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Everything posted by SirChadlyOC

  1. I was wondering the exact same thing. I'm planning on getting this game for Christmas, and I'm hoping the woman will enjoy it as much as Mario Party, except this time I'll actually want to play too.
  2. Well then, it's fine. Do it to it, then play the Wii version, and we'll see you sometime after that until Fire Emblem comes out for DS. I was kicked off the server last night after only 17 minutes or so, but it's because I have a new kitten who likes to walk and sleep on my keyboard. I was playing with half a keyboard for a while, until he moved and hit F10. Needless to say, F10 does actually mute obnoxious players.
  3. Yeah, the conducting would be much cooler if there were more than 5 songs you can conduct. And if you could effectively conduct in 4 instead of 1. I tried the drumset today using the Wii balance board, and I got my ass kicked. I am a sucky drummer. I suppose that's a good sign that it's a good feature, though. Too bad it doesn't do multiplayer too much.
  4. We had a fun moment last night when we all simultaneously played with our least-used class. Joseki is still good, even as heavy, but the rest of us sucked. It was kind of neat to play against of bunch of sucky people again, except I was also too sucky to dominate. ALSO: I totally remember that House of the Dead 2 game and its crappy voice acting. I think I even recognized your name from it, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I just had the crappy voice in my head.
  5. I just posted my big review of Wii Music in the Wii Music thread. It's fun, but I feel constrained by not being able to play the notes I want to play, and by the inaccurate rhythms caused by the Wiimote.
  6. I played this game for about 2 hours last night. It's kind of fun to tool around on for a bit, but there's really not enough depth to this game. I'm very curious to try this with 4 people though. In-depth review: I was disappointed to learn that there are only 3 ways to play each instrument: like a piano, like a clarinet, and like a violin (which is used the least). I was hoping for more variety. although they claim that there are over 60 instruments, it feels like there are only about 8: piano, drums, silly percussion, brass, woodwind, string, bass instruments, and funny sounds. They actually have many variations of these types of instruments, but the sound quality on each is pretty horrible. The instruments all sound like Midi files and not orchestrated instruments, which makes the overall sound less appealing, which makes the entire game less appealing. Also, the Wiimote is too inaccurate to really play the rhythms exactly how you want to play them, which leads me to get so angry that I frustratedly shake the controller until all you hear is something worthy of OLR. Playing the rhythm and bass lines yourself (instead of by a computer-controlled "tune") really just makes the whole piece wacky because you can't keep time accurately enough. As for picking your notes, you really can't. It's pretty frustrating that I hear the note I want to play in my head, but the game picks a different note. It feels pretty limiting considering it's such an open-ended game (in theory). The minigames are all totally sweet though, but I wish they were perfected and much longer. Unfortunately, there are only 5 songs for 2 of the 3 minigames, which suddenly makes them rather worthless. On the other hand, a fully fleshed-out version of these games would be worth purchasing. It kind of feels like I downloaded a demo of Wii Music, and the full version is coming out later. The Handbells minigame, for example, let's you read music exactly as if you were playing in a handbell orchestra. (I've actually played handbells for several years, and it works pretty well, except the Wiimote is a bit too sensitive, which causes miscues.) I bet it would be tons of fun with 4 players. It helps that you can set the tempo and even make it more complex. The maestro minigame finally allows me to conduct an orchestra like they've been promising me since the old man in the original Wii demos. But unlike for the old man, all you need to do is wave the Wiimote up and down, not conduct in actual time. Conducting in 1 is actually really boring, and you're not really sure what you did wrong that prevents you from getting higher scores, but the basic idea is a blast. It's too bad that it's not more hardcore. The Pitch Perfect minigame is fun until it's quickly over. It's not much of a challenge until 3/4s of the way through, and even most people on here would say it was still easy at that point. Summary: The game is probably a blast for 5-year-olds who still love bashing pans together just for the sake of loud noises. But for the rest of us, playing the instruments just isn't fulfilling enough to make you want to come back for more. The funny thing is, after all the bad things I've said about the game, I still want to own it so I can show it to my family during the holidays. I want to play 4-player handbells with the rest of my musically-talented family, but I don't know how much more we would enjoy the game after that. I'd guess the game is insanely fun with 4 players, but only for and hour. I'd pay $20 for that hour of fun, but not $50.
  7. The best part about this song is easily the great use of dynamics. Especially in electronic music (as opposed to live orchestrated music) it's way too easy to create an entire song with no change in volume whatsoever. On the other side, some orchestrated music can have too far of a dynamic range, so that when the orchestra is playing quietly, certain instruments and counter melodies are almost inaudible. Then, of course, they play the loud part too loud, leaving it distorted, and certain instruments and melodies are drowned out by other parts and melodies. I love the dynamics in this arrangement because the range is significant without being excessive, and the overall effectiveness really shows off the emotion of the music. Great work, Ryan, and condolences for your loses. Thank you for sharing this with us!
  8. You're right. Gman killing someone with a sentry gun? That doesn't belong at all. You really are having problems with your video card.
  9. Thank you for adding some intelligence to this thread, DS. I'm gonna stop by GameStop on my way home from work and see if they have any official info from corporate yet as to when/how they are shipping the games back. DETAILS TO COME!
  10. I didn't know how to answer the question, "What is your favorite ReMix?" I've always been discouraged from that line of thinking.
