.
  10. Honestly, nothing sounds like it gels. The beat doesn't groove, it's just "there". There isn't really interplay between the drums and bass. The sounds are pretty generic and uninspiring, and feel like they all exist in their own space without regard for synergizing with the other sounds. The middle transition is pretty abrupt. There's nothing particular about the arrangement that hooks me. Sorry for the harsh review, but I believe this would need quite a bit of work to address the problems.
  11. I disagree. My Kirk Hunter brass and string libraries alone forced me to upgrade from 8 to 16gb. And KH is hardly the largest one. So 16gb for orchestral work is not out of the common sense realm at all.
  12. Has anyone mentioned Mixing Secrets For the Small Studio? It's good, check it out. It only deals with mixing though.
  13. So, the album is how much completed? What is the timetable people should be looking at? What tracks need to be done? What genres are you looking for? Seems like you're a bit light on specifics.
  14. I think you're going to be disappointed in this quest. Most people into computer music just teach themselves or cobble together tips over the years, so there's not a whole lot of curriculum compared to say, attending a music school for classical performance. If self learning and experimentation isn't working for you, not sure there is a bunch of books that will set you on the path.
  15. Wasn't "Wii U" a temporary name that they just never found a replacement for? I either heard that somewhere or am completely imagining it. Either way I think it's the worst console name yet, although Ouya gives it a run for the money.
  16. It surprised me to learn awhile back that the Gamecube did poorly. It has some of my favorite console games ever and has always been a success to me.
  17. XPRTnovice is into kinky stuff, you just ride him hard until he gives you what you need.
  18. What you say is very depressing, but I do believe there is much truth in it. It's why the idea of video game scoring has increasingly soured for me over the years, to the point where I don't want to do it.
  19. Antichamber will definitely be on my 2014 list. Who would think a world of puzzles and weird geometry could have such an effect on you.
  20. You really know how to tickle my sweet spot don't you, VSTBuzz?
  21. I have no interest in a game like this. TES was/is a great singleplayer experience, and it's unbecoming of the IP to see it reduced to this.
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