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Everything posted by Argle

  1. Hmm, difficult to say cuz I usually don't buy games I expect to dislike. The one I can think of is The Witcher, prior to playing the demo I had only seen a pretty dismissive review by Yahtzee so I wasn't sure what I was gonna get, turned out to be one of my favorite RPGs ever.
  2. Any style you particularly want? I will bust my ass to get it done in a timely fashion if you let me have it, as it's one of the few Cid themes I'm familiar with.
  3. You're certainly not doing it wrong with Reaper. As for cans, people like Zircon use them to great effect. Depends if you can deal with ear fatigue.
  4. If you're one of the people who can mix in headphones, dog bless. It causes extreme ear fatigue for me and I end up making bad decisions.
  5. Here's a track that Skolar originally wrote, the ubiquitous . I offered to record some violin for it and ended up replacing the instrument sounds on it and tweaking the arrangement. I'm quite fond of the way it turned out.Did a Hedgehog Just Come Through Here?
  6. Speakers are very important, but also keep in mind room treatment is another piece of the puzzle.
  7. Coming along nicely. I tried an Angry Aztec remix like 6 months ago, but I came up pretty dry. I still have the project file but idk if I will be revisiting it. Glad someone gave this source some attention.
  8. Yeah, that sax is a great addition. The drums feel kind of monotonous in places, give them more fills and stuff and I think this could easily pass the judges.
  9. Work quickly. Don't listen to the drum track over and over for an hour, you'll get sick of it. Use broad brush strokes initially, and if you can't get a finished product right away set it aside and come back later. Move on to something else in the track, and when you get stuck there, revisit the drums for a bit. My drum tracks usually evolve over the course of the song's production. I had your problem for years, and the thing that fixed it for me was taking a more detached view of my tracks, and learning to move quickly and jump to a different section if I sense myself getting bogged down.
  10. Diablo 2 - find all the sets/uniques in single player. I should probably be committed for even having tried it. I came damn close. But never again.
  11. I'm really diggin the vibe you got here but the sampled viola/violin makes me cringe. It's the note transitions that always ruin violin samples. PM me if you want a live violin.
  12. I don't share WIPs unless I'm sending them to someone I'm collaborating with, because I see no reason to post unfinished work. I guess I might post a WIP if I was stuck, but that hadn't happened in years.
  13. well best of luck in your search. Not sure yurr going to find anything useful, but I hope you do.
  14. You're not going to find any. The people you look up to didn't read books about using samples either. They just practiced. A lot. I don't think the sounds in that first track you linked to are particularly good, but the composition and arrangement is. Imma be honest, I don't think books in general are a substitution for critical listening and practice. I've read a number of books on composition and arrangement, and they didn't really help much. It's when I listen, dissect, and practice that I've seen the most gains.
  15. I'd like to tentatively express interest in Moo Moo Farm. I have an idea for a wholly inappropriate styled remix.
  16. I got a bit of a start on Requiem of Spirit. Too many WIPs in the works. I wish I didn't have to waste 8 hours a day sleeping. If someone else has already gotten it I understand. I think I'll continue this one regardless.
  17. I love this. I think it could be mixed better, but maybe that would ruin the olde timey charm.
  18. I don't have the problem of most people here, needing to lose weight. Quite the opposite. But I'm looking to gain some solid muscle, which given my speedy metabolism, has been incredibly hard so far. It pisses me off. Still Imma work out as often as possible and see what I can do. Oh and I'm going to try to make at least 1 remix a month, given the fact I'm really bored with original music shouldn't be hard to do.
  19. Do something worthwhile. Hasn't happened yet, but hope springs eternal.
  20. Updated, the kick was waaay too loud and I didn't notice it until I listened in the car.
  21. I heard this song the other week and was filled with a compulsion to remix it. It's kind of electro house. Dreamland Dance Party
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