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Everything posted by Argle

  1. I'll be having a really boring Christmas. You're right that it doesn't feel like a few days from Christmas.
  2. Thing is, all of those libraries you mentioned put together don't cover the ground of Tari's stuff. That's why I wouldn't recommend them for a general purpose world library, but to round out your existing collection. The quality is second to none.
  3. Nope, never had issues with Engine. No dongle either. Also Eduardo has some Kontakt stuff as well, his accordion library is the bees knees. Additionally I would disagree that someone with ethnic instruments already should avoid his products, since none of them are general purpose, they're pretty specialized. For awesome ethnic instruments though Tari is the master.
  4. Best Service is having a 2-for-1 deal through Jan 12. If you want to get Eduardo Tarilonte's libraries (and you do), best to act.
  5. Congrats. Unfortunately, your days of remixing are most likely over.
  6. a really badass project would be to make a sliding tray for your MIDI keyboard. That way you free up a ton of desk space.
  7. They still have my rejected song in the judging list. Also passed songs (not mine) that have already been posted.
  8. Damn, you really are desperate to be a judge. If it's anything like politics, the people who seek office are the ones who should be kept far away from power.
  9. You're just as guilty as the others, with your "alleged" "Cid" "project".
  10. So, track folders are great for contiguous tracks, but if you want to group non-contiguous tracks you need a different solution. For this you can create a bus/submix/aux track. For definition's sake, I think of a submix as a bus routing where you turn off the Master/Parent send of the sending tracks. AKA a way to group tracks together to control with a single fader, or apply FX to the lot. While an aux track is routed in addition to the Master/Parent send. AKA the way you would set up a reverb bus. You want both the original signal and aux feed. So aux = keep Master/Parent send checked, submix = turn off Master/Parent send. First way to create a bus is manually do the routing. Works but is slow and laborious. A better way is to use the excellent SWS Cue Buss generator, found under the Extensions menu. Select the options you want and instant bus. Remember to turn off the Master/Parent sends for the tracks if creating a submix. Continuing to piece the puzzle together, the cue bus generator can be run as an action. This gets rid of the need to open the window. Now the real power starts to come in when you use a track template option in the cue bus generator. Allows for a more customized bus than a default track. With all these tools in place, an idea for a custom action begins to emerge. One that creates an aux or submix with minimal work. We need to - turn off the Master/Parent sends for the selected tracks (if creating a submix) - use a cue bus generator action on the selected tracks, perhaps with a bus track template we've created - open a dialog box to name the resulting bus See if you can create a really efficient action for bussing. You'll save loads of time in the long run.
  11. It's like that movie about the guy who ages in reverse.
  12. Folder/parent tracks are useful things, but you may wish you could group them together in the mixer, bus style. Well you can, and it's very simple. This doesn't change their placement in the arrange window.
  13. Mobile friendly would be much appreciated.
  14. Oh good, so we can expect the queue all caught up in say, a couple weeks?
  15. VSTs seem to react to different channel #s in unpredictable ways. I know it was a problem for me in Omnisphere, IIRC note channel overrides track routing, so it was like, wtf is going on here?? You would probably not encounter it recording or drawing MIDI, because the default is channel 01. So when you import a game MIDI and start having weird issues it's very annoying.
  16. Quick tip today, but you can swipe the mute, solo, and record arm buttons to quickly change of bunch of them at once. This can be done in both the arrange and mixer windows.
  17. Some first person games make me nauseous. Particularly the ones with pronounced up-and-down motion. Our brains kinda ignore that IRL, so first person games shouldn't overdo it. I've not played Skyrim but I never liked the first person view in Oblivion, I always used 3rd person.
  18. Well I won't have a track this time. I tried to do something djenty, but I couldn't really square it with making a conservative arrangement.
  19. I wonder how many PSP games have been retooled to make use of the second analog stick for camera movement.
  20. I'd say just try to take over the Road Rage project, since that one seems dead. However since there was minimal interest in that, not sure it will work for a new project.
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