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Everything posted by Argle

  1. I honestly didn't realize this many VGM-related albums were released in a single year.
  2. Very energetic track, I'm diggin it. Something I wasn't too crazy about, and this is a personal preference, once the chip sounds came in they seemed too loud and forward and made the beat seem less powerful.
  3. I thought I recognized that patch. I've never found a use for it, but it makes sense here. Anyway, I think this idea is worth pursuing, maybe with more triphop beat.
  4. Sounds kind of interesting but the deadline is way too fast for me. Good luck though.
  5. A picture is worth a thousand words, so... Assuming you have multiple outputs configured.
  6. Reaper fulfills all your requirements.
  7. You can do it in kontakt with groups, but it's a total pain in the ass. Commercial drum libraries like Steven Slate have done the hard work for you. Drum sampler software usually makes it a lot easier than Kontakt.
  8. There's a distinct lack of low end power. Most of the stuff in the low mids is just indistinct sonics. The kick is pretty wimpy and I'm not sure if that saw sound counts as a bass. Most of the synth sounds kind of blend together, imo they need some EQ refinement. Beefing up the low end could help in this regard too, the mix is pretty mid range heavy now.
  9. Yeah, I was looking for the glitching. Good start, keep plugging away. Yay for DK64 love.
  10. I'm glad I picked up most of the kontakt EW stuff back in the day. I've avoided dongles so far, and most people agree that PLAY consumes more CPU than Kontakt. Although, there are a few products that tempt me, like Stormdrum 2. But every time I get to the checkout page and it tells me to add an iLok, I always have second thoughts. Dunno why I keep forgetting this.
  11. Honestly, it sounds like a lot of wubs over an unchanging chiptune-esque backing. It's like the source is a complete afterthought, something you put in the background while you were testing out your production effects. Sorry.
  12. Kontakt VSL doesn't have ensemble woodwinds or as many articulations as EWQL. Doesn't have as much percussion either. Also the brass is kind of wimpy. On the other hand, Kontakt is the nexus for loads of third party libraries, so it's definitely useful to have. And there are times when dry orchestral sounds fit in a mix much better. My honest opinion, I say get them both. They complement each other nicely.
  13. Can't go wrong with Steven Slate drums for rock and metal.
  14. Can't listen right now, but do you own Kontakt? That has orchestral sounds from Vienna. With that in mind, EWQL would give you a broader palette of sounds.
  15. Actually these days I rarely use EWQL, I prefer sounds that are dry. It really comes down to the sound you want. Don't worry, no matter which product you buy GAS will afflict ya and you'll buy more stuff.
  16. What I personally like the EWQL sound on is the strings and brass, and some of the deeper and mid percussion. Solo woodwinds and lighter percussion like glockenspiel, not so much. Ymmv
  17. I just got back into game arrangements this summer after not doing em for years and years.
  18. Well, you can adjust the release of the sounds, which helps somewhat, but the reverb is baked into the samples so they'll always have the big hall sound. Alternately, if you buy the Platinum version you get the close mic samples. And re Vienna, just tweak the verb to taste. If you don't have a good one, Valhalla Room is the easy and obvious choice.
  19. I only own EWQL, and the thing to be aware of is the samples are drenched in hall reverb. Try using them in a context other than big orchestral and they can sound really weird and disconnected. OTOH, if you like that big recording space sound, you have it available with no work. Vienna is dry, so while you'll want a good reverb, you can tweak exactly how much depth to give the sounds.
  20. Yeah just enjoy the ride. Eventually you'll have your own sound, even if you don't realize it.
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