  11. BTW, Welcome to the OCR forums! Enjoy your stay! I am going to be playing less TF2. I might still get on occasionally, but it's just not as fun for me as it used to be. I think I finally burned myself out. On the plus side, I can finally start playing those other games I've paid for a long time ago, such as Okami, Disgaea, No More Heroes, the Japanese Elite Beat Agents, Trauma Center 2, and so on, etc. Server idea: Perhaps we should bring back / reinforce official game times and dates? I really miss when lots of OCR people would show up at the same time, as opposed to "I wonder if anyone's on right now..."
  12. WOW. At work (GameStop), we already have our Little Big Planets in. They are street dated, so they are sitting in a stack in the back room. It'll be really awkward put those back in a box and ship them out again
  13. I can't believe this topic turned all "I WANTZ POKAMON KINGDOM OR WHATEVS." Other people have actually heard about this? Another selling point: the game is $40 retail right now. Also, because it probably won't sell to the mostly uninformed Wii audience, it'll probably drop in price soon. I'd guess shortly after the holidays; either that or sweet Black Friday-type sales. I agree with The Damned. I think the DS's library looks much sweeter these days. However, the Wii Shop channel has been ridiculous as of late, and I think Wii point cards will be sweet gifts to receive. I haven't downloaded anything since Startropics came out, so I'm looking forward to Strong Bad, Mega Man 9, Tetris Party, and a bunch of other stuff I haven't even heard of yet.
  14. I just realized that Cave Story =/= Maple Story. That's a very big mistake to make. Suddenly, I'm looking forward to this. On the Nintendo Channel this week, I watched some videos of Wii Music. They were pretty interesting, but I doubt that many musically talented people will like it. Regarding this game, I've gone from "Oh Sweet!" to "ehhh" to "sweet!" and now back to "ehhh." After reading a bunch of reviews when this comes out, hopefully I'll be set on one of these. GAME TO WATCH FOR: Dokapon Kingdom Horrible name, horrible box art, no marketing. But alas, Nintendo Power gives it an 8.5 this issue. It appears to be a role-playing board game made by Atlus. Sounds interesting, eh? I hope to check this game out sometime and see for myself.
  15. Oh that's right, I knew that. ON-TOPIC: I have a new theory. I think the [ZUZ] guys are keeping the number of people in the server low because people get frustrated and leave. I also hate that when spectating a sniper, the aiming reticule is WAY off. It makes it much harder to check for hacking when every shot (from n00b or expert) looks like a lucky shot. I bet it looks like I'm hacking when I snipe, except I kind of suck at it.
  16. Ha ha ha ha. Ahem. You should probably try remod, AIM, STEAM, or something else. Welcome back! I think you'll find the server to still have too few people on when you want to play.
  17. Double Dragon III (NES) was my first, at least from what I can remember. But it may have been River City Ransom. bLiNd Super Metroid Album? Should be well over nine thousaaand.
  18. I've tried to reset my stats before, and you can't. You used to be able to, but I believe it doesn't work anymore. I think Steam removed that option during the goldrush update, if I remember correctly. EDIT: Speaking of updates, the TF2 blog updated yesterday. From my interpretation of the headline, "Git along there, little doggies," is that Engineer is the next class to receive an update. Could be very interesting because he has 5 "weapons" compared to every class that's been updated so far, which has 3. (That includes building and destroying.) Anyone wanna make any predictions? I'm guessing there will be offensive types of buildings that you can build instead of the regular ones. These will build extremely fast, but are weaker and cause less damage. Another guess is that the buildings will have more health, but are less offensive/effective. Also, maybe an "anti-spy" wrench that does more melee damage (especially to spies?) or swings faster but builds objects more slowly and/or puts less metal into sentries per hit. I also wonder about some type of Engy sandvich (An acoustic guitar maybe?) that allows you to resupply metal anywhere but prohibits movement. Maybe it'll sacrifice health for metal? Anyone else got any ideas?
  19. Thanks for giving us the heads up that this is still alive, though. We just wanted to make sure there was still progress being made.
  20. Yeah that was 5 minutes of my life I really wish I had back. It ruined all of my stats. That was back when you needed every achievement to unlock the ubersaw. Incidentally, they changed it THE DAY AFTER I GOT IT. Ugh. I haven't been to an achievement map since.
  21. OK OK OK I got one: I'd like to see this sometime, or Shael Riley for judge. Pick one. EDIT: This album needs more Scene and Vibe to be allowed on OCR.
  22. http://steamcommunity.com/id/sirchadlyoc/stats/TF2 I have no excuses other than I work a shitty retail job for minimum wage, and I need to relieve stress when I get home at 10 p.m.
  23. Fixed for accuracy. I wonder if Jordan has the torrent up? Might be faster.
  24. I'd be interested, except I cry like a little girl when trying to play survival-horror games. Also, GameStop sells this for $30, and they still find a way to justify paying their employees minimum wage. Neko pays his employees $12 an hour. I approve of his method.
  25. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR!! I am not interesting in buying a DSi. Possibly if it were $130, but I'm sure it'll be $200 in the U.S. because of our current economy. Have they even announced a U.S. release for this? I think it might be marginally successful in Japan, but very doubtful here... ALSO: Can I have free Wii points now? Like as part of McDonald's Monopoly game or perhaps under Pepsi bottle caps or something? Please? Like 50 points at a time? Even 10 maybe? I'll buy your products, I promise!
